

2017-04-20 14:50:11 未知

  2000年, 深圳画院率先在全国画院中推行“客座画家”制度。客座画家所聘任的对象是海内外以及港澳台地区(不含深圳本地)从事视觉艺术创作的专业人士。迄今为止,已有来自欧、亚、非、北美、南美、港台和国内23个国家37个地区共60余位艺术家,在我院创作、研究、交流、展览。

  刘易斯·思·枫先生(Luis Sei Fong)与玛利亚·卡洛琳·方塔拉女士(María Carolina Fontana)两位艺术家来自遥远的国度——乌拉圭。他们飞行大半个地球,辗转数十小时,在美好的春天三月里,来到深圳,感受中国的魅力。文化就如大树,虽然可以枝叶婆娑,使我们可以彷徨乎逍遥其侧,亦可以投下巨大阴影,让我们难辨其形状,不别其本末。更何况当不同文化其各自的阴影相互叠加时,身处其中的我们,就如同在夜里,只能感觉到自己的存在,而不见自己的形貌了。

  文化又如同冬天里那静静倚伏在窗格上的冰花,不同环境会有不同形状。拉丁美洲的文艺自有其别然的样貌。近代以来,拉美的各种独立运动,复杂的人种构成,松散的社会组织,使得拉美人更重以文学、艺术来实现自我之发见与精神之独立,因此他们喜爱以日常生活入画。再加之拉美人天生热情,因此更注重表达自我感受,更强调展现个人思考。刘易斯的绘画简洁、明快;线条雀跃,色彩斑斓;结构虽较疏朗放逸,而画意跃然纸上,别有一番表现主义的意味,画面气氛空灵而轻快,感觉内敛而热情。轻快与热情,这或许与刘易斯早年学习印象派油画有关,而空灵与内敛,则或出于他曾向张大千的学生学习过现代水墨的一段因缘。玛利亚的绘画精密、深思。她十分喜爱“超写实主义(surrealism)”的油画风格,特别是玛格丽特(René Magritte)那种如哲学、谜语般的艺术倾向。在她的油画作品中,刻画着各种异常写实、细致细密的人或物,以此来表达她那些经验中的思考,与思考中的感悟。





  María Carolina Fontana简介:

  2006-. Being part of Cadenas & Cabrera’s Atelier and Drawing & Painting School./卡迪纳斯与卡布雷拉工作室,及绘画学校。

  2011-2016. Studying at Universidad de la República, Fine Arts College./共和国大学,艺术学院。

  2013. Exhibition at B’nai B’rith Filial Oriental, Visual Arts Showroom, Montevideo, Uruguay./参加展览“东方孝道”,视觉艺术展览馆,蒙得维的亚,乌拉圭。

  2015-. Studying for the Degree in Cultural Management at Claeh./乌拉圭克莱研究院,文化管理专业。

  2015. Oil painting exhibition at the Flores’ Department Cultural Centre, Flores, Uruguay./参加油画艺术展,佛洛瑞斯文化中心,佛洛瑞斯,乌拉圭。

  2016. Degree in Graphic Design Bios Institute./比奥斯学院,平面设计专业。

  2016. Cultural and Artistic residence program in São Paulo, Brazil./巴西文化艺术交流项目,圣保罗,巴西。

  2016. Exhibition “Drap Art (Uruguay - Spain)” in Intendencia de Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay./参加展览“加泰罗尼亚再生国际艺术节(乌拉圭及西班牙)”,蒙得维的亚市政厅,蒙得维的亚,乌拉圭。


这与那之那·探戈 42x30cm 纸上水彩 2017

这与那之那·深圳湾海滨 30x42cm 纸上水彩 2017

这与那之一四 40x30cm 布上油画 2017

这与那之一念 60x40cm 布上油画 2017

这与那之全在此 60x40cm 布上油画 2017


  Luis Sei Fong简介:

  1955-1964, Drawing & Chinese Painting, with his father, Liu Chew-Fung, Chinese calligrapher./从学于父亲刘翠峰,学习中国绘画。

  1965-1983, Drawing & Western Watercolor with master watercolorist, Esteban R. Grino./从学于水彩画家埃斯特班·圭诺,学习水彩。

  1967-1970, Oil Painting with Italian Sienese master Sergio Curto at Taller del Plata./从学于意大利艺术家瑟宙·括托,学习油画。

  1970-1975, Professor de Historia en el Instituto de Profesores “Artigas”./阿迪卡教育学院,历史专业。

