The theme of "The temperature of a piece of cloth" is a public art creation project initiated by lei hong. The artist will create and paint a piece of cloth collected from the collection. Through a series of works, the artist will demonstrate the inner connection and life meaning between "Things and Life" by taking material comprehensive materials as an act of faith in artistic practice.
Cloth, longitude and latitude of the interactive juxtaposition, she is a record of a period of historical truth carrier. The unknown meets life at a certain time, Every moment we touch it will leave a sad or unforgettable mark.
While retaining the characteristics of the material itself, lei hong re-endowed "cloth" with another layer of material semantics: discussing the cloth related to individuals and different times, places and characters, as well as the mental concept interaction formed by the situational events that happened on "cloth".
Cloth is a substance; She has the energy attribute of recording time, and also has the quality characteristic contained in the heterogeneous space. Cloth, there is a temperature; Her temperature is the appearance and presentation of texture superimposed by history, starting with a specific field; Mix slowly and exude her unique flavor of The Times. ▌About《2020 The temperature of a piece of cloth》 Tips关于《2020,一块布的温度》提示一. 布,需本人签名。二. 布的尺寸、年代不限。三. 布的材质不限(棉、麻、皮革、丝、绢、毛等,软装物料布均可)。
LEI HONG 雷红|Lei Hong毕业于首都师范大学表现性绘画工作室,现工作生活于上海、北京。◐ 关于策展人·惠书文C V HUI SHUWEN 惠书文|Hui Shuwen独立策展人、艺术写作者。CONUTER-FEIT 猎质当代艺术双年展品牌创办人,猎质当代艺术展总策展人。Rainbow box project发起人,An Art Space策展人。主要从事中国当代艺术史论研究与写作、当代艺术批评实践、展览策划及独立艺术空间的创建与运营等工作。主要讲座与艺术项目包括:清华大学美术学院(惠书文:猎质行动——青年策展实践与思考);鲁迅美术学院(惠书文:策展年记——关于艺术家的成长与自我塑造);西南大学美术学院·学术讲座(惠书文:行动中的猎质——策展实践与思考);中国当代艺术权力资本与市场·学术论坛(论坛主持:惠书文);《2020 我们如何面对今天的艺术?》艺术项目总策划;中国商丘抽象国际邀请展联合策展人,首届夜郎谷现场艺术周学术观察。曾策划与合作个展的艺术家包括:杨加勇、曾朴、刘亭君、鲍贤杰、罗天志、曹亮、陈清勇、陈蜀、董冰清、黄凌云、蒋佑胜、李浩、李勇、林惠兴、刘强、米小西、邱兴健、时永华、孙小川、王朝、王琳、王韦、王文聃、王旭、吴江涛、谢蓓、谢珍良、杨涛、曾臻、张丹、张海君、郑大弓、郑龙一海、朱峰等。
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