
Post Cards from Heaven Exhibition of Tantric Paintings by Gian Paolo Barberis

2007-11-08 11:01:14 Jai Datt

The exhibition opens on Nov 11- 16, 2007, about Gian Paolo Barberis's abstract paintings with bright color.Gian Paolo Barberis said,"These paintings are the ultimate step of a long journey into myself,which started officially 33 years ago. My art is my soul trip and vice versa. Painting was and is the way to reach and to be always connected with my Self and from Him take nourishment and help in any difficult path of this long journey. A trip from darkness to the light of our inner center, from where everything starts and where everything ends, in a comprehensive work, life after life.These paintings are meditations. I just report from my journey what I have seen in me at the end and I offer it as "postcards from Heaven". God is Light and Love spreading Light and Love in every creature. The duty is find Him and be happy forever. This kind of expression is called in India Tantra art: art to reach consciousness, known since thousand years as a way to be full time in inner communication with Self.The artist is a channel of his Self communications, a spiritual traveler, and a seeker of his inner Truth. Knowing it means be totally free. The aim of his artistic expression is to remember who you really are, never forget, and go on and on and grow like a tree. And might be... it can help other travelers? I offer this exhibition, my first in China, to the One who helped me during my journey".




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