  1970-1975, Traditional Chinese painting techniques with Wong Ark Chow in Buenos Aires, Argentina./在布宜诺斯艾利斯从学于王亚周(音),学习传统中国画技法。

  1983. Exhibition “Chinese Art” at Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes, Montevideo, Uruguay./参加展览“中国艺术”,青年基督教协会,蒙得维的亚,乌拉圭。

  1998. Exhibition “In Search of Nature”, Annexed Hall, Uruguayan Parliament Palace, Montevideo, Uruguay./参加展览“寻觅自然”,乌拉圭议会附厅,蒙得维的亚,乌拉圭。

  2011. Mural “Our Uruguay” (60cm×700cm) were exhibited at MEC, Montevideo, Uruguay./壁画“我们的乌拉圭”(60cm×700cm),展览于文教部,蒙得维的亚,乌拉圭。

  2013. Exhibition “Meeting of Two Worlds”, Cultural Center-Municipality of San José, Uruguay./参加展览“两个世界的相遇”,圣约瑟文化中心,圣约瑟,乌拉圭。

  2017. Exhibition “Happy Chinese New Year”, Art History Museum, Montevideo, Uruguay./参加展览“农历新年快乐”,艺术史美术馆,蒙得维的亚,乌拉圭。


集市 35x25cm 纸上水彩 2011

老工人 40x30cm 纸上油彩与丙烯 2010

马上的牧人 40x28cm 纸上水彩 2013

乌拉圭的嘉年华 40x28cm 纸上水墨 2015

自然 40x28cm 纸上水墨与水彩 2016




深圳画院院长  徐章先生

深圳市文体旅游局对外交流处副处长  朱震先生



Double Shadow ——Luis Sei Fong and Ms. María Carolina Fontana’s Uruguayan Art

  In 2000, Shenzhen Fine Art Institute took lead in launching the Resident Artist Program. This program is applied to overseas artists and artists from Hong Kong, Marco and Taiwan (except Shenzhen) who are engaged in visual art. Up till now we have had over 60 artists from 23 countries and 37 regions in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Hong Kong, Taiwan and inland China create, research, exchange and hold exhibitions at the institute.

  Mr. Luis Sei Fong and Ms. María Carolina Fontana come from a remote country – Uruguay. Long-hour travel covering more than a half of the earth to Shenzhen to experience the charm of China in beautiful March. Culture is like a big tree embracing and shielding us with its boughs. However in the giant shadows of such a tree, we could not recognize its shape or tell its root from branch; let alone the case that when the shadows of various cultures overlap, we seem to be in a dark night when we fail to see our faces though we are sure of our existence.

  Cultures are like ice flowers on window pane in winter, developing different shapes in different environments. Latin American art and literature has its own features. In modern times, independence movements, multi-ethnic groups and slack social organization enable Latin American people to achieve self-awareness and spiritual independence, so they like to draw scenes of daily life. In addition, their inborn passion makes them like expressing feelings of individual and emphasizing personal thinking. Luis’ works are simple and brisk by using vigorous lines and colors. The loose composition adds an interest of expressionism to his paintings, which carry a vivid, ethereal, convergent yet enthusiastic atmosphere. The briskness and passion may find its origin in Luis’ study of impressionist oil painting in his early years. The ethereality and convergence may be linked to his study of modern ink painting from one student of Zhang Daqian. Maria’s paintings are precise and thoughtful. She loves the style of surrealist oil paintings, especially René Magritte’s philosophic and enigmatic style. The realistic and carefully depicted figures and objects in her works express her thinking from the experience and inspiration from thinking.

  It is because our culture differences that we need to exchange, to know and understand each other. We not only broaden knowledge and horizon through exchange, but understand our culture and art more clearly. Shenzhen Fine Art Institute has always been aiming at promoting Sino-foreign art exchange and carrying out the Resident Artists Program. Thanks to help and support from Shenzhen Municipal Administration of Culture, Sports and Travel and Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, we can make the exhibition possible. The two artists will exhibit their selected works and paintings created on paper and canvas during their stay at the institute to express their unique feeling and thinking in Shenzhen.

  There is a saying in Yi Jing goes like “In the southwest here are friends who share the same aspiration with me.” The two artists, coming from the far away country in southwest earth, bring not only sincere friendship, but mutual reference and learning. In this sense, this exhibition fits well the saying in Yi Jing.

Curator: Zhou Tianlang

April 2017




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