
















Glass, also known as "glass", is a rare ornament made of artificial crystals (containing 24% lead dioxide) of various colors (produced by various metal elements) as raw materials and fired at a high temperature of more than 1000 degrees. Its color is flowing clouds and colorful, and its quality is crystal clear and dazzling.

In ancient China, the first materials for making colored glass were obtained from the by-products produced during bronze casting. After refining and processing, they were made into colored glass. There are many colors of colored glass. The ancients also called it "five colored stone". In ancient times, it was difficult for people to get it, so people even regarded glass as more precious than jade.

In June 2008, the glaze firing technique was selected into the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list approved by the State Council and determined by the Ministry of culture.

Some people say that glass is everywhere and worthless. What can I say? It's wrong to think so. Glass was more valuable than gold and jade in ancient times. In the eyes of the ancients, glass had a higher status than pearl jade.

There were many nicknames for glass in ancient China, such as Miao Lin, Lang Xuan, Lu Lin, Liu Lin, nitrate, medicine jade, jar jade and so on. Now, under normal circumstances, we classify fully transparent as "glass", translucent as "colored glass" and opaque as "feeder". This is a simple classification of glass products by modern people, but it is not so simple in the eyes of the ancients.

China's glass technology tended to mature in the Western Zhou Dynasty. A large number of glass beads and small glass tubes were found in many Western Zhou tombs. Through the identification of modern spectrometers by Chinese and foreign experts, the common conclusion is that the glass produced in China is composed of lead and barium, which is completely different from the "sodium calcium glass" in the West. It is two different glass making systems.

Because China's lead barium glass is low-temperature glass, although it is colorful, its disadvantages are also obvious: it is light in weight, not resistant to high temperature, and it is easy to break when suddenly encountering high temperature. Therefore, China's lead barium glass has only small decorations, mainly beads and pendants.

In the Western Han Dynasty, with the opening of the Silk Road, Western gemstones, gold, silver and glassware also entered China with trade. During the Wei, Jin, southern and Northern Dynasties, Roman and Persian glassware began to enter China in large quantities. At the same time, the high-temperature glass making technology was digested by the Chinese people, which improved the Chinese glass making technology. However, the production products are still mainly small accessories, and the large glassware is still mainly imported western soda lime glass. The people of Song Dynasty cherished the glassware from Arabia very much. At that time, Zhao rumet, the shipping envoy of Fujian Province, recorded the advantages and formula of imported glass in zhufanzhi: adding South borax, it is moist and does not crack, the most resistant to cold and heat, and the water is not bad, so it is valuable in China.

In the Qing Dynasty, Chinese glass production reached an unprecedented height with the integration of Western glass production technology. At that time, glass production was divided into North and south, with Guangzhou as the center in the South and Yanshen town in Boshan, Shandong as the center in the north. The Qing court established the Qing palace glass factory in canchikou, Xi'an gate, Beijing in the 35th year of Kangxi (1696), specializing in the production of imperial glass. It has been burning continuously until the third year of Xuantong (1911). Among them, the kangyongqian period was the most prosperous and the production of glass was the most exquisite.

The glazed utensils of this period are no longer as thick and fragile as the previous glazed utensils, and can withstand the test of high temperature. Therefore, there are a large number of exquisite large-scale glazed utensils, and they cover a wide range of aspects, including almost all daily necessities. In terms of production technology and expression techniques, it has also become rich and colorful, which can be divided into painted enamel glass, colored glass, engraved glass, gold sprinkled glass, Venus glass, filament wrapped glass, etc., which greatly improves the artistry and appreciation of glassware.

In terms of color, the glass in Kangxi period was rich in color and pure in color, and began to appear at the end. By the time of Yong Zheng, the colors were more abundant. On the basis of the Kangxi period, agate, red, yellow, sapphire blue, emerald green and honey wax yellow were added.

In the Qianlong period, there was more room for the development of utensils, which was the heyday of glass making in the Qing Dynasty. In this period, utensils were more widely used, and there were more than 20 colors, which was probably closely related to the aesthetics of farmhouse music of Emperor Qianlong. The production process of the feeder is very particular, including Venus material, color stippling, gold inclusion, stranding, tire stirring, material setting, etc. the techniques include carving, color drawing, gold drawing, enamel painting, etc.



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