2009-09-24 15:22:22 未知
陈永杰,男,香港上市公司Dynamic Holding Limited的行政总裁,曾任美国旧金山海洋银行总裁。他对于中国古代艺术非常热爱,主要收藏明清两代陶瓷和绘画,尤其热衷于收藏明代家具、竹刻以及古代书斋文玩。陈永杰是香港收藏团体“敏求精舍”的重要成员、香港东方陶瓷学会”会员和台湾收藏团体“清玩雅集”的会员。
Dr. chan is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynamic Holding Limited, a property
development company publicly listed in Hong Kong and formerly the President of
Oceanic Bank in San Francisco, USA.He is a profound lover of Art and Chinese antiquity. He collected some "Ming" & "Ching" ceramics and paintings , "Ming" furniture , bamboo carvings and objects from the Scholar's Studio.Dr. chan is a member of the Ming Chiu Society (敏求精舍)and the OrientalCeramic Society (东方陶瓷学会)lof Hong Kong. He is also a member of the Chinq wan society (清翫雅集) of Taiwan.
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