The Future's so Bright They Gotta Wear Shades
2009-06-10 09:56:41 未知
Through the Eyes of a Child No. 13 (Obama's Dream) 2008, acrylic
Caught up in the current interest in Chinese art, the Byron C. Cohen Gallery For Contemporary Art is currently exhibiting ten striking acrylic paintings by Beijing artist Deng Wushu.
In the upper gallery, each of the colossal canvases features a child wearing sunglasses. Shown in the highly reflective lenses are the presumed subjects of the youths’ gaze and the narrative details that drive these images.
The world these children appear to perceive is innocent and hopeful. “Through the Eyes of a Child No. 13 (Obama’s Dream),” for instance, epitomizes this. Against a deep blue sky containing the celebratory ascent of balloons, a little boy smiles as he witnesses the message of change represented by Obama’s reflection in one lens and the American flag in the other.
These canvases might also be seen as working against feelings of optimism since they offer an external world reflected in mirrors that hide the eyes of children rather than depict an internal world of beauty in those eyes.
But the smiling faces and bright colors make a strong case for the idea that things are looking up.
Deng Wushu: Works from China
May 15-September 25
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