2021-02-23 14:29:30 书画印
The exhibition will officially open at 00:00 on Chinese New Year's Eve in 2021 and close at 00:00 on Chinese New Year's Eve in 2022. The creative exhibition will last for one year.
新冠疫情自2020爆发以来持续了一年,2021年初,中国国内多地出现的疫情暴发,让人们刚松下来的“弦”又再度紧绷起来。疫情至今经过几轮反复,感染和死亡人数剧增。 可以肯定的是,疫情将是一场全人类必须共同面对的,极其严峻和旷日的“持久战”!
牛年新春将至,为鼓舞世界, 我们将邀请100位著名艺术家,以最宏大的历史观、文化观和艺术观的维度,从生命艺术的视角,以艺术的各种创作形式来表达(绘画、雕塑、行为、摄影、诗歌、装置、视频、观念等等)以任何不拘一格的艺术形式来创作“100头”牛,以贺牛年, 激励人心!
蔡青(新)、雅琳(法)、庸现(德,女性艺术家单元)、德格才让、呈山一凡(日)、魏徵、黄岩 、张建华、 梁釗(韓)、季澎
主办单位:心光世界美术馆 中国收藏家协会当代艺术委员会
协办:中欧商道 中法文化联盟、華中松風館、東樓書院、上上国际美术馆 宋庄艺术论坛、蓝溪美术馆 SoundFilm 书画印杂志、当下行为艺术工作室、纽约哈德逊艺术中心、德国威斯巴登/法兰克福行为艺术节艺术协会、德国艺术联网协会。韓國大邱中國文化院、韩国国际交流振兴院。
线上展览平台:今日头条艺术要闻 艺次元
媒体支持:新浪 搜狐 凤凰网 雅昌艺术网
2021 "Bull" —— Contemporary Art Online Invitational Exhibition
The Chinese New Year of the Bull in 2021 is coming!
"Bull" has a special symbolic meaning in Chinese culture: diligent, hard-working, hardworking, and generous, the story of "Cowherd and Weaver Girl" is also well-known.
The frescoes of the Lascaux Caves in France date back to 15,000 years. There are 4 huge bulls on the rock wall, the longest being about 5 meters or more. Every majestic; the Spanish great artist Picasso's "Guernica" and his series of Cubist paintings show the extremely tragic side of human civilization and Bull.
The world of 2021 needs the spirit of "bull" more!
The new crown epidemic has lasted for a year since the outbreak in 2020. In early 2021, the outbreak of the epidemic in many places in China has made the "strings" that people have just loosened again tightened. The epidemic has gone through several rounds of repetition, and the number of infections and deaths has increased dramatically. What is certain is that the epidemic will be an extremely severe and long-term "protracted war" that all mankind must face together!
What humans need now is not only a vaccine, but also the endurance of Bull!
The New Year of the Bull is approaching. In order to inspire the world, we will invite 100 famous artists to express with the most magnificent historical, cultural and artistic perspectives from the life art and various creative forms of art (painting , Sculptures, performances, photography, poetry, installations, videos, concepts, etc.) create "100" Bulls in any eclectic art form to celebrate the Year of the Bull and inspire people!
The exhibition will officially open at 00:00 on New Year's Eve in 2021, and will close on the 15th day of the first lunar month. The exhibited works will be exhibited in online self-media reports such as Highlight Art News and Art Second element!
Chief Curator: Wang Qicheng
Cai Qing (Singapore), Yalin (French), Yongxian (German, female artist unit), De Ge Cairang, Chengshan Yifan (Japanese), Wei Zheng, Huang Yan, Zhang Jianhua, Liang Zhao (Korea), Ji Peng
Organizer: Xinguang World Art Museum, Contemporary Art Committee of China Collectors Association
Co-organizers: China-Europe Business Road, Sino-French Cultural Alliance, Huazhong Songfeng Hall, Donglou College, Shangshang International Art Museum Songzhuang Art Forum, Blue Creek Art Museum SoundFilm Magazine, Current Performance Art Studio, New York Hudson Art Center, Wiesbaden/Frankfurt Performance Art Festival Association, I O culture network e. v. Daegu Chinese Culture Center, Korea International Exchange Promotion Institute.
