2018-02-11 10:29:08 未知
展览| Exhibition: 与世界的对话系列展之一 — 美国陶艺家瑞恩(煤球)“中国十年·天高地厚”作品展|Dialogue With The World Exhibition Series: American Artist Ryan Matthew Mitchell -Ten Years of Clay In China - High Heaven Thick Earth
艺术家| Artist : 瑞恩· 煤球 |Ryan Matthew Mitchell
策展人|Curator:邓皓| Hao Deng
展览时间|Exhibition Period:2018.2.13-4.20
展览地址|Venue:景德镇中国陶瓷博物馆 五号展厅 Jingdezhen China Ceramics Museum
主办方| Organizer:景德镇中国陶瓷博物馆
美国陶艺家瑞恩·煤球(Ryan Matthew Mitchell)在 2007 - 2008 年北京奥运转型的高潮中来到中国,他目睹了公民环境巨大而迅速的变化,这一经历使煤球观察到中国过去和现在的分离, 同时对中国传统工艺品产生了浓厚的兴趣,这成为他艺术实践和理论发展的重要部分。对于煤球而言, 认识到全球化的影响对于理解文化和艺术是非常重要的,文化和历史身份的恢复和重建成为许多社会广泛关注的文化问题,这一现象同时也激励了艺术家的当代实践。
来到中国之前,煤球作品主要集中在与自然、城市化、亚洲历史哲学和艺术研究的主题。而后,艺术家对历史如何被重述而感到好奇。并质疑文物是如何从原始语境中脱离被重构叙事。意识到象征意义与当代文化中的关系后, 他开始解读这些历史器物, 并将陶瓷这一传统叙事材料置于当代语境中。
展览“天高地厚” 将艺术家对物质性,精神和存在主义叙事的考量联系起来, 陶瓷的易碎性,重量和强度等特点都成为了艺术家传达人类经验的特征。 俗世间的衰老、重力、束缚、似乎连钢筋、瓦砾也成为某种建筑意象加入了神话和灵性的聚会。展览试图以从“地厚”到“天高”的展览路线,从对物质材料的探索到对形式主义的质疑, 作品涵盖从对历史器物的重构、建筑、 自然到纯粹抽象等一系列主题,以透过瓷器和陶器的镜头呈现人类境况。粗糙和柔软在煤球的作品中同时存在, 同时描绘了当代生活中复杂而矛盾的一面。
The exhibition titled "High Heaven Thick Earth-Ryan Matthew Mitchell Solo Exhibition" will be held on February 13 thorugh April 20th at the China Ceramics Museum in Jingdezhen with the ceramic works of American Artist Ryan Mitchell. Showcasing works created in Jingdezhen in the past three years, this will be the first foreign artist solo ceramics exhibition in the Jingdezhen China Ceramics Museum.
American artist Ryan Matthew Mitchell, came to China at the height of the transformation of the Beijing Olympics in 2007-2008, he witnessed the rapid change of the civil environment. That experience led Mitchell to observe the disparity between China's past and present, influencing an important part of the development of his work and fostering a strong interest in traditional Chinese artifacts and craft. For the Mitchell, recognizing the impacts of globalization is important to understanding art and culture. Reclaiming cultural and historical identity is a widely held cultural concern in many societies; the phenomenon is a critical motivating factor in Mitchell’s approach to contemporary art.
Mitchell is intrigued by how history is always at service of the present; historical artifacts narratives transformed from their original state via tomb-robbing, museums and cultural commerce. Recognizing the ways symbolic meanings and narratives are modified throughout contemporary culture, the artist sets about placing the traditional material of ceramics into a contemporary context completely his own.
The main focus of Mitchell’s work before coming to China was centered on themes of nature, urbanization and the study of Asian historical philosophies and arts. After, the artist is intrigued how history is re-narrated and questions how cultural relics reconstruct the narrative from the original context. Realizing the relationship between symbolic meaning and contemporary culture, the artist began to set about interpreting historical artifacts and placing the traditional narrative of ceramics into a contemporary context.
This exhibition " High Heaven Thick Earth" connects to the artist’s consideration of materiality, spiritual themes, and existential narratives. The brittleness, weight, and strength of ceramics are characteristics the artist uses to convey the human experience. Earthly matters; such as aging, gravity, or architectural imagery like rebar and rubble are seemingly joined to gather with themes of myth and spiritual imagery. This exhibition will attempt to trace a route from thick to high, from the exploration of material to interrogations of formalism. The artist covers a wide series of topics ranging from reconstruction of historical artifacts to pure abstraction. Mitchell tries to convey a wide view of the human condition through the lens of porcelain and clay; roughness and softness coexist, depicting the complex and contradictory aspects of contemporary life.
The exhibition will be on view until April 20th; we look forward to introducing Mitchell’s recent works.
瑞恩·马修·煤球 (Ryan Matthew Mitchell) 1978 年出生于美国科罗拉多州丹佛市 ,2005年毕业于 美国蒙大拿大学取得美术学硕士学位,系联合国教科文组织陶艺学会(IAC)会员, 创建陶溪川景德镇国际工作室兼前艺术总监,现任职于景德镇陶瓷大学国际学院国际工作室。并曾在澳大利亚国立大学,明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯北部粘土中心, 巴厘岛乌布的加耶陶瓷设计中心,中国富平陶艺村,深圳大望文化高地,美国俄勒冈州的 LH 项目,米苏拉粘土工作室,蒙大拿州的红屋粘土中心等地驻地创作。
景德镇中国陶瓷博物馆 五号展厅
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