《人间剧场Ⅱ》开幕回顾 | 今天我们只感受人间的喜悦
2021-12-19 09:22:16 未知
On December 18th, 2021, it was destined to be an extraordinary day for the art circle in Xiamen, Lin Huixing, a famous artist, brought more than one hundred sculpture works and digital paintings which were created in Beijing during one decade to Xiamen Blanc with the space of more than two thousand square meters and presented an impressive exhibition, and both of the overall exhibition field and the temperament of one single work of “HUMAN THEATRE”, challenged a series of inherent cognition of the spectators towards artistic ideas, traditional presentation way of the exhibitions, etc. And hundreds of art workers, scholars, entrepreneurs and art lovers attended the opening ceremony.
著名艺术评论家、策展人、诗人 海波
著名艺术评论家、策展人 李晓峰
艺术收藏家 张革展
艺术家 林惠兴
新锐策展人、评论家 胡鹏飞
新景祥董事长 卢增文先生(左二)、传世艺宫美术馆馆长 陈振先生(右四)、原市委常委秘书长 徐模先生(右三)
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