
Artprice.com 更名为 Artmarket.com

在2019年9月30, Artprice.com 举办的股东特别大会上, Artprice (中文:雅派) 宣布更名为Artmarket.com,成为全球艺术市场上的标杆企业。

Artprice.com(chinese name: Ya Pai) is switching to artmarket.com with statutory amendment and an extension of its corporate purpose: this EGM of 30.09.2019 seems like an IPO. Indeed Artmarket.com will help to ignite the Art Market in its entirety.

thierry Ehrmann: “Artprice 今年庆祝其成立20周年。花了20年时间成为了艺术市场信息的全球领先平台。在1999年首次公开募股时宣布了其远大理想。”

thierry Ehrmann: “Artprice celebrated its 20th anniversary for this year . It took twenty years to establish Artprice as a global leading platform for Art Markrt Information, its declared ambition in its 1999 IPO prospectus.”

今天,Artprice 受到新闻机构、媒体、金融界、艺术市场专业人员、博物馆和世界各国的一致认可, 成为全球艺术市场信息的主要参考机构

Today, Artprice is unanimously recognized by press agencies, the media (printed and audio-visual), the financial sector,artmarket professionals, museums and States around the world as the primary global reference in Art Market Information.

Artprice.com/Artmarket.com创始人兼首席执行官thierry Ehrmann, ©Artprice by ArtMarket headquarters / Abode of Chaos


But its development is about to move into another realm: Artprice will become Artmarket.com in order to optimize its position as a global player at the start of adecade that will see the digital revolution carry the entire planet into a complete and radical paradigm shift.

Artprice.com档案室,法国Saint – Romain – au – Mont - d’Or , ©Artprice by ArtMarket headquarters / Abode of Chaos


This historic name change reflects an expansion of our role to allmatters related to the Art Market rather than just to questions related to “art prices”,a subset of the Art Market.

但是,Artprice 品牌-在全球享有超过20年的知名度 – 仍将以Artmarket.com在其高利润的艺术品价格/指数数据库活动中的参考品牌予以保留。

As such, the Artprice brand– known world wide for over 20 years– will remain the reference brand name for Artmarket.com in its highly profitable art prices /indices databanks activity.

thierry Ehrmann:“Artmarket.com 这个名字将会推动我们的专业知识、内容和品牌的不断发展,通过全球搜索引擎对任何与 “Art Market”(艺术市场)相关内容的自然索引,实现目前艺术市场上经营的任何其他实体都无法实现的目标……因为英语是全世界艺术市场使用最多的语言。”

thierry Ehrmann: “ the name Artmarket.comwilldriveour know-how, our content and our brands like no otherentity operating on the Art Market will be able to do, thanks notably to the natural indexing byglobal search engines of any content relating to the term “Art Market”...because English is the language most used by the art market all over the world.

Artprice.com市场部门,法国Saint – Romain – au – Mont - d’Or , ©Artprice by ArtMarket headquarters / Abode of Chaos

“对于Artprice — 现为Artmarket — 而言,这代表着金融和经济上的一次重大跨越。”

“For Artprice – now Artmarket – thisrepresents a very significant financial and economic step forward.”

关于我们未来在泛欧交易所上市的事宜,Artprice.com 的股东将在更名获得批准后自动成为Artmarket.com的股东,他们的持股数量及附带权利则不受影响。同样,公司在中国的交易代码也将保持不变,以免给我们的股东、市场和银行带来不便。

Regarding our stock market listing on Euronext going forward, after approval, Artprice.com shareholders will automatically become shareholders of Artmarket.com without any impact on the number of shares held and their attached rights. Likewise the PRC mnemonic code will be kept the same to avoid inconvenience for our shareholders, the market and the banks.

“Artprice 很早以前就买下artmarket.com.net和.org域名,因此可通过Google.com或任何其他搜索引擎上的通用术语‘Art Market’,每月获得数百万搜索量。”

“Artprice acquired the domain names artmarket.com .net and .org a long time ago and therefore holds a perfectly legal key to millions of searches per month via the generic term “Art Market” on Google.com, or any other search engine.

因此,Artmarket.com .net .org 是通过互联网通往全球艺术市场的重要钥匙。

Artmarket.com .net .org are therefore the primary Internet keys to the global Art Market.

我们的域名artmarket.com 代表着独一无二的无形资产,据以下新闻稿称,它的价值可能达到约1.2亿美元。

Our domain name artmarket.com represents a unique intangible asset and could be worth around 120 million dollars according to the press release below.

Artprice.com艺术家数据分析部门,法国Saint – Romain – au – Mont - d’Or, ©Artprice by ArtMarket headquarters / Abode of Chaos

此外,对于与商业艺术相关的所有问题,“Art Market”是战后时期以来所有艺术、经济和金融出版物唯一统一使用的词汇。这些出版物包括:《华尔街日报》、《金融时报》、《纽约时报》、《艺术新闻》、《卫报》、彭博新闻社、路透社、BBC、CNN、欧洲新闻台、法新社、雅虎财经、美通社(Cision)等等。

Moreover, for all matters related to the commercial aspects of art, the term “Art Market” is the term universally used since the post-war period by all the artistic, economic and financial publications including The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, The New York Times,  The Art Newspaper, Bloomberg, Reuters,The Guardian, the BBC, CNN, Euronews, AFP, Yahoo! Finance, Cision (PR Newswire), etc...

