
专稿|赵大陆新作“十二生肖” :疫情之下的启示与反思


赵大陆作品  2020之十二生肖

疫情期间,艺术家赵大陆创作了一组 “十二生肖”的作品,它们给人的感觉既熟悉又陌生,熟悉的是你我皆有属相,对于它们的形象已经眼熟能详;而陌生的是它们带着口罩,目视前方,就像是一个个鲜活的生命在诉说着什么。








2020之鼠 Rat 纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020


2020之牛 Ox 纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020








2020之虎 Tiger 纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020


2020之兔 Rabbit 纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020








2020之龙 Dragon 纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020


2020之蛇 Snake 纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020







2020之马 Horse 纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020


2020之羊 Sheep 纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020


赵大陆:对能够说明人物心理活动的东西我比较敏感也有兴趣。素描作为一种绘画方式,非常的单纯和直接。比如人们去到美术馆观看绘画展览尤其是油画类作品时候,时常会有一种压力,因为画面会呈现非常多的造型因素去干扰观者的判断。而素描就不一样,它只有黑白关系,观众可以更直接的理解画面并把注意力放在自己感兴趣的地方。使用黑白的手段可使形象更直接、明确,能直达事物的本质,更容易与观者沟通进而产生共鸣。另外,我选择素描的方式进行创作,也是出于自己是一个喜欢钻研绘画技巧的人,从小热爱绘画,在素描方面下过很大的功夫,后来又有相当长一段时间在大学教授素描与油画。所以对素描有种驾轻就熟的亲切感。 从另一个角度看,素描需要一种才能加勇气、耐力和时间,以“安静”的心态去创作,而所有艺术创作何不是如此呢。之前我在高校教学的经历告诉我,所有学习美术的人内心都希望自己有过硬的基本功。我欣慰自己还能以初心来完成这批素描。


2020之猴 Monkey 纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020


2020之鸡 Rooster 纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020






2020之狗 Dog   纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020


2020之猪 pig   纸上铅笔素描 Pencil Drawing on paper 60x40cm 2020




The reflection and thoughts of Zhao Dalu’s new series -“12 Zodiac” under the pandemic

The artist Zhao Dalu’s created a series of "12 Chinese Zodiac" during the pandemic. It raises the feeling of familiarity and unfamiliarity among the audience. The familiarity comes from the widely adopted Zodiac signs, in which their images are deeply rooted in our culture. The strangeness comes from the masks they are wearing and their far-starring eyes. They are more like living beings than ever, telling something silently.

The inspiration for this series comes from Dalu Zhao’s reflection on the pandemic. While isolating at home, he paid attention to the global case roll. As he gets old, the current situation brought him a lot of emotions and feelings towards life and death. “The world is impermanent. We, as humans, are so small and weak. A pandemic could bring so many lives with it, and that got me thinking about the way we see life and the purpose of living.”

As this thought goes, Zhao Dalu created this series of works with a sense of mission. The "Chinese Zodiac" used in this series has a special representational meaning to him. "For Chinese people, everyone will have a Zodiac assigned at birth. Therefore, the 12 Zodiac signs represent all the people and life per se. In front of life, everyone is equal."

In the means of creation, Zhao Dalu uses pencil sketching. He believes that the simplicity of black and white can illustrate images more direct and upfront, it can reach the essence of the subject and easily foster communication with the audience. He said that he likes to study drawing techniques and has paid lots of effort to sketching from an early age. Later on, he spent many years teaching sketching and oil painting in universities and thus sketching brings him a sense of familiarity and comfort.

In addition, Zhao Dalu mentioned that artists thinking and creation, especially under the current epidemic, have their social responsibilities. Art has the power to comfort souls, and that’s why an artist cannot just think about fame, money, and benefits. If someone decides to become an artist, he must be psychologically prepared for the dedication, and for turning art into a lifelong pursuit or even a belief.

This is another break-through Zhao Dalu has attempted. As he described, "Artists must do things that are creative. On top of things that already exist, no matter how small a step is taken, it is a valuable step and it gives the work corresponding meanings."

