
2022卢禹舜 前言:氤氲空濛 气象雄浑 ——“传承与开拓——来支钢水墨艺术展”序言

2022-05-10 16:35:15 未知


氤氲空濛 气象雄浑


  中华文化源远流长,中国画更是其中优秀视觉元素的承载者和传播者,以黑白为主要表现元素的中国水墨画在中国传统文脉的滋养中历经几千年,深深的沁润着儒释道文化精神,在历代名家大师们的反复琢磨、仔细研读下早已成为一支重要的绘画艺术表现力量,即使在时代科技进步如斯的今天,依然是中国文化傲立于世界艺术之林的一个经典代表。此次展览正是画家来支钢长期努力、积蓄多年的苦功后对这一艺术命题的积极响应与回答。来支钢是一位勤奋踏实而又充满绘画理想的优秀画家,多年前我曾在一次画展上看过他的山水作品,留下了比较深刻的印象。他的大尺幅山水画多以横断式满构图铺展开来,山石纹理细腻 润浸,其中又透出一股倔强的刚硬之气,颇有南宋李唐的斧劈皴风范,由山水之间生发出的云气缥缈空濛,纯粹之间,就以玄素,色墨浑融,极具动势和张力,展现出雄浑刚强之正大气象,恰与伟大复兴的中华文明之时代合拍,与中国文化自信雄强的主题吻合。 来支钢曾跟随贾又福、李小可进行过系统的专业学习,对中国山水画特别是李可染先生的山水画文脉有着比较深入的理解和承继,从他的作品中我们能够看出这一点,此即为一种传承;同时来支钢结合自身多年来不断的实践与渐悟,形成了自己独特的艺术风貌,可谓是一种积极勇敢的探索与开拓。从来支钢氤氲润蕴、气象雄浑的作品中,我们能够感受到来支钢对绘画艺术的这样一份执着的努力和坚守,对中国传统笔墨的深入研究、挖掘和把握。 “泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深。” 坚守艺术大道的初心,培根铸魂、守正创新是中国国家画院多年来秉承的艺术理念,我们期待全民族无论是整体还是个体,都能在艺术造诣、审美方面取得新的进步,进而将之融入到我们的生活,将谦和、包容、坚韧、奋进、和谐的理念通过画展中的作品传达给每一位观者,真正做到以美育人,大美无疆,这是时代赋予我们的使命,更是新时代特有的中国之美,很高兴画家来支钢成为贡献这宏大之美的一份子,预祝来支钢画展圆满成功。




An Tremendous Vision out of Misty Atmosphere

Inheritance and Development - Exhibition of Lai Zhigang‘s Ink Art

  China has its long history of culture whose excellent visual elements are carried and disseminated by Chinese painting. Chinese ink painting with black and white color as the main expression, has been nourished by traditional Chinese culture and the spirit of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism for thousands of years. Under the repeated pondering of the great masters of the past dynasties, Chinese painting has become a significant force of the art field. Even with the great progress of sci-tech in contemporary time, Chinese painting is the classic representative of Chinese culture which plays an important role in human’s civilization. This exhibition is the positive response and answer to this artistic proposition after the Lai Zhigang‘s long-term efforts and accumulation on Chinese painting. Lai Zhigang is an diligent painter who has a fine painting ideal. I have seen his landscape painting of him in an exhibition many years ago, and I was quite impressed. Most of his large-scale landscape paintings’ is horizontal in a cross-sectional full composition. The texture of the mountains and rocks is delicate and moist, which implies an atmosphere of power and manliness. It has the axe-splitting brush stroke of Li Tang in the Southern Song Dynasty. With his great control of ink and colors, the clouds and air from between the mountains and waters confuse into an misty complex which shows great tension and energy in an vigorous and forceful way. This is the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the confidence of Chinese culture.

  Lai Zhigang has studied professionally with the tutoring of Jia Youfu and Li Xiaoke, as a result, he has a profound understanding of the landscape painting style that Li Keran established. We can see that inheritance clearly from his works; meanwhile, Lai Zhigang has formed his own artistic style from years‘ continuous practice and perception. From his powerful image we can feel his persistent efforts and perseverance in the art of painting, and his in-depth research, excavation and grasp of traditional Chinese brush and ink.

  “The greatness of Mount Taishan never ignores a tiny rock, a learned man never stops his pursuit of knowledge.” Adhering to the original ideal of art, cultivating roots and casting souls, maintaining integrity and innovation are the artistic concepts that the China National Academy of Painting has been adhering to for many years. We hope that the entire nation, whether as a whole or individual, can make new progress in artistic creation and aesthetic appreciation, and then integrate them into In our life, convey the concepts of modesty, tolerance, tenacity and harmony to every viewer through the works in the exhibition. It’s the holy duty entrusted us by our times to endow our people with beauty and share it boundlessly. I am happy that Lai Zhigang is a typical example in this great journey and wish the exhibition a great success.

Lu Yushun

​February, 2022.





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