2015-12-02 16:40:02 未知
近日英国木版教育信托 (原欧洲木版基金会)对“2015 木版教育信托木版奖”细则进行了一些补充,包括获奖者可应邀赴英举办画展以及延长了报名截止日期(2015年12月10日)等。另外有同学反映投稿信件被拒,为此信托更新了报名邮箱:mubanaward@gmail.com (请发信索要报名表)。2014 木版奖有三位同学作品为大英博物馆永久收藏。今年报名仍然有同样机会。 The Muban Educational Trust Woodblock Printmaking Award:
中国是木版画的发源地,为了纪念这一发明以及鼓励中国学生创作木版画,木版教育信托拟设立年度木版奖。奖金用于奖励最能创造性与革新性地运用木刻版画的中国学生。教育信托将从提交作品图片选出提名资格10人,并从中选出获奖者2人,获奖者每人或领取2,000英镑(或相当于2000英镑的等值人民币)的奖金,或由信托操作将奖金用于获奖者赴牛津Sinolink Gallery 举办个展,包括国际往返机票及5天食宿费用。并颁发木版教育信托获奖证明。获得入选提名资格的学生将会收到正式的木版教育信托木版奖入选提名证明(本届将会包括2015年应届毕业生的作品)。
China invented woodblock printmaking. In recognition of this fact and to encourage Chinese students to study and practice woodblock printmaking, the Trust has decided to create two annual Woodblock Printmaking Awards. In 2015, the two Award winners will be drawn from a shortlist of the best10 applicants and will each receive the prize of £2,000 GBP (or equivalent in Chinese RMB) for the most creative and innovative use of woodblock printmaking seen in the work presented to the judges. The remaining 8 shortlisted applicants will receive a formal notification from the Trust of their status as runners up for the award(This year the award will apply to the work of those who graduated in 2015).
申请人要求: 中华人民共和国境内各美术学院或综合院校版画专业2015年夏季应届本科、硕士或博士毕业生,在读硕士研究生与博士研究生 (本届评选不包括在读本科生作品)。
Who may apply for the Award: Students of Chinese nationality from within the People’s Republic of China completing the final year of an undergraduate or postgraduate course where woodblock printmaking is a major element are eligible to apply. Students may apply from any third level institution.
有意参加此奖评选的同学可发电子邮件到mubanaward@gmail.com 索要申请表和申请细则。申请截止日期为2015年12月10日。
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