2015-11-06 16:14:20 未知
徐钢于美国哥伦比亚大学取得博士,现为美国伊利诺大学(香槟校区)东亚研究系系主任、教授、国际知名策展人。他策划了多个重要的国内和国际展览,包括《偏看:无意识的中国当代艺术》(2012年9月北京伊比利亚当代艺术中心), 《薛松与新海派绘画》(2013年4月新加坡现代艺术中心),《幻真的宇宙:钟飙个展》(2013年5月威尼斯双年展),《方力钧2013》(2013年10月北京泉艺术中心), 《不期而遇/Encounters: 三亚艺术季国际艺术大展》(2013年12月三亚),《中国式波普》(2015年2月旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆)等等。他的主要专著有《中国景:当代中国电影》(2007)、《世界通俗文化丛书》(2007;Ray and Pat Browne 最佳图书奖)、《齐泽克跨文化读本》(2011)、《张晓刚:困扰的记忆》(2015),同时在国际学术期刊和重要学术集刊发表论文多篇,并获得2012年度美国人文基金会(NEH)重大研究奖项。
Dr. Gary Xu is a professor, art curator, and translator based in the US. He is a professor of Chinese studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. A native of Nanjing, he earned a doctorate from Columbia University (2002) and has written extensively on Chinese art, film, literature, and critical theories. In addition to numerous articles, he has written or edited seven books that include: Zhang Xiaogang: Disquieting Memories (2015; co-author, with Jonathan Fineberg), The Cross-cultural Zizek Reader (2011), Sinascape: Contemporary Chinese Cinema (2007), and Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Popular Culture (2007). He was awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship in 2012. His recent curatorial credits include Looking Awry: The Unconscious in Contemporary Chinese Art (Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, September 2012), The Universe of Unreality: Zhong Biao’s Visions (The Venice Project, 55th Venice Biennale, June 2013), Fang Lijun 2013 (Springs Center of Art, Beijing, October 2013), Art Sanya (Sanya, November 2013), and China Pop (Asian Heritage Museum, San Francisco, February 2015).
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