

  桑火尧 (雅昌指数54) ,中国重要的当代水墨艺术家。中国艺术研究院艺术创作指导委员会委员,中国画院副院长,国家一级美术师。1963年生。中国美术学院中国画系毕业,硕士学位。境象主义艺术的创导者。清华大学吴冠中艺术研究中心研究员。作品被中国美术馆、上海美术馆、浙江美术馆、广东美术馆、今日美术馆等重要机构收藏,并被中国杭州G20峰会主会场永久收藏陈列。其作品多次上拍于香港苏富比等国际重要拍卖机构。现工作生活于北京。

灿烂 Brillant | 2015 | 122x122cm | 绢本水墨 Ink and colour on silk



问山 Asking the Moutain | 2013 | 172x282cm | 绢本水墨 Ink and colour on silk

与庄子的一次对话实录  A record of conversation with Zhuangzi | 2011 | 40x80cm | 绢本水墨 Ink and colour on silk

  Sang Huoyao is a renowned contemporary ink artist from China. His academic and artistic expertise is much sought after by numerous prestigious institutions. As a National First level artist, he has a seat on the Artistic Committee of the China Academy of Art, and is also the Vice President of the Chinese Imperial Art Academy. Born in 1963, he graduated from the China Academy of Art in Chinese art with a master's degree. Adding to this multi-varied background is also his experience as a researcher in the 'Wu Guanzhong Research Center" in Tsinghua University. His works have been acquired by the National Art Museum of China, the Shanghai Art Museum, Zhejiang Art Museum, Guangdong Art Museum, as well as the Today Art Museum in Beijing. They can also be found at the venue of the G20 Hangzhou Summit under long term display. In the art market, his paintings have been auctioned by various important auction houses, including Sotheby's Hong Kong. He now lives and works in Beijing.

启示录 Revelation | 2016 | 121x121cm | 绢本水墨 Ink and colour on silk

  Sang Huoyao has been experimenting with color squares and the concept of Jing Xiang since 1998, which has elicited the attention of many art critics. His art is comprised of a few points: the first is the "color block" method, which is a trademark of his art. This has become a method of investigation and a self-identifying signature of his oeuvre, manifesting in different composition and structure. The color block comes from the ancient characters of the Chinese language, and also based on the famous Northern Song Mi Family's style of landscape painting. Secondly, it is borne of modern technology and philosophy, which allows for the passing of tradition. This also reflects the ancient philosophy of Lao Zhuang, reflecting the refined air of the literati. It can be said that the marriage of technology and the internet has given rise to a boundless potential, which reflects a contemporary sense of aesthetics in the Chinese. The third reflects the faith of this modern age. With the progress of society, between man and technology, people oftentimes feel loneliness, and the power of the art work lies in eliciting a heightened sense of Holiness, like as if one has entered a place of religion.

  His language of color blocks has narrowed the gap between Chinese traditional art as well as Western abstract art, which is also a reflection of the artist's concept of Jing Xiang, increasing the contemporary expression of ink art, prolonging the tradition of Chinese art, which enlarges the potential of this contemporary language on the international stage.

酒神曲 No.2 Melody of the Wine God No.2 | 2015 | 233x112cm | 纸本水墨 Ink and colour on paper

酒神曲 No.3 Melody of the Wine God No.3 | 2015 | 233x112cm | 纸本水墨 Ink and colour on paper



  获奖:2012年获第七届AAC艺术中国·年度影响力·水墨艺术家(中国 北京);2011年获第六届AAC艺术中国·年度影响力·装置多媒体类10家(中国 北京);2010年中国美术家协会全国中国画作品展获唯一奖项优秀奖(中国 北京);2009年第十届全国美展浙江展区优秀奖(中国 杭州)。



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