
【展览预告】“Michel Comte:Light III|光之三”将于5月18日开幕

2018-05-10 11:40:47 未知


  麦勒画廊北京部荣幸地我们将举办艺术家Michel Comte在中国的首次个展。作为其同时代最为卓越的图像设计师之一, Comte的艺术创作媒介涵盖绘画、影像装置、雕塑、设计及电影等诸多领域,作品凸显了其对光影的深刻理解及迷恋。Comte此次展出的最新作品是与北京和瓷都景德镇两地的工匠合作完成。这些近作也是Comte对颜料绘画、装置、当代摄影艺术实践的探索,也体现了其对包括气候变化以及因而导致的冰川消融等环境问题的持续关注。

  Galerie Urs Meile is pleased to announce the first solo show of Michel Comte in China. As one of the most distinguished pictorial designers of his generation, Comte regularly straddles the lines between the realms of painting, video installation, sculpture, design, and film with a deep understanding and fascination of the use of light. Comte’s latest body of work was produced in collaboration with local craftsmen in Beijing and Jingdezhen, the city renowned for its porcelain production. With these works, he continues his experimental practice in pigment painting, installation and contemporary photography as well as his ongoing examination of environmental concerns such as climate change and the resulting glacier meltdowns.

  个展“光之三”是Michel Comte继意大利罗马MAXXI美术馆个展及米兰三年展之后的第三个有关光的个展,本次展览展出的一系列新作将探讨环境恶化对冰川及冰川地貌的影响。

  Michel Comte’s solo show Light III is his third exhibition, after the 2017 museum shows at the MAXXI Museum in Rome and the Triennale in Milan, Italy. Light III will present a new body of works exploring the impact of the environmental decline on the glaciers and glacial landscapes of the world.


  Salt and Dust is a series of monochrome paintings in which Michel Comte applies a repetitive manual process of construction and deconstruction where layer on layer of pure mineral pigments and paint are applied on rice paper. Through this process, the artist achieves a texture reminiscent of the translucent and fragile surface of glaciers.


《盐与尘,蓝色三号》2018,矿物质颜料,岩盐,炭,熟宣纸裱板,280 × 170 × 8 cm

Salt and Dust, Blue III, 2018, mineral pigments, rock salt, and coal on fermented type rice paper, mounted on wooden board, 280 × 170 × 8 cm


  In Erosion Michel Comte further develops his alchemistic approach onto porcelain – chronologizing the unstoppable evanescence of the glaziers on a material that has proved to be conserved over thousands of years. The installation, with over 500 porcelain tiles mounted on the wall, forms a thirty-meter long and two-meter high porcelain strip. Born from Comte’s sketches on paper, Erosion features gradations from white to black with different shades of grey. The mixture of mineral pigments and color glaze used in the traditional porcelain production generates a surprisingly penetrating surface shows the artist’s unique sense of light he gained from his longstanding engagement with photography.


《侵蚀》,2018,陶瓷,岩盐,矿石粉末,矿物质颜料,510× 33 × 33 × 10 cm

Erosion, 2018, porcelain, rock salt, rock flour and mineral pigments, 510× 33 × 33 × 10 cm


  The work series Ombre shows Comte’s understanding of light and the sentient combination with a subtle material. The rubbings on rice paper, accomplished with water and the natural drying through sunlight, carry the imprints of individual Erosion porcelain tiles. A number of the Ombre paper works will be pinned on the wall, without frames, so that the more delicate paper will vibrate with a slight breeze and contrast with the heavy and large Salt and Dustpaintings.


《影子》,2018,蒸馏水,手工生宣纸,66 × 66 cm

Ombre, 2018, distilled water on handmade raw rice paper, 66 × 66 cm

  有关艺术家|About the Artist

  Michel Comte(1954年生于瑞士苏黎世),曾在法国和英国学习,他的第一份工作是专注当代艺术的作品修复师。他曾先后与安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)和伊夫·克兰因(Yves Klein)共事。1979年结识卡尔·拉格斐(Karl Lagerfeld),并开始了他的职业时尚摄影师生涯,先后与Chloé和Chanel品牌合作。他最早开始与时尚杂志Vogue意大利版及名利场合作,此外,他合作过的品牌包含Dolce & Gabbana、Gianfranco Ferre、宝马和法拉利等。2008年他与Ayako Yoshida相识。2009年,他正式退出时尚摄影行业并投身于艺术创作中。

  Michel Comte (*1954, Zurich, Switzerland) studied in France and England and started his career as an art restorer specializing in contemporary art. Comte worked with Andy Warhol and Yves Klein. In 1979, he met Karl Lagerfeld who gave him his first commercial assignment for Chloe and later Chanel. From the beginning, he has collaborated with Vogue Italia and Vanity Fair and worked in association with brands such as Dolce & Gabbana, Gianfranco Ferre, BMW and Ferrari amongst many others. In 2008, Comte met Ayako Yoshida. In 2009 he officially withdrew from fashion photography and devoted himself to the creation of artworks.




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