“Artmarket.com” 打开了通往未来的大门,艺术市场现已大规模迁移到移动互联网部门(流通中的智能手机有45亿,5G网络已在某些国家投入使用),未来只会是一个100%数字化的世界。Artmarket.com 是这种科学和经济上的数字化冲击的完美体现,并且凭借多年的研究开发成为了这个市场的佼佼者。

“Artmarket.com” opens the doors of a future that can only be 100% digital now that the Art Market has already massively migrated into the mobile Internet sector (4.5 billion smartphones in circulation and 5G already operational in certain countries). Artmarket.com is a perfect reflection of this digital electroshock, both scientifically and economically, and it has acquired its lead in this market thanks to years of R&D.


The generic and universal name Artmarket.comwill act as a powerful vector for a change in economic scope, for capital transactions and possibly an IPO on another stock exchange (without any capital increase).

Artprice.com拍卖数据部门,法国Saint – Romain – au – Mont - d’Or, ©Artprice by ArtMarket headquarters / Abode of Chaos

thierry Ehrmann: “最重要的是我们的商业名称的这一重大变化反映了我们独特历史的新起点。它标志着我们渴望成为艺术市场中真正的全球参与者,并正在展开大批项目。如果1997年在我们开始征途时宣布这样的远大志向是非常冒昧和自大的。

thierry Ehrmann: “More than anything else, this highly significant change of our business name reflects a new beginning in our unique history. It marks our desire to become a truly global player in the Art Market, with a multitude of projects underway. It would have been very presumptuous of us to have declared such ambitions when we began our journey in 1997.


Of course, this name change will have no impact on our customers whose access to our services and our data remains completely unchanged.

Artprice.com 股东很快将被邀请参加临时股东大会(在法定期限内)批准此名称变更。

Artprice.com shareholders will very soon be invited to an EGM (within the legal deadlines) to approve this name change.


获得批准后,泛欧交易所中Artprice.com的股东将自动成为Artmarket.com 的股东,所持股份数目及所附权利不会有任何影响。

After approval, shareholders of Artprice.com on Euronext will automatically become shareholders of Artmarket.com without any impact on the number of shares held or their attached rights.


I wish to thank all our staff for their hard work and perseverance and our shareholders for their trust over the years... and I believe we can now all look forward to participating in the culmination of our project as a global player in the Art Market, reflected in our new name, Artmarket.com.”


We also wish you a happy New Year's Day in advance, and look forward to seeing you in 2020!
ArtMarket will bring you more surprises!
Stay tuned for more of our content / news! (Follow us!)

版权所有1987年-2019年thierry Ehrmann www.artprice.com-  www.artmarket.com

版权所有©2019 thierry Ehrmann – www.artprice.com




雅昌和Artprice 自2009 年就建立了合作伙伴关系,于2018 年10月签署了一项创建“新丝绸艺术之路”的历史性协议,此项协议属于2013年推出的“一带一路”计划范畴,在欧洲名为“新丝绸之路”。

Artprice通过与其忠诚的合作伙伴雅昌艺术集团(雅昌)合作,覆盖了全世界,尤其是中国的艺术市场,拥有超过6 万本书籍与拍卖目录,年出版量为3 亿。雅昌成立于1993年,其创始人万捷先生(世界上最大的艺术书籍印刷商)担任董事长。

雅派·艺术道(Artprice)在泛欧巴黎证券交易所(Euronext Paris)的主板Eurolist 上市(SRD long only),欧清银行(Euroclear):7478 - 彭博社(Bloomberg):PRC – 路透社(Reuters):ARTF。

观看视频,了解 Artprice:https://fr.artprice.com/video

董事长兼总经理蒂埃里·埃尔曼(thierry Ehrmann) 于1997 年创立雅派·艺术道(Artprice)。雅派·艺术道(Artprice) 由1987 年创立的Serveur 集团控股。

参阅由Who's who © 认证的传记:https://imgpublic.artprice.com/img/wp/sites/11/2019/03/2019-bio-whoswho-thierry-ehrmann.pdf

雅派·艺术道(Artprice)是有关上市和艺术指数的全球领导者,其数据库包含3,000 多万项指数并覆盖超过700,000名艺术家。Artprice Images® 允许无限制地访问全球最大的艺术品市场资源库,其中包含1.26亿件十八世纪至今的艺术品图像或雕塑,所有作品均配有雅派·艺术道(Artprice)艺术史学家的解读。

雅派·艺术道(Artprice) 一直通过6300位拍卖商的信息来充实其数据库,并经常向全球主要新闻机构及7200多家国际平面媒体发布艺术市场趋势。雅派·艺术道(Artprice) 为其450万会员(会员登录)提供由其成员发布的广告,并形成了全球第一个以固定价格购买和出售艺术品的交易市场——Standardised Marketplace® (在《法国商法典》第L 321.3 条第2 和第3 款的监管下拍卖)。

雅派·艺术道(Artprice)正在开发其艺术市场区块链,已于2018 年11 月第二次获得BPI 标签。

于2019 年3 月发布的Artprice 2018年全球艺术市场年度报告:https://fr.artprice.com/artprice-reports/le-marche-de-lart-en-2018

雅派·艺术道(Artprice) 2018年当代艺术市场报告:https://fr.artprice.com/artprice-reports/le-marche-de-lart-contemporain-2018

雅派·艺术道(Artprice) 新闻稿摘要:



在Facebook 和Twitter 上实时关注雅派·艺术道(Artprice)的全部艺术市场新闻:

https://www.facebook.com/artpricedotcom440 万粉丝

https://twitter.com/artpricedotcom& https://twitter.com/artmarketdotcom


了解雅派·艺术道(Artprice)的奇妙世界http://web.artprice.com/video,总部位于著名的当代美术馆- 混乱之居(Demeure du Chaos/Abode of Chaos,来自《纽约时报》):https://issuu.com/demeureduchaos/docs/demeureduchaos-abodeofchaos-opus-ix-1999-2013



Contact : china@artprice.com








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