
影像上海艺术博览会参展画廊 | GAOTAI Gallery

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参展艺术家 Represented Artists:马康,汪凌,马海伦,田林,萨子

高台当代艺术中心来自中国新疆,是一家新成立的孵化型画廊。高台的愿景是推动艺术发展,并以艺术实现跨区域的交流和议题合作。高台位于新疆乌鲁木齐的首个空间计划于 2019 年 10 月前开幕。2019 年 5 月,高台在北京山水美术馆联合举行了有来自 18 个国家与地区艺术家和行业代表参与的“艺术与可持续发展”论坛。2019 年 6 月,高台登陆 Artsy,首先完成了上线。

马康,1962 年 9 月出生在中国南京。摄影评论家顾铮称其创作“持续一贯地以享有盛名的地标性建筑的模糊影像,作为自己的摄影表现的主要追求,并且最终确定以这种不确定的影像为自己的风格。”。马康主要参与的展览有:台中艺术博览会(台湾,2018)影像上海艺术博览会(上海,2014-2017),不确定时代全摄影画廊(上海,2011)。

© MA KANG, Jiayuguan, 2017. Courtesy of GAOTAI Gallery (Xinjiang)


© WANG LING, One Kilometer, 2009. Courtesy of GAOTAI Gallery (Xinjiang)



© MA HAILUN, Hometown, 2018. Courtesy of GAOTAI Gallery (Xinjiang)

田林,独立摄影师,1971 年出生在新疆。在过去十五年里,田林以维吾尔语名字“艾力”,行走在乌鲁木齐雅玛里克山上的每一处角落,完成了数万张对这一城市边缘社区的纪实拍摄。在很长时期,田林没有收入支撑他购买耗材,他以回收报废胶卷的方式坚持拍摄,由此相片中也产生了一层天然的颗粒感。田林记录到:“山上和山下是两个完全不同的世界,一个简朴清澈,一个红尘滚滚。路是长的,黑的。关于那些孩子,我曾拍过许多'漂亮'的照片,当我渐渐把那些形式和表层的东西扔尽以后,我看到了一群赤脚的生命,真实而脆弱。没有什么能敌过那一双眼睛,从中也可以看见我们离开泥土有多远。” 田林 2010 年入围了“北京三影堂摄影奖作品展”。

© TIAN LIN, Night Poems, 2008. Courtesy of GAOTAI Gallery (Xinjiang)

GAOTAI is a gallery and art incubator based in Xinjiang region of China. GAOTAI aims to promote cross-cultural dialogue between local and international artists through major exhibitions, public forum, and other social events.

The first space of GAOTAI is scheduled to open in Urumqi by October 2019. In May 2019, GAOTAI co-hosted the Art and Sustainability Forum at Riverside Museum in Beijing,artists and industry leaders from 18 countries have joined the conversation. In June 2019, GAOTAI online launched on Artsy.

GAOTAI Gallery will present works from artists Ma Kang, Wang Ling, Sa Zi, Ma Hailun, Tian Lin at 2019 PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai.

Ma Kang was born in 1962 in Nanjing. He currently lives in Shanghai. Ma Kang photographs architecture as a way of engaging in a dialogue about place, history and the built environment. He uses a film-based camera to make multiple exposures of iconic and historical architecture and places. He deliberately creates blurred images that are composed of multiple layers of the same view with slight movements to add to the complexity of the image.

© MA KANG, Dunhuang, 2017. Courtesy of GAOTAI Gallery(Xinjiang)

Wang Ling,performances artist who has deeply penetrated his work into the transformation period of Chinese society.  Wang receives his inspiration from classical literature and social crisis, he has conducted performances reflecting complex social issues like clash of religions and civilizations, nationality and nationalism, urban and rural development path... Born in Hebei province of China, Wang Ling currently lives in Beijing and Xinjiang.