Online Exhibition Platform: Today’s Toutiao Art Highlights Yi Dimension
Media support: Sina, Sohu, Phoenix.com, Artron.com
Attachment: the mode of artists' exhibits
Invited Artist: Wang Qicheng
Material: ink and color
Size: 50 x 50cm
A Chinese New Year blessing: bullish, bright ahead!
"A brief history of the time when cows and people resonate"
The ox of the Chinese Zodiac and the Taurus of the European and American constellations explain the time history of mankind in the two major civilization systems "years", from the Roman Arena to the Ventas Bullring in Madrid, and then to the Spanish artist Picasso’s "Guernica" and his series of Cubist paintings show the extremely tragic side of human civilization and bull.
The frescoes of the Lascaux caves in France date back to 15,000 years. There are 4 huge bulls on the rock wall, the longest is about 5 meters or more. It is known as the "Prehistoric Louvre". Another artistic path is the Belarusian artist Marc Chagall, who uses another cubist and romantic way to show the homesickness of human farming civilization and nomadic civilization; the homesickness of Jews, and the legend about the Chinese Bull is that Laozi rode, the green bull disappeared in the billowing red dust.
Afterwards, the Chinese agricultural life of male farming and female weaving in "The Cowherd and Weaver Girl" is eternal. Genghis Khan, who only knows the bow and shoots the big eagle, hits the Danube with the Mongolian iron horse raised by bull and sheep, completing the cycle of human race and the cycle of history in the 20th century, it became a bronze statue of a bull on Wall Street in New York. The American artist Robert Rauschenberg’s art installations combining ready-made products and silk screens represent the United States, and the mutual homesickness between humans and bull. Upgraded versions of love and hatred, mad cow disease, leather shoes, leather bags, leather clothes, milk, butter, cheese, and beef bones are constantly being staged on our earth mothers. Everything on the bull is dedicated to humans, and the love between bulls and humans constitutes the Garden of Eden of the bulls.
In 2021, the year of the bull, at 0:00:00 in the year of the bull, artists from five continents opened the door to the bull, bull, bull, bull...
周雷,iPad繪畫. 尺寸:A3. 祝大家春節快樂,牛年萬事如意!
Zhou Lei, iPad painting. Size: A3. I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year and all the best for the Year of the Ox!
Artist: elegant Gao Yan (China from Inner Mongolia), title of the work: "Lacanian Hegelian tragedy • Joking Cock", size: 120 • 90cm, one wishes for Year of the Ox: buffalo spirit, bull strength, vitality Niubi. May the epidemic end early and the Year of the Ox will be bullish!
艺术家:佩德罗Pedro Bakker(荷兰)
作品名称:“阳光系列6”,钢笔和墨水,彩色铅笔和纸上拼贴,50 x 40厘米,2009年。
Artist: Pedro Bakker (Netherlands)
Work titel: “Sunny series 6”, pen and ink, colored pencil and collage on paper, 50 x 40 cm, 2009.
My Chinese New Year wish: the future is female! So I like to exhibit this painting
Yan (德)“红网中的牛”,装置,
“Ox in the Red Net”, Installation,
姓名:刘跃(美國 ),材料:油画 ,尺寸:50x55cm ,祝福牛年全世界人们的身體比牛还要强壮!
Name: Liu Yue (USA), material: oil painting, size: 50x55cm, blessing the year of the ox, people around the world are stronger than oxen!
艺术家:周革 材料:纸质拼贴 尺寸:68*45CM 贺新春!向老牛致敬!
Artist: Zhou Ge Material: Paper Collage Size: 68*45CM Happy New Year! Tribute to the old cow!
