2022-04-20 00:00:00 未知
Jun Zhang, Honorary President of Chinese Ink painting Research Association of Australia
National first-class artist. Experts who enjoy government subsidies of the State Council. President of Hainan Zhonghe calligraphy and painting Research Institute. Speaker of Himalayan Zhang Kui talk (hit the nail on the head in calligraphy and painting)
Jacky Zheng ,Born in 1968 in Chaozhou,Guangdong Province,P.R of China.
President of Shenzhen GUOFENG Painting Association.
Creator of Guan Shanyue Arts Galley Creation Institute.
Director of Hong Kong Artists Association.
Chairman of Chinese Water-Ink Painting Research Association,Australia.
Patrick Lam, whose works were first exhibited in Australia and abroad, has published a collection of 12 works and is regarded as a well-known art educator in Australia.
楊 春 瑞,著名书画家 ,现居澳大利亚墨尔本 始终坚持“以画-说话”作为一个专业画家的初衷。潜心钻研东西方艺术,努力创新。作品深为业界、行家推许、赞赏、收藏。
Chunrui Yang, a famous painter and calligrapher, now living in Melbourne, Australia, has always adhered to the original intention of “Let the painting tell” as a professional painter. Devote himself to the study of Eastern and Western art and strive to innovation. His works are highly praised, appreciated and collected by the industry and experts.
萧 美 玉, 澳大利亚国际多元文化艺术节 评委会主席。多次受邀在墨尔本各大院校及当地政府部门讲授中国书画艺术等。其新锐花鸟画被同行和朋友盛赞、收藏。
Meiyu Xiao, Chairman of the jury of Australia International Multicultural Arts Festival. She has been invited to teach Chinese calligraphy and painting art in many colleges and universities of Melbourne, as well as some local government departments. Her cutting-edge flower-and-bird painting has been highly praised and collected by colleagues and friends.
Xiang Lou: professional painter, born in Shanghai, China in 1955.
He graduated from the Art Department of Shanghai normal University in 1982 with a bachelor‘s degree. He went to Australia in 1988 and now lives in Melbourne. Many solo exhibitions and joint exhibitions have been held all over the world. His works have been collected by museums in many countries.
Yan Xu, the word Sanyun. He was born in Guangzhou in 1944. He emigrated to Australia in 1983. In the past 60 years of art study, he has gathered a wide range of Chinese and Western strengths and learned. Many solo exhibitions and joint exhibitions have been held all over the world. He is currently the president of the Chinese artists Association of Australia.
Wei Sun, National first-class artist, member of Chinese Photographers Association, member of PPA. He has engaged in aesthetic teaching for many years, specializing in Chinese landscape painting. 《Wei Sun’s Photographic Works》 and 《Sun Wei‘s Landscap Paintings》 were published. Many of his photography and Chinese painting works have been exhibited internationally and domestically and won awards. He is also member of the Melbourne Artists Association. Melbourne HongArt Institute distinguished teacher.
石墩子, 毕业于苏州美院,后读于中国美院。澳洲美术家协会会员,澳洲中国书画学会理事,澳洲中国水墨画研究会副主席,澳洲全国美展委员会委员,澳洲吴文化艺术研究院长。dunzi Shi, graduated from Suzhou Academy of Fine Arts and later studied in China Academy of Fine Arts. Member of Australian artists Association, Director of Australian Chinese painting and calligraphy Society, Vice Chairman of Australian Chinese Ink painting Research Association, member of Australian National Art Exhibition Committee, Dean of Wu Culture and Art Research in Australia.
June Deakin
June Deakin was born in Kent in the United Kingdom. She migrated to Australia in 1954.
After her retirement she developed an interest in Asian art and initially studied Japanese Sumie.
In 1999 June became a student of Lingnan Master Mr. Patrick Lam.
June has participated in many exhibitions and competitions in Australia and overseas.
Xiran Chen, originally from Zhongshan, Guangdong, settled in Australia in 1973. Think: “the brush is in your own hands, the state of mind will determine the elegance and vulgarity of the work.” His works are mostly collected by overseas collectors and museums.
Zhaoqi Zeng, 1935 was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He studied at the University of Melbourne in 1955. Since childhood, he has held many solo exhibitions and exhibitions. His works have been exhibited in Nanjing, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia. He is now a member of the National American Exhibition Committee of Australia and the secretary general of the South Asian Association of Australia.
林铨 自幼喜爱绘画,擅长中国画、水彩等。曾师从水彩、水墨名师。多次参展并为公益、慈善活动捐赠作品。对刺青文化艺术深有研究并实践。
Quan Lin has loved painting since childhood, and is good at Chinese painting, watercolor and so on. He once studied under a famous teacher of watercolor and ink painting. Participated in many exhibitions and donated works for public welfare and charitable activities. Deep research and practice on tattoo culture and art.
Zhenhua Zhang, is a member of the Australian National Art Exhibition Committee, a director of the Australian calligraphy and painting Society, a director of the International Chinese artists Association, and a director of the Asian calligrapher Association.
俞国平 ,职业画家。作品多次参选国内外各类艺术大展,多次获奖并为收藏家、收藏机构收藏。现为中国美术家协会上海分会会员、澳大利亚墨尔本艺术家协会会员。入典:中国专家大字典、上海书画家名典等。
Guoping Yu, a professional painter. His works have participated in various art exhibitions at home and abroad many times, won many awards and have been collected by collectors and collection institutions. Now he is a member of Shanghai Branch of Chinese artists Association and a member of Melbourne artists Association of Australia. Entry: big dictionary of Chinese experts, famous dictionary of Shanghai painters and calligraphers, etc.
陈丙光, 字守仁、号友篪、别署退之 。祖藉东莞,1938年生于香港。弱冠之年其书画于港澳艺坛已崭露头角。豪言:一砵水一砵墨便能交尽天下英雄美人名士。挟艺游学欧美日韩,作品多被中、外藏家及艺术馆收藏。
Bingguang Chen, the word Shouren, the number Youechi, and the other signatory withdrew. Born in Dongguan, he was born in Hong Kong in 1938. In the year of the weak crown, his calligraphy and painting has come to the fore in the art circles of Hong Kong and Macao. Brazen words: with a touch of water and ink, you can make all the heroes and beauties all over the world. He travels to study in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, and his works are mostly collected by Chinese and foreign collectors and art museums.
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