
艺博会 | 香格纳画廊参展JINGART2019 | 展位A01

艺览北京 2019 | 香格纳展位号:A01 
JINGART 2019 | ShanghART Booth A01

参展艺术家 Artists:

陈晓云 CHEN Xiaoyun 
何伟 HE Wei
蒋鹏奕 JIANG Pengyi
林奥劼 LIN Aojie
陆垒 LU Lei
唐茂宏 TANG Maohong
闫冰 YAN Bing
杨福东 YANG Fudong

藏家预展 | Private View:
5/30, 14:00 - 20:00 ( 凭请柬入场 | by invitation only )
5/31, 13:00 - 20:00 ( 凭请柬入场 | by invitation only )

公众展期 | Public days:
6/01, 11:00-17:00
6/02, 11:00-17:00

地点 | Venue:

北京展览馆, 北京 | Art Fairs Beijing Exhibition Center, Beijing

何伟 | HE Wei

何伟 HE Wei|No.133|布面油画 Oil on canvas | 160x180cm| 2017~2018


He Wei (b. 1980, Xinjiang) graduated from Sichuan academy of Fine Arts, Oil Painting Department in 2005. He currently lives and works in Beijing. He Wei’s mysterious abstractions investigate interior landscapes of the mind and heart. Through a process of applying many translucent layers of oil paint onto canvases lying on the floor random expressionistic color fields are created sometimes with broken geometric structures floating on the surface. The texture and wrinkles in the canvas, and the imperfections of the floor form depressions and crevices on the painting’s surface. 

陈晓云 | CHEN Xiaoyun 

陈晓云 CHEN Xiaoyun|国王的婚礼 King's Wedding|布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas | 150x210cm | 2018 


Chen Xiaoyun (b. 1971, Hubei) currently lives and works in Beijing. His works are always both artistic and poetic in style, with introspective thinking present in the narrative structure as well as the use of individual fragments of consciousness to channel the real world in pictorial form. 

蒋鹏奕 | JIANG Pengyi

蒋鹏奕 JIANG Pengyi|幽暗之爱 1H 45′16″ Dark Addiction 1H 45′16″|收藏级喷墨打印 Archival Inkjet Print | 188x150cm | Ed.5 | 2013 

蒋鹏奕,1977 年生于湖南沅江,现工作、生活于北京。蒋鹏奕的作品主要以摄影、录像为媒介,通过制造超现实的景观以及对景物的微妙叙述,呈现出个体生命的内外障碍与疑惑。《幽暗之爱》系列照片是采用物影印像法長时间曝光制作而成。一只、几只或者数十只萤火虫,装入有黑白胶片的暗箱中,任它们自由爬行或者飞行,持续的发出求偶的闪光信号。在其短暂的生命期里,萤火虫在底片上留下某一段、或者一生的,可见的生命轨迹。

Jiang Pengyi (b.1977, Yuanjiang, Hunan) currently lives and works in Beijing. He creates a kind of surreal spectacle and delicate narration of the scene, mostly, by photo and video, to reveal the barriers and confusions of the individuals. The Dark Addiction series uses the method of direct impression under long-time exposure. One, a few or dozens of fireflies were put in the camera obscura with black and white film. Crawling and flying freely inside the box, they continue to make flashing mating signals. On the film, the fireflies left visible paths for a certain period of their short lives. 

唐茂宏 | TANG Maohong 

唐茂宏 TANG Maohong|突如其来的丰收 Sudden Harvest|布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas | 61x46cm | 2019 


Tang Maohong (b. 1975) lives and works in Beijing, China. He simultaneously references and undermines art history and popular culture. He has integrated a variety of visual elements and subject matters, producing works that inhabit the ever-blurred border between elegant art and popular illustration. His work is absurd, magical, humorous and confrontational, hinting that the juxtapositions of figurative objects might be more than just illusions. Tang Maohong's pictorial universe reflects not only a new subject – a psyche whose internal eclectic imagination is echoed in the environment of constantly flowing images – but also the inversion of out-grown traditions. 

林奥劼 | LIN Aojie 

林奥劼 LIN Aojie|协调 Coordination|鼠标绘画、独版、收藏级喷墨打印 Mouse painting on computer, Unique, Archival inkjet print | 75x120cm | 2018 

林奥劼,1986年生于广州,2010 年毕业于广州美术学院油画系。他的作品涉及录像、摄影、绘画、文本等形式。其艺术实践取材于自身经验,艺术家以带有强烈即兴性和幽默意味的图像,敏锐而细腻地记录着日常生活中的琐碎细节或刻意安排的行为事件。 

Lin Aojie (b. 1986, Guangzhou) graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Oil Painting Department in 2010. Presented through video, photography, painting, text, etc., Lin Aojie’s artistic practice departs from his personal experiences. The artist has a keen and delicate record of the trivial details of daily life or deliberately planned events with strongly improvisatory and humorous images. 

陆垒 | LU Lei 

陆垒 LU Lei|曼雷的提琴 Man Ray's Violin|纸上水彩 Watercolor on paper | 33x24cm | 2016 

陆垒(陆磊),生于1972年,1998年毕业于中国美术学院。目前生活和工作在北京。这件作品根据曼雷在1924年拍摄的《安格尔的小提琴》创作。用曼雷的方式,同样的向古典致敬。 作品底板,采用黄金分割圆取形,用压缩机带动铜管制做的消化系统图形结霜。往复循环。艺术家希望作品中呈现的机械美感,可以呈现出早期现代主义的精神性。 

Lu Lei (b.1972) works and lives in Beijing, graduated from Sculpture Department of China Fine Arts College in 1998. This work is inspired by the Man Ray’s photography “Ingre’s Violin” created in 1924,paying tribute the classical in a way of Man Ray. The background board is cut into form according to golden section circle. There is a compressor to make the graphic of digestive system frosted. It works in a periodical way. The artist hopes to render a mechanical aesthetic which represents early modernism spirit. 