艺术家:彭湘(南宁),作品名称:屠图,材料:影像拼贴,尺寸:可变 ,祝愿牛年全世界人们都能善待牛类!
Artist: Peng Xiang (Nanning), Title of Work: Slaughter, Material: Video Collage, Size,: Variable, I wish people all over the world in the Year of the Ox will be kind to cattle!
艺术家:熊文颖 材料:水墨宣纸 尺寸:40*40CM 大喜牛年!
Artist: Xiong Wenying, Material: Ink on Rice Paper Size: 40*40CM. Happy New Year of the Ox!
艺术家:张巨雷 材料:水墨 尺寸95ⅹ5o 题目《犇》 新年寄语:希望今年全世界新冠疫情好转!"牛″转乾坤!Artist: Zhang Julei, material: ink, size 95ⅹ50cm, title "Run" New Year's message: I hope the COVID-19 pandemic around the world will get better this year! "Bull" turns the world!
材料 水墨 宣纸
尺寸 760cm×38cm
Artist: He Yuanming
Material: ink and rice paper
Size 760cm×38cm
Hundreds of cows are in spring, and the money is rolling
材料 水墨丙烯
尺寸 378cm×166cm
金牛盛世 牛转乾坤
Artist He Yuanming, Material Ink acrylic, Size 378cm×166cm,The world of Taurus, the cow turns the world
艺术家:邱棋 材料:陶瓷 尺寸:19cm*17cm*8cm 初生牛犊,不畏猛虎!
Artist: Qiu Qi Material: Ceramic Size: 19cm*17cm*8cm Newborn calf, not afraid of tigers!!
艺术家:王宁 材料:布面油画 尺寸:40cm*50cm 牛年大吉
Artist: Wang Ning, Material: Oil on canvas, Size: 40cm*50cm, Good luck in the Year of the Ox
艺术家:李亦赤,材料:布面油画、作品名称:《牛头马面不见人脸》、尺寸:90CM*60*、祝福牛年挂人头 Artist: Li Yichi, oil on canvas, "The Bull's Head Cannot See the Human Face", Size: 90CM*60*, Bless the Year of the Ox with a human head
艺术家:任小颖,媒介:纸本素描、作品名称《牛牛牛牛》、尺寸:30㎝Ⅹ21、27㎝X21、24㎝X21、24㎝Ⅹ21,一句话:牛年大吉! Artist: Ren Xiaoying, medium: paper sketch, work title "Ox, Ox, Ox, Ox ", size: 30㎝Ⅹ21, 27㎝X21, 24㎝X21, 24㎝Ⅹ21, in one sentence: a good year of the ox!
应邀艺术家:伍红萍, 作品名称:牛年雄起,材料:水墨宣纸,尺寸:98CM*80CM
祝福对联:百世岁月当代好 千古江山今朝新
Invited Artist: Wu Hongping, Title of Work: Year of Ox,Nianxiongqi Material: Ink on Xuan Paper
Size: 98CM*80CM
Blessing couplet: Hundreds of years are good Thousands of years are new today
艺术家:周思源 材料:布面油画 尺寸:100cm*80cm 《怼怒》 金牛斗瘟神
Artist: Zhou Siyuan Material: Oil on canvas Size: 100cm*80cm "Angry" Golden Bull Fighting Plague God
艺术家:Emma Zhou, 材料:布面油画, 尺寸:91.4cm X 121.9cm
Artist: Emma Zhou, Material: Oil on canvas, Size: 36inX48in
Taurus welcomes the new year
Artist: Shen Yunqing, computer graphics, synthesized with zb and ps, variable size, a blessing: 2021 Year of the Ox, 2021 Ox
韩语 Koreaan:
2021 소[牛] 당대 예술 온라인 초청대전
2021년 소띠 신축년 설이 다가옵니다.
