
Travel for 11071.9600114143km in 92.258 hours without constraint of time difference

2010-09-19 13:35:10 未知

Travel for 11071.9600114143km in 92.258 hours without constraint of time difference
——“Time X”, Liu Guangyun Solo Exhibition in Linda Gallery

On Sep 18, 2010, hosted by Linda Gallery, and assisted by Himalayas Art Museum, “Time X – Liu Guangyun Solo Exhibition” was opened in Linda Gallery. Shen Qibin is the academic director of this exhibition.

“Time X” is an extension of time difference, making the watchers suspect and reject the objective phenomenon formed due to time and space discrepancy. No.11 Von Behring Street, Kempen, Germany and No.12, Lane 1589, Jufeng Road, Shanghai are two home addresses for artist in 19 years. During that period, he travelled back and forth for countless times by air without exception. The jet lag, created by the speed of airplane and rotation of the earth, brought plenty of troubles to Liu Guangyun, and caused the uncertainty of time and distance to him. Therefore, Liu Guangyun found a substantial route on the ground connecting these two locations. Starting from the door of his house, every single country, city and street passing through were accurately included in this route. Its length is 11071.9600114143 km. After the route is confirmed, the background of earth was erased to eliminate the possibility of going ashtray. Consequently, this real road was transferred to an abstract and simple line. Therefore, it became irrelevant to the others except artist. It takes 92.258 hours to complete this route which is virtually formed yet based on precise and factual data.

 This time, the artist used his own flying experience as the entry point of his work, connecting his address in Germany with the one in Shanghai, using network technology. Eventually artist dissociated all the realistic background from artwork, keeping only the driving track presented by the means of a line. This squirmy line erased almost all the exterior relations except for the connection and significance to the artist. However, it is the vivid life experience and mental journey of the artist for the recent two decades.

Shen Qibin believes that “Time X” is the most fundamental time concept, which is precisely understandable by those who frequently take international travels. Its scientific name is the difference of mean solar time and apparent solar time or time difference between distinct time zones. Apparently, time difference means more than just a time concept to a person, moreover it is the physical and emotional reaction brought by jet lag. If we put this concept into the context of a period, it reflects the change and discrepancy of culture, history and value. Meanwhile, “X” is a very meaningful unknown number in mathematics, which can be assumed as anything. “X” can also be considered as the denial of an object, phenomenon, or statement, representing a judgment and attitude. It is the sign and label of rejection.

Liu Guangyun is graduated from Central Academy of Arts and Design and lives in Shanghai and Mainz, Germany. In this exhibition, artist creatively applied highly sophisticated science and technology to his art creation, bringing a brand new power of art. Meanwhile, artist made use of the specific space design of Linda Gallery to present the new visual perception with multiple possibilities, making the watchers fit themselves in this exhibition atmosphere even before entering the exhibition hall.

Time X
Academic Director: Shen Qibin
Exhibition Venue: Linda Gallery (Beijing)
Exhibition Duration: Sep 18th, 2010 – Oct 17th, 2010
Opening: 3:00PM, Sep 18th, w010




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