

2006-11-16 11:33:58 未知

The Visual Joins the City

  2006年12月2日,由上海证大现代艺术馆和中央美术学院主办的“连城诀——新都市中的视觉创造”展将在上海证大现代艺术馆开幕。展览以“上海”这个平台为起点,从里弄文化、海派作风、拜物主义、小资情怀的视觉风景一路走来。随着展线的延伸渐渐模糊城市的界限,扩张到所有都市化生存的普遍性:聚焦浮躁焦虑的心态、疯狂的生活节奏、无休无止的流动性、身份认同的危机、城市化进程的侵略性、动漫化的生存、对幸福的置疑等一系列社会现实。最终回归内心世界,那里有对自然、和谐的向往,对内心情感的探索、互相沟通的需要、反传统反权威的姿态、个人私密体验的公开化。  本次展览也标志着中央美术学院艺术管理教育基地硕士研究生主要课程班的处女航。2005年11月11日是一个值得纪念的日子,中央美术学院建校80年来首次走出北京,与民营美术馆合作,在上海证大现代艺术馆挂牌成立了中央美术学院艺术产业与艺术管理教育基地,双方通过整合各自优势资源,联合打造艺术管理专业的“黄埔军校”,为中国和国际艺术产业培养一流的专业管理人才。经过一年多的成长,学员们将为我们呈现一份精彩的成绩单。  我们身处的这个城市里,隐藏着什么不为人知的隐秘?我们所看见的光怪陆离背后,蕴含着怎样的奇珍异宝?我们遭遇的所有麻烦和不安,是否处在一种强大的阴谋之中?  我们不提供答案。  答案就在我们身边。敏锐、真诚而果敢的艺术家们,在第一时间记录这些蛛丝马迹,并以他们各自的方式,最终呈现在你面前。如果说这个城市真有什么宝藏,那么我们相信,你即将看到的这一切,就可算得上是其中之一。  “连城诀”,可以是一个连城的秘密,也可以是一片连城的宝藏,还可以是一场连城的阴谋,或是一条联结所有城市的通道。而真正的通道,就在你眼前,通往你心中唯一的答案。  “Lian Cheng Jue-Visual Creativity in New Urban” is opening on 2nd Dec, 2006 at Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art. It is presented by Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art and the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Centered around city of Shanghai, the exhibition meanders through a series of experiences: from Nongtang culture, Shanghai style, materialism and petit bourgeois sentiment. As the exhibition proceeds, the boundary of Shanghai becomes blurred to include social realities common in cities all over the world: anxiety, insatiable desire, maddening pace of life, moving from one city to another with neither start nor ending, doubt in self-identity, economic and cultural aggression, apathy in reality and pursuit of virtual existence, uncertainty towards happiness. The exhibition returns to the realm of the heart, where resides longing for nature and harmony, spiritual exploration of the soul, the need for communication, courage against the authority and tradition, and turning private experiences public.  This exhibition is the first curated by the M.A. class in art management and administration (Shanghai) at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). Since 11th Nov, 2005, CAFA and Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art (Zendai MOMA) joined forces to establish a training ground for art management and administration to train the next generation of art management experts for local and international art world. After its first year, the students will present to us their outstand results.  What secrets are hidden in the city? What’s treasures are buried in the city? What conspiracies are in the city?   We don’t provide the answers.  The answer is right next to us. “Lian Cheng Jue” can be a tunnel that links up all cities. But the one leading to the true answer in your heart is right in front of you.  展览信息  展览名称:连城诀——新都市中的视觉创造  主 办:上海证大现代艺术馆/中央美术学院  策 划:中央美术学院艺术产业与艺术管理硕士研究生主要课程班(上海)2005级  艺术总监:沈其斌  指导老师:余丁 皮力  工作团队(以姓氏笔画为序):  丁逸 王旻瑚 王瑾 左文娟 冯海鸥 乔志斌 许建晖 李易澄 肖敏 苏敏罗 吴慧剑 周子涵 杨华 金阙 段一民 胡菁 贾布 袁丽丽 海若 童靓  时 间:2006年12月2日~12月28日  地 点:上海证大现代艺术馆  开 幕 式:2006年12月2日14:00  网 址:www.artzl.com  Introduction  Name: Lian Cheng Jue-Visual Creativity in New Urban  Present by: Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art/China Central Academy of Fine Arts  Curators: All the students from M.A. class of main courses in art management and administration (Shanghai) of China Central Academy of Fine Arts  Art Director: Shen Qibin  Adviser Tutor: Yu Ding, Pi Li  Work Group (Sort by alphabet): Ding Yi, Duan Yimin, Feng Haiou, Hairuo, Hu jing, Jia Bu, Jin Que, Li Yicheng, Qiao Zhibin, Su Minluo, Tong Liang, Wang Jin, Wang Minhu, Wu Huijian, Xiao Min, Xu Jianhui, Yang Hua, Yuan Lili, Zhou Zihan, Zuo Wenjuan  Date: 2nd, Dec. ~ 28th, Dec.2006  Venue: Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art  Opening: 14:00, 2nd, Dec. 2006  Website: www.artzl.com




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