2018-07-25 20:46:12 未知
2018年7月21-25日,第9届国际人因及人机工程学大会(AHFE2018,The 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics)在美国佛罗里达州的奥兰多市召开。来自几十个国家和地区的人机工程学研究领域的专家学者就“设计中的人机工程学”(ED,Ergonomics in Design)、“人因及可穿戴技术”(HFWT ,Human Factors and Wearable Technologies),“游戏设计及使用者体验”(HFGD,Game Design User Experience)、“可用性及用户体验”(UUE ,Usability and User Experience )等40个相关主题研究领域,分243个平行会场进行了专题的论文发表和热烈的学术探讨。
湖南大学艺术设计学院师生共有12篇学术论文分别在ED、HFWT、HFGD、UUE等研究领域的9个不同平行分会场中,获得了进行口头发表的机会。湖南大学艺术设计学院外专千人Marcelo Márcio Soares教授、陈珂副教授分别承担了其中三场平行会议的主持工作。
这12篇论文分别为:《A review on thermal comfort evaluation of head-worn devices》(陈珂)、《Application of digital infrared thermography for emotional evaluation: A study of the gestural interface applied to 3D modeling software 》(Marcelo Soares、Danilo Vitorino 、Marcio Marçal)、《The effects of center of mass on comfort of soft belts virtual reality devices》(宋一鸣、刘永红、严妍)、《User oriented research on perception indicators of smartphone interaction performance》(谈笑、谭征宇)、《Research on the user’s perceptual preference of automobile styling》(谭正棠 朱毅、赵江洪)、《The effects of response time on user perception in smartphone interaction》(谭征宇、朱洁茹,陈军,李付生)、《Research of behavior style based on cognitive conflict during interaction design》(谭征宇、刘磊,江阳晨)、《Improving sleep headphone design using 3D Chinese head anthropometric data 》(王海宁、李艺、李欣怡、 Roger Ball)、《Study on thermal comfort of virtual reality headsets》(王子豪、陈珂、何人可)《Designing educational games based on intangible cultural heritage for rural children: A case study on “Logic Huayao” 》(杨媛媛、季铁、张朵朵、李乐荣)、《The effects of weight on comfort of virtual reality devices》(严妍、陈珂、谢屿、宋一鸣、刘永红)、《User discomfort evaluation research on the weight and wearing mode of head wearable device》(张军、刘粤、贾艳阳、黄毅松)(排名依据作者姓名首字母升序)
上述论文分别被收录于Springer出版的论文集中,其中包括Marcelo Márcio Soares教授负责主编的《Advances in Ergonomics in Design》分册,湖南大学设计艺术学院为该册的主编单位。相关文章链接请点击SpringerLink Digital Library (http://www.springer.com)
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