Shenzhen will Hold “2007 Contemporary Oil Painting Invited Exhibition”
2007-04-27 13:46:08 未知
“Resonance-2007 Contemporary Oil Painting Invited Exhibition”, which was organized by Shenzhen art museum, co-organized by Shijiazhuang contemporary art museum will be held on April 30, 2007 in Shenzhen art museum. The exhibition will close on May 13, and will replace to Shijiazhuang art museum during the period from May 28 to June 28.This exhibition focuses its attention on great artists from Guangzhou and Wuhan. It is entitled “Resonance”to show the inner relationship between the artists of the two different art fields.However, it means more than that, for instance, it also express the “Resonance”between traditional paintings and new forms of art; contemporary art and social life, traditional Chinese culture and western thoughts etc.The artists who participated in this exhibition are: Fang Shaohua, Deng Jianjin, Shi Lei, Xiao Feng, Li Bangyao, Yang Guoxin, Yuan Xiaofang, Xu Wentao, Guo Zhengshan and Wei Guangqing.
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