


The dragon is a mythical animal with ancient scales and claws that can make the wind and rain. For thousands of years, the dragon has been worshipped by the descendants of the billionaires as a symbol of the Chinese nation. The artistic image of the dragon has become an important subject of traditional decoration in China. It has left an immortal shape on many buildings and artifacts from ancient times to the present. Looking for the dragon's trail on the coin as a symbol of wealth, this is one of the reasons why collectors love the big silver coin. The Qing Dynasty had a pivotal historical position in the history of China. During the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Qing Dynasty, the coin-minded masters merged with the new coin-growing technology of the West, and at the same time integrated into the Chinese classical culture. With skillful craftsmanship, they finally created the Xuan Tong San of the world civilization. The annual clear silver coin. The Xuantong emperor created the three-year Qing Dynasty silver coin of the world civilization, one is to improve the coin market, and the other is to integrate the Qing Dynasty into the mainstream Western society. After a century of historical precipitation, the Qing Dynasty dynasty has long been buried in the long river of history, and the three-year-old Qingyin coin of the world's civilized Xuantong has also withdrawn from the market circulation, and replaced it in the collection market.

大清银币大尾龙 重:26.4g 直径:3.9cm

大尾龙是大清银币中的特殊种类。专用于大清银币曲须龙的版别区分。宣统三年大清银币壹圆“大尾龙”版,1911年天津度支部造币总厂铸币,当时清政府欲统一币制,聘请海外高级技师精心设计制造了这套宣统三年大清银币,计有六、七种版式,大尾龙是其中之一。新币刚试铸成功,正逢武昌起义,于是大部分新版银币胎死腹中,只留有少量钱币。存世稀少而受人重视。此件藏品为宣统三年大清银币大尾龙,具有极高的收藏、研究、投资价值。这枚大清银币大尾龙与其它宣统三年大清银币版式大致相同,但背面龙尾明显较宽大,故俗称大尾龙,是宣统三年大清银币珍贵版别之一,铸额极少,数量远少于长须龙和反龙,大尾龙的特征:正面:字体肥大,高凸;花枝清晰,工艺精美;最右侧满文下方有个朝上的月牙标记;内珠圈细小,排列整齐;背面:龙身鳞片粗,排列美观整齐;龙尾中间一根龙须直上云霄;所有云纹较普通版更加立体,线条优美流畅;字体肥大高凸,下方“ONE DOLLAR”英文尤为明显。

The big-tailed dragon is a special kind of silver coin. Dedicated to the division of the big silver coin Qu Xulong. Xuantong's three-year-old Qingyin coin was rounded up in the "Daiweilong" version. In 1911, the Tianjin Branch of the Mint Branch Co., Ltd. coined the coin. At that time, the Qing government wanted to unify the currency system, and hired overseas senior technicians to carefully design and manufacture this set of three-year-old silver coins. There are six or seven layouts, and the big-tailed dragon is one of them. The new coin has just been successfully cast, and it coincides with the Wuchang Uprising. Therefore, most of the new silver coins are dead, leaving only a small amount of coins. It is rare and worthy of attention. This collection is a three-year-old Qing Dynasty silver coin big-tailed dragon with a very high collection, research and investment value. This large silver coin big tail dragon is roughly the same as other Xuantong three-year clear silver coin layout, but the back dragon tail is obviously wider, so it is commonly known as the big tail dragon, which is one of the precious editions of Xuantong three-year clear silver coin. Less, the number is far less than the long-tailed dragon and the anti-dragon, the characteristics of the big-tailed dragon: front: font hypertrophy, high convexity; clear flower branches, exquisite craftsmanship; there is an upward crescent mark below the rightmost Manchu; inner bead ring Small, well-arranged; back: dragon scales are thick, beautifully arranged; a dragon in the middle of the dragon's tail must be straight on the sky; all the moiré is more three-dimensional than the normal version, the lines are beautiful and smooth; the font is hypertrophic, the lower "ONE DOLLAR" Especially obvious.

大清银币大尾龙 重:26.4g 直径:3.9cm

我们细细观赏钱币的正面,四字大清银币的繁体字对仗工整成圆形排列在银币之上,外围则满文和汉文的结合体,银币下方则雕刻这这枚银币确切的发行时间----宣统三年这四个小字。透过这些年份,后世的我们仿佛看到了这没钱币古老而悠久的百年历史。银币的背面更是让后世的我们叹为观止,漫天飞舞的神龙环绕着壹圆标识。在我国古代历史,龙是至高无上的皇权代表,是高高在上的神物,神圣而不可侵犯。无疑欣赏到这里天下文明的宣统三年大清银币是一枚颇具皇家工艺的银币,而它的收藏价值也是不言而喻。小编从英国罗斯柴尔德拍卖行驻大陆办事处亿缘文化了解到这珍贵的大清银币大尾龙将参加英国罗斯柴尔德拍卖行ukrothschild新加坡拍卖会,最终这枚大清银币大尾龙将花落谁家,让我们一起期待。请登录:qr06.cn/FqD7C0 或者 英国罗斯柴尔德拍卖官网了解更多资讯:ukRothschild.com


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