
禅宗与俗欲 拜访日本艺术家近藤翔平

2019-06-04 15:56:54 任嘉敏 




  近藤首先在平板电脑上用手指绘画,营造漫不经心的氛围;然后用颜料和画笔将电子绘画的图像徒手复刻到画布上。达到电脑绘图般均衡的背景色块以及传神地表达流畅而又僵硬稚拙的线条,要求艺术家精确纯熟的手法技巧与执着专注。“也许这种执着来自于我血液中里流淌的匠人精神,” 近藤说,“但是,无论我如何尝试模仿电子图像的精准,我的手始终是人手。笔触中不可避免地总会暴露手绘的痕迹,” 与我而言,这些不完美的笔触非常感人,“这系列的创作过程让我想到如何承服,投降,接纳和欣赏人类的缺憾。这个‘放手’的过程让我得到某种解放。”






​  Shohei Kondo's Zennish Paintings

  The zennish series confronted me with layers of ironies and contrasts at first sight; one might frown upon these clichéd symbols of lust, crudely celebrated with the imageries of oysters, erecting palm trees, women salaciously twisting their body in a way that will likely annoy a feminist. They almost come across as weightless ipad doodles from a bored man's fingertips.

  Yet I found it hard to move my gaze away: lurking beneath these frivolous expressions are traces of almost delightful grace, delivered through sleek lines and purposefully chosen color pallets. When looked at carefully, the inorganic effect resemblant of computer graphic is in fact achieved by Kondo's meticulous focus and his impeccable technique as a painter, (which earned him a position to work for one of the most sought after contemporary visual artists as a side gig.) "That is the stubbornness rooted from the Japanese craftsman mentality." Kondo said, "but no matter how hard I try to be as accurate as a machine, my hand fails me." He is referring to traces of inconsistency from the brush strokes that eventually reveal the human touch. "It is about embracing imperfections and surrendering, which I find liberating."

  Surrendering to what? It started to sound a bit zen. I was not at all surprised then when Kondo told me that, he has been practicing meditation his entire life, starting as early as in kindergarten. In the course of Zen training, Kondo found himself unable to silence earthly urges no matter how hard he tried. He finally found peace in surrendering to or embracing these desires, as he unapologetically spotlights them in flat planes of vivid colors.

  The act of attempting to eliminate organic brush strokes on a hand painted canvas is not so different from a futile battle against earthly desires.

  Ironically, these vacuous images provided a liberating sense of non-attachment and emptiness, which echo zen thinking, according to Kondo. The result is at once vulnerable yet graceful, forgivingly human yet ultimately transcendental.

  Text by Carmen Ren

  Shohei Kondo (b. 1986, Japan) is a New York-based artist from Japan. His work has been exhibited internationally, at venues such as  Amakei Gallery (Japan), China Academy of Arts Museum (China), and SVA Chelsea Gallery (United States). He is the recipient of the Sanwa Award (Japan), and his work is part of private collections in the United States and Japan. Kondo holds a BA in Film Studies from Takarazuka University of Arts and an MFA in Fine Art from the School of Visual Arts in New York.




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