소는 중국 문화에서 특별한 상징성을 지니고 있습니다. 소는 부지런하고 근면하고 원한이 없으며, 마음이 너그럽습니다. 그리고 ‘견우직녀’의 이야기로도 잘 알려져 있습니다. 1만 5000여 년 전으로 거슬러 올라가면, 프랑스 라스코 동굴벽화에 길이가 약 5m 이상 되는 거대한 황소 4마리가 있습니다. 이는 세계에서 가장 긴 소의 벽화이기도 합니다. 스페인의 저명한 예술가인 피카소의 게르니카와 그의 일련의 입체주의 회화는 인류 문명과 소의 지극히 비장한 모습을 보여주고 있습니다.
2021년을 맞아 세계는 소의 정신이 더욱 필요합니다!
코로나가 2020년부터 1년 동안 지속되고 있으며, 감염 및 사망자가 늘어나고 있습니다. 이번 사태는 인류가 함께 이겨내야 하는 ‘지속전’이 될 것입니다.
인류가 지금 필요로 하는 것은 백신뿐만 아니라 소의 꾸준한 지구력이라고 할 수 있습니다.
소의 해를 맞이하여, 그리고 세계를 고무하기 위하여 우리는 100명의 유명한 예술가를 초청하여 조금이나마 위로를 줄 수 있는 자리를 마련하고자 합니다. 그리하여 가장 거대한 역사관과 문화관, 그리고 예술관의 안목, 그리고 생명 예술의 시각에서 예술의 각종 창작 형식 (그림, 조각, 행동, 촬영, 시,장치, 영상, 관념 등)으로 “100마리의 소”를 창조하여 소의 해를 축하하고 또 지친 사람들의 마음을 격려하고자 합니다.
이번 전시는 섣달 그믐에 개막하고 정월 대보름에 폐막합니다. 출품작은 “금일두조예술요문(今日頭條藝術要聞)과 예차원(藝次元) 등 온라인 매체에 보도하고 전시합니다.
총기획: 왕기성
연합기획: 체청(신가포 부분), 아림(프랑스 부분), 웅현(독일 부분), 덕격재양, 승산일범(일본 부분), 위정, 황암, 장건화, 량짜오(한국 부분), 계팽
주최: 심광세계미술관, 중국수장가협회당대예술위원회
협조: 중-유럽 상도, 중-프랑스문화엽합, 화중송풍관, 동루서원, 상상국제미술관, 송장예술포럼, 람계미술관, 서화인잡지, 당하행위예술작업실,(사)한국소정한중문화예술협회, 뉴욕허드슨예술센터,독일비스바덴/프랑크푸르트행위예술절예술협회, 독일예술망협회, 대구중국문화원, 한국국제교류진흥원
전시: 금일두조예술요문(今日頭條藝術要聞), 예차원(藝次元)
메체 지지: 시나닷컴, 소후닷컴, 봉황망, 아창예술망
法语 French:
«Bœuf» 2021 —— Invitation à une exposition internationale sur l’Art Moderne en ligne.
La nouvelle année du Boeuf en 2021 approche!
Le Boeuf a une importance particulière dans la culture chinoise: assidu, travailleur et généreux, l'histoire du Vacher et de la tisserande est une histoire d’amour bien connue.
Sur les fresques des grottes de Lascaux en France qui datent de 15 000 ans, il y a 4 énormes taureaux sur les murs, le plus long mesurant même plus de 5 mètres. Le majestueux Guernica de Picasso et sa multitude de peintures cubistes révèlent le côté tragique de la civilisation humaine avec le boeuf.
Le monde en 2021 a plus besoin de l'esprit du Boeuf !
L’épidémie de coronavirus dure depuis plus d’un an. Depuis janvier 2021, l’arrivée d’une seconde vague dans de nombreux endroits en Chine a resserré « l’étau » alors que les gens venaient de se relâcher, et le nombre d'infections et de décès a considérablement augmenté. Ce qui est certain, c'est que l'épidémie sera une "longue guerre" grave et prolongée à laquelle l'humanité toute entière doit faire face!