© WANG LING, One Kilometer, 2009. Courtesy of GAOTAI Gallery (Xinjiang)

Sa Zi, a performance artist, will present his work Dialogue, which is a joint work of many artists in Xinjiang. In 2001, Sazi returned to Xinjiang, using the black oil stains on the train, and the six participants wrote a continuation of the road signs on their backs. "A spiritual monologue forms a direct dialogue with the outside world" Sazi said that this was the time when our art youths talked to the outside world, naked and longing.

Ma Hailun moved to New York in 2013 to study BFA Photography and then MPS Fashion Photography at the School of Visual Arts. Six and a half thousand miles from home - the mountainous Chinese province of Xinjiang – the city was a world unlike anything she’d known before. Studying within the Western art school system was formative, encouraging her to look to her own cultural upbringing for inspiration. She has already appeared in nearly a dozen exhibitions, both individual and group shows, in a variety of venues, from New York to Miami to Mumbai and her native China. Just as impressive, her work has been featured and she herself has been profiled in many important publications, including NYLON, New York Magazine, i-D magazine, and Artinfo.

© MA HAILUN, Hometown, 2018. Courtesy of GAOTAI Gallery (Xinjiang)

Tian Lin, an independent photographer, born in Xinjiang in 1971.  In the past fifteen years, Tian Lin has walked through every corner of the Yamarq Mountain in Urumqi with the Uyghur name “Aili” and completed tens of thousands of documentary photographs of this urban fringe community.

For a long time, Tian Lin had no income to support him in purchasing consumables. He insisted on recycling scrap film, and the photo ends up with natural graininess as part of his own style.  Tian Lin recorded: "The mountain is completely a different world from the city,one is simple and clear, the other one is busy and shinning. The road to the mountain is long and dark. For a long time, I have taken many "pretty" photos for those children, but when I gradually forgetting those forms and superficial things, I started to see a group of barefooted lives, real and fragile. Nothing can rival those eyes. From there, we can also see how far we are away from our own land."

© TIAN LIN, Night Poems, 2018. Courtesy of GAOTAI Gallery (Xinjiang)

 联系方式 / Contact


W: artsy.net/gaotai 

E: gaotaigallery@163.com




作为亚太地区最具影响力的影像艺术平台、中国大陆最为国际化的艺博会,影像上海艺术博览会在过去几年中,对亚洲艺术影像市场起到了至关重要的推动作用,亦建立起关于艺术影像媒介最为权威和活跃的交流平台。影像上海保持开拓精神,聚焦国际前沿,以博物馆品质提供诸多版块的全新内容,为亚太藏家、观众和专业人士提供欣赏和发现影像艺术的最佳体验。影像上海艺术博览会的参展画廊均通过严格甄选和精心策展,分布在核心 ( Main ) 和平台 ( Platform ) 两大版块,前者汇集了专注于现当代摄影的国际顶尖画廊,后者则是新兴艺术家和国际画廊的重要平台 。从教科书级别的艺术大师,到活跃在国际摄影和移动影像前沿的艺术新星,逾百位各个年龄层次的优秀艺术家的力作将济济一堂。博览会亦推出『在场』( Staged )、『洞见』( Insights )、『焦点』( Spotlight )、『对话』( Conversations )等精彩特展和公共项目版块。


   2019 影像上海艺术博览会



World Photography Organization

世界摄影组织是摄影活动的国际性平台,覆盖180多个国家。我们的目标是通过赞颂世界上最佳作品与摄影师,提升摄影相关话题的关注度。我们与全球的个人摄影师和行业领先的合作伙伴都建立了长久的纽带,为此我们引以为豪。世界摄影组织每年举办一系列丰富的活动,包括:2017年第十届的全球规模最大的摄影竞赛——索尼世界摄影奖,当地会面及讲座以及专注于摄影的国际艺术博览会——影像上海艺术博览会和影像旧金山艺术博览会。欲知更多详情,请访问 www.worldphoto.org

以上内容来自「PHOTOFAIRS影像艺术博览会 」 

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