Artron:The sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 makes, the world fall into stagnation or even chaos. Various industries have been greatly impacted, and art is hardly spared. Many exhibitions and events have to be postponed or suspended. People are quarantined at home, life and work are greatly restricted, would you mind to talk about the impact of the epidemic on your work and life?

Zhao Dalu: After a five-or-six-month peak in Australia in 2020, the pandemic has eased a bit. People can travel as long as with masks, and social order has gradually returned to normal.

From a creative perspective, the epidemic doesn’t have too much impact on my life as an artist. Artists usually just stay at home and paint, and this provides us with a great period of time to be alone and think.

Artron:From online social platforms, we can see that people who are isolated at home spend this difficult time in many different ways. I am curious how you spent the isolation period? How does your current life and work look like?

Zhao Dalu: I would say it almost has returned to an original farming lifestyle, planting vegetables, organizing the garden, reading books, and painting. I planned to hold a solo exhibition in Melbourne at the end of 2019, but it was continuously postponed until the middle of this year. Now I just happened to have more time to prepare. I am basically in a very calm state, and of course, I will follow the global pandemic news on the Internet.

Artron: You deal with such a "painful" crisis in a very calm and intrinsic way, which requires a lot of concentration. It is very difficult to achieve a state like this, especially when people are alone. But calm doesn’t mean that you don't care, as you mentioned, you pay attention to the global pandemic news from time to time. What is the biggest impact of this epidemic on you?

Zhao Dalu: This global pandemic really touched me a lot, especially as I grow older, my understanding of the meaning of life has gone deeper. The world is really impermanent. We, as humans, are so small and weak. A pandemic could bring so many lives with it, and that got me thinking about the way we see life and the purpose of living. Even if you have great potential to achieve something, you can still lose your life to the disease. Then what’s the meaning of wealth and status? Therefore we should use our limited life to do something that makes our life fuller and more meaningful, instead of blindly pursuing materialistic goods. The pandemic has given us a revelation and motivation to reflect on our life.

Artron:You have created a group of "Chinese Zodiac" works during the epidemic, why did you think of creating such a group of works? The "Chinese Zodiac" is meaningful to us Chinese people, at the same time the sign itself has deep meanings and cultural representation. What do you think of the "Chinese Zodiac"?

Zhao Dalu: It may be the pandemic has gotten me to reflect and create such a group of works. For Chinese people, everyone will have a Zodiac assigned at birth. Therefore, the 12 Zodiac signs represent all the people and life per se. In front of life, everyone is equal. On the other hand, the 12 Zodiac involves the concept of time. Each Zodiac represents a year and twelve compose a cycle, meaning metempsychosis. The number of twelve is very interesting. In the sense of time, twelve months make up a year. In traditional Chinese culture, we have twelve timeslots a day.  Twelve is a connecting point of everything that matters to life, of time, space, culture and memories.

Artron: In your works, it’s very interesting to see "Chinese Zodiac" wear masks, and their masks are different. In addition, some of them wear masks irregularly, some wear on their noses, some wear on their mouths, and some wear masks with their mouths open. They are very vivid, why do you choose to portrait them like this?

Zhao Dalu: One of the most common characteristics that everyone in the world shares this year is undoubtedly a mask, so I also put a mask on every Chinese zodiac.

Masks are worn in different ways. This is a realistic portrayal of people who were not accustomed to wearing masks at the beginning of the epidemic. Some wear only on their noses with mouths exposed, and some had their noses exposed. For them, wearing masks seems just a prescribed action to show others that they are wearing, and that's all. After a year of repeated bans and lifting, people understand that no matter what ethnicity, culture, rich or poor, occupation, status, we are all equal in front of the pandemic. What each of us does will affect each other, and now people seem to be accustomed to wearing masks, as protecting yourself is also protecting the others. A the end of the day, we all want to remove the masks as soon as possible.

Artron: The image of the zodiac signs, although they are drawings, they give people a sculptural sense with a hint of metallic glow, which naturally reminds us of the twelve beast heads in Yuanmingyuan. Is there a relationship between the two?