Ce dont l'humanité a besoin maintenant, ce n'est pas seulement un vaccin, mais aussi de la persévérance !
La nouvelle année du bœuf approche. Afin de fêter cela, nous inviterons de nombreux artistes célèbres venant du monde entier à utiliser les plus magnifiques perspectives historiques, culturelles et artistiques, du point de vue de l'art de vivre, et diverses formes d'art créatives à travers peintures, sculptures, performances, photographie, poésie, installations, vidéos, concepts, utilisez n'importe quelle forme d'art pour créer le bœuf de 2021 pour célébrer cette année et motiver les cœurs du monde!
L'exposition ouvrira officiellement à 00h00 le soir du Nouvel An chinois en 2021 (le 12 février 2021) et se clôturera à 00h00 le soir du Nouvel An chinois en 2022 (le 1 février 2022). L'exposition créative durera un an. Les œuvres seront exposées grâce à des médias en ligne tels que Toutiao Art News, Yidiyuan et des médias grand public tels que Sina, Sohu et Phoenix ou Youtube, twitter, instagram…! Dans le même temps, chaque artiste invité publiera également son travail et le contenu de son exposition dans sa galerie d'art personnelle (wechat, weibo, facebook, etc) en ligne.
Chef de curator: Wang Qi Cheng
Curator associés:
CAI Qin (Singapour), CHEN Yalin (France), HUANG Yan, ZHANG Jian Hua, LI Xiang, CHEN Chuan Qi, ZHANG Zhao da, DEGE Cairang, LI guang ming, ZHAO Jun, Zhang Qiang, WANG Xiao ming, ZHANG Min Jie, QIN Feng, CHENGSHAN Yifan (Japon), ZENG xiang, WEI Zheng, JI Hong Min, LIANG Zhao (Corée), JI Peng, YONG Xian (Allemagne), WANG Ke Gang, WEN Wen Wu (France), WANG Wang Wang, YANG Qing Song, HAN Wei Hua, HUA Ji Min, WEI Ye, SUN Meng, SHI Liang, CHANG Shi Jiang, DAI Shan
Co-Organisateur : Musée de Shang Shang International, Centre d’art Hardson New York, Association d’art de performance Frankfurt d’Allemagne, Or Rouge Conseil (China), Institute d’échange international Zheng Xin de Corée, Forum d’art de Song Zhuang –Beijing, Soudfilm, magazine d’imprimer de livre et caligraphie, Atelier d’art performance momentanément , association d’art Allemagne net-associé, Institute de culture chinoise DA QIU de Corée, Pavillion Hua Zhong Song Feng, Institue de livre de Dong Lou
Modèle d’une œuvre pour participer
受邀艺术家 Le nom et prenom d’artiste:XXX
作品名称 Le nom d’œuvre:真牛!Très « NIU »
材料 Matière :水墨设色 incre chinoise
尺寸 taille:130c mx50c m
新春祝福 souhait pour nouvelle année:2021祝牛年健康快乐!!Bon santé et heureux pour 2021 !
日语 Japanese:
2021年に牛 (丑)の年がやって来た
「牛」は「牛」は特殊な象徴的な意味を持つ::勤勉努力、苦労を い と わぬ、我慢強く、温厚な性格となる。
l 総企画人:王麒誠
l 共同キュレーター:
l 主催者:心光世界美術館、中国コレクター協会現代芸術委員会
l 協賛:中欧商道中法文化連盟、華中松風館、東楼書院、上国際美術館、宋庄芸術フォーラム、青渓美術館、SoundFilm、書画印刷雑志、現在の行為芸術スタジオ、ニューヨークハドソン芸術センター、ドイツウィスバーデン/フランクフルト行為芸術祭芸術協会、ドイツ芸術ネットワーク協会。韓国大邱中国文化院、韓国国際交流振興院。
l オンライン展覧プラットフォーム:今日頭条「芸術新聞 芸術次元」
l 協賛メディアサ:新浪・捜狐・鳳凰網・雅昌芸術網
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