杨福东 | YANG Fudong 

杨福东 YANG Fudong|黄小姐昨夜在M餐厅 8号 Ms. Huang at M last night Nr. 8|黑白C-print Black-White chromogenic print | 120x180cm | Ed.10 | 2006 

杨福东,1971 年生于北京。毕业于中国美术学院油画系,被誉为目前中国最成功和最有影响力的艺术家之一。2004年入选纽约古根海姆当代艺术奖,成为继蔡国强、黄永砯之后第三位获此殊荣的华人艺术家。现工作生活于上海。杨福东的每一部作品都是充满戏剧性的生存经验和必须承受的考验。《黄小姐昨夜在M餐厅》(曾用名:黄小姐在M的晚上)系列具有杨福东摄影一贯的气质,整个系列由10件摄影构成,不完整的叙事和特写的镜头为作品开放出独特的诠释。杨福东摄影和影像作品中对青年人物形象的塑造显示出其赋予作品古典的美和永恒的娴熟技巧,他作品中诗意的/多重的文学性隐藏了现代人的焦虑与徘徊。 

Yang Fudong was born in Beijing in 1971. He graduated from the China Academy of Fine Arts, Oil Painting Department in Hangzhou. He is among the most successful and influential Chinese artists today. He was one of finalists shortlisted for the Hugo Boss Prize in 2004 and received this honor as the third Chinese artist after Cai Guoqiang and Huang Yongping. Now he works and lives in Shanghai. Every piece of art by YANG Fudong is a drama of living experience as well the challenge one has to endure. Ms. Huang at M Last Night continues to emit the aroma of artist’s photography work. The entire series is composed of ten photos whose incomplete narration and close-up view provide a unique interpretation. Young people in his art render the classical beauty and eternal sophisticated technique implanted by the artist, who borrows poetic and diverse literature that conceals the anxiety and hesitation share by modern people. 

闫冰 | YAN Bing

闫冰 YAN Bing|蘑菇 No.13 Mushroom No.13|布面油画 Oil on canvas | 200x150cm | 2019

闫冰,1980年生于甘肃天水,2007年毕业于中央美术学院油画系第三工作室。其个展包括:闫冰同名个展,上海民生现代美术馆,上海(2016);我的劳动II,杨画廊,北京(2013);长物志 No.5,蜂巢当代艺术中心,北京(2013);农事诗,白盒子艺术馆,北京(2012);我的劳动,杨画廊,北京(2011);51平米:14# 闫冰,泰康空间,北京(2010);由刘小东策划:闫冰/温度,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京(2009)。同时还参加了中央美术学院美术馆、民生现代美术馆、美国俄亥俄州立大学城市艺术中心、美国纽约RH当代艺术中心、英国曼切斯特华人艺术中心、西安美术馆、泰康空间、关山月美术馆、金鹰当代艺术中心等机构举办的群展。 

Yan Bing was born in 1980, Tianshui, Gansu province, China. He graduated from CAFA in 2007, studied under Studio 3 of the Oil Painting Department. His solo exhibitions include: YAN Bing, Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai (2016); My Labor II, Gallery Yang, Beijing (2013); Superfluous Things, No.5, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing (2013); Farming Poems, White Box Museum of Art, Beijing (2012); My Labour, Gallery Yang, Beijing (2011); 51㎡14#, Taikang Space, Beijing (2010); Temperature - curated by Liu Xiaodong, UCCA, Beijing (2009). He also participated in a number of group exhibitions held by institutions such as CAFA Museum; Minsheng Art Museum; Urban Arts Space, Ohio State University, USA; RH Contemporary Art, New York, USA; Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Manchester, Britain; Xi'an Art Museum; Taikang Space; Guanshanyue Art Museum; and G • ART, Nanjing. 


ShanghART Exhibitions

香格纳上海 | ShanghART Shanghai

李山:打开折叠 | Li Shan: Decoding

展期 | Duration: 2019/05/18 - 2019/07/21 

地址 | Location: 香格纳上海,上海徐汇区西岸龙腾大道2555号10号楼 | ShanghART Shanghai, West Bund, Bldg.10, 2555 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai


香格纳上海 | 李山个展《打开折叠》:生物与艺术的对话

香格纳北京 | ShanghART Beijing

蒋鹏奕:预见 Jiang Pengyi: Foresight 

展期 | Duration: 2019/05/18 - 2019/07/06

地址 | Location: 香格纳北京,朝阳区机场辅路草场地261号 | ShanghART Beijing, 261 Cao Chang Di, Airport Side Rd., ChaoyangDistrict, Beijing


香格纳北京 | 蒋鹏奕个展《预见》将于5月18日开幕

香格纳北京 | 5月23日顾铮、蒋鹏奕对谈:毁灭的多重视觉演绎

香格纳新加坡 | ShanghART Singapore

诺阿·诺阿:唐茂宏东南亚驻留项目 | Noa Noa, Tang Maohong Southeast Asia Residency Exhibition 

展期 | Duration: 2019/05/04 - 2019/07/14

地址 | Location: 香格纳新加坡,新加坡Lock路9号02-22吉门营房 | ShanghART Singapore, 9 Lock Road, #02-22, Gillman Barracks, Singapore 108937


香格纳新加坡 | 唐茂宏东南亚驻留项目《诺阿·诺阿》

香格纳M50 | ShanghART M50

空间升级改造闭馆 | Closed due to renovation

地址 | Location: 香格纳M50,上海普陀区莫干山路50号16号楼 | ShanghART M50, Bldg 16, 50 Moganshan Rd., Putuo District, Shanghai




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