
香格纳画廊上海M50 林钰玘:Qfwfq - 5月6日开幕

2017-05-02 15:01:14 未知

乔治的规则:现场 | The Rules of Charge - The Site  | 2016 | 单路视频 single-channel video | 41s | 录像截帧 Still Image

  开幕 Opening


  展期 Duration

  2017/05/07 –  2017/07/30(11:00-17:00,周一、周二闭馆 Mon. & Tues. Closed)

  地点 Location


  ShanghART M50, Bldg 16, 50 Moganshan Rd., Putuo District, Shanghai, China



  Qfwfq, 这串毫无意义的字符集合在卡尔维诺的短篇小说集《宇宙奇趣全集》中可能仅仅是一个名字,一个非物质化的存在,或是一个叙述者,也可能是一个世界的创造者。然而这个无关紧要,重要的是借用这个非神化的上帝视角所讲出的迷人故事。林钰玘希望在这个展览中扮演一个同样的角色。 她不满足于现在这个世界,所以她想建构出一个更有意思的世界:通过他人之口创作出一个世界,并留予观众去探索和想象。

  In Cosmicomics, a collection of short stories by Calvino, Qfwfq, this meaningless aggregation of characters can be a name, a nonmaterial being, a narrator, or a creator of a world. But it doesn’t matter. What’s fascinating is the stories from a created god’s mouth. In this exhibition, this is also the role which Yuqi Lin wants to play. She is not satisfied with the world she lives in, so she intended to construct an interesting world: by creating a narrator to tell stories of the other world and let the audiences to explore and image it.


Lin Yuqi


  "I am eager to find pleasure and amplify my sensation to feel the thrill from my spirit or body. I am obsessed with the pleasure of losing control without disturbance or manipulation."


  "Maybe it’s my peevish personality, I always draw things freely from my mind. I see myself as a rogue; I see others as gangsters and I see the society as a complex crime scene. I appoint myself as the detective to investigate the scene; I also made myself the judge of justice. People and their behaviours in the picture may be hard to understand. They are hypocritical and they want their justice. Their numb and twisted faces are just like mine: excited but also flagging."


  The Rules of Charge

乔治的规则:贵族气质 | The Rules of Charge - The Noble Temperament  | 2016 | 单路视频 single-channel video | 2m1s | 录像截帧 Still Image

乔治的规则:非金钱交易 | The Rules of Charge - The Barter  | 2016 | single-channel video | 7m46s | 录像截帧  Still Image


  The Rules of Charge referring to the rules which string the world. Each plot is an illusion, they are not true at all. There is no such thing as the truth. The materialised spirit swings it’s fists, attempts to challenge the rules of the known world. He tried everything just to live in others’ eyes, but they are all blind. “I walked to a tomb from one; I floated to the surface but still can’t breathe.”

乔治的规则:现场 | The Rules of Charge - The Site  | 2016 | single-channel video | 41s |  录像截帧 Still Image

  在林钰玘的系列作品《乔治的规则中》, 她尝试用另一种语言去重现卡尔维诺在《宇宙奇趣全集》的创作方式。即通过一些怪人的嘴来表述一个她自己制定的世界规则。五个风格迥异的视频,服务于同样一个目标:揭露一个虚实结合的世界里的规则。

  In her series of works, named as The Rules of Charge, she tried to achieve what Calvino did in the Cosmicomics, by creating her own rules through some weirdos’ mouth: but from a different angle. Consisted with several different videos, which focused on achieving the same goal: to expose the rules in a world that combines the reality and the imaginary.


  I Am Always the Weak in Front of You

  而在《在你面前我永远是弱者》这一件作品中,林钰玘则展现了“我”在失眠的夜晚里见到了自己所恐惧的事物后的反应: 尝试躲避却毫无用处,勇敢冲入茫茫黑夜却发现黑夜之外仍是黑夜。

  While in the work, I Am Always the Weak in Front of You, shows the reaction when “I” saw those “I” am afraid of in a sleepless night: Escape, turns out to be a useless choice; Choose to face it and rush into the dark night, but still lost in it.

在你面前我永远是弱者 I Am Always the Weak in Front of You | 5m15s | 单路视频 single-channel video | 2015 | 录像截帧  Still Image


  Creeper in the darkness,


  unpredictable and terrifying.


  Try to face him desperately,


  but found only infinite darkness.




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