Zhao Dalu: Yes, I did make a lot of references. The shape of the twelve beast heads in the Old Summer Palace is very distinctive. Although it adopts the classical realistic style of Western sculpture, it incorporates Chinese aesthetic elements. It can be regarded as an early example of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures. I have read a lot of related materials and historical documents online. I followed the image but did not completely borrow the model of the twelve beast heads in Yuanmingyuan, I have added my own thinking in this creation. In fact, with regard to artistic creation, we must first establish our own artistic concept and creative concept.

Artron: The "Chinese Zodiac" also looks very humanlike, especially their eyes, you can see a lot of different meanings. You didn't draw any background or environment when you created it, you just put a very direct image there. Such simple and clear images initiate communication easily with the viewers. Why did you choose sketching as a medium to create?

Zhao Dalu: I am more sensitive and interested in things that can showcase the psychological activities of characters. As a painting method, sketching is a very pure and straightforward method. For example, when people go to art museums to see exhibitions, especially oil paintings, they often feel the pressure, because the pictures present a lot of elements to interfere with the viewer's judgment. Sketching is different. It only black and white. The audience can understand it more directly and focus on their point of interest. Utilizing black and white can make the image more direct and clearer, can reveal the essence of the subject and resonate with the audience. In addition, I chose sketching for my creations because I am a person who likes to study painting techniques. I love painting since an early age, and I paid lots of effort practicing sketching. Later on, I spent many years teaching sketching and oil painting in universities, and thus sketching brings me a sense of familiarity and comfort. From another perspective, sketching requires talent and courage, endurance and time, that you have to create with a "quiet" mentality. Aren’t all artistic creation like this? My previous experience of teaching in universities told me that all those who study art hope that they have good fundamental skills. I am grateful that I can still complete these sketches with my original intentions.

Artron: The combination of this theme and creative technique is indeed very suitable for expressing your reflection and feelings about the epidemic, and can convey your emotions to the audience very directly. So in the future, will you use other medium to re-create this theme?

Zhao Dalu:  Not for the time being, and I don’t think I’ll make more of the Zodiac series. These are a fulfillment of my wish to express my feelings for 2020. Reflecting on the current situation in which the world has entered such a predicament, the meaning of creation has been achieved. Just like the previous "Construction Corp series", I may not be able to paint that subject matter again in the future. The wish is fulfilled. I may repetitively create a certain theme, especially those popular themes. But now it is more to follow my own heart.

Artron: Dealing with the epidemic, especially in the fight against the epidemic, people in different fields are making their own efforts. When it comes to the field of art, there is often a sense of powerlessness and even self-doubt, which can neither support the frontline nor cure it. People often ask and reflect on what can art do. How do you view this issue?

Zhao Dalu: In a pandemic, the thinking and creation of an artist should have social responsibilities. Art has the power to comfort souls, and artists should try their best to bring imaginations and hopes to the society. That’s why an artist cannot just think about fame, money, and benefits. If someone decides to become an artist, he must be psychologically prepared for the dedication, and for turning art into a lifelong pursuit or even a belief.

Artron: Looking at your artistic creation, you have been constantly trying and seeking breakthroughs. You have lived abroad for a long time and have reached a series of impressive achievements and have won many praises in the international art field. In 2011, the solo oil painting exhibition "Reading Memory" was held at the National Art Museum of China, sponsored by Artron, and it is unforgettable. Later, in 2012, the oil painting exhibition "Image and Beyond" was held at He Xiangning Art Museum. You used oil painting as medium to create a series of Chinese painting, which is refreshing. Will the creation of this "Zodiac" series opens a new chapter of your creation?

Zhao Dalu: I wouldn’t say it will be a new chapter, as the creation of art is a natural thing. I have been training in painting from elementary school to university. It is really not easy to be able to practice and perfecting sketching without any distraction. With such a skill, I want to use it on exploring new ideas and expressing my understanding of new things. On top of my own creation, a step forward is very valuable, no matter how small the step is. That gives special meanings the corresponding works.

Society nowadays is full of utilitarian and impetuous thoughts. After experiencing the 2020 pandemic, I hope that people can treat life more sincerely, live in harmony with nature, and respect the value of life. Through this creation, I have poured my care for life and my love for sketching into these twelve beast heads.

(翻译:霁月 Viahsta Yuan)



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