
独家专访 | 街头艺术家Tlight:从街头出发书写文化


一个用街头艺术释放能量、作品里却看不到狂暴咆哮般的高调风格;追求不拘泥教条约束、暗夜涂鸦、随手取材街头物品创作的艺术家,Tlight,在《“2022 潮酷玩家“潮流艺术先锋艺术季·成都》,全球首次发布装置艺术作品「顽型填空-失乐园」,乍看之下的强烈街头叛逆风格下,深藏着浓浓的人文情怀,以全球首创结合涂鸦字体与潮玩化装置艺术的创意设计,为传统认知的街头艺术,做了一个全新的阐释与深度解读。

Tlight, an artist who uses street art to release energy, but there is no the violent roaring and high-profile style in his work as traditional street artwork; although who still pursues non-dogmatic constraints, dark night graffiti, and casual creation with objects from street. In the《 "2022 Cool Player" Art & Fashion Pioneer Jam Chengdu》, Tlight releases the installation artwork 「Stubborn Fill in the Blanks-Paradise Lost」, the first time in the world. Under the strong street rebellious style at first glance, there is a deep humanistic sentiment hidden in this installation that combines graffiti fonts and trendy playfulness. The creative design of art has made a brand-new interpretation and in-depth interpretation of traditional street art.

AFI 以Q&A 采访的形式,深度访谈合作的艺术家Tlight,从「顽型填空-失乐园」的作品,直探 Tlight 的内心与对街头艺术的深层解读。从街头艺术家穿梭街头巷弄、躲避警察驱赶、群众异样眼光下留下的城市印记历史,到成为当代潮流艺术的主流发展过程,甚至到迅速崛起的数字与多媒体艺术趋势中,本身已在多媒体及数字动画领域里领跑多年的 Tlight ,将分享他对街头艺术的观点与未来的期许。

In the form of Q&A interviews, AFI conducted in-depth interviews with the contracted artist Tlight, and explored Tlight's creation and in-depth interpretation of street art from the works of 「Stubborn Fill in the Blanks-Paradise Lost」. From the time while street artists sneaked in the streets, avoiding the police and leaving the history imprint by graffiti, which has become  the mainstream of contemporary art.  Tlight, as a street artist, has also devoted himself into the rapidly rising trend of digital and multimedia art for many years, will share his views on street art and his future expectations of art.


街头艺术家 Tlight

AFI:从你这次在“2022 潮酷玩家”潮流先锋艺术季,推出你首次发表的装置艺术作品「顽型填空-失乐园」,似乎有别于一般街头艺术家给人狂妄不羁、我行我素的创作风格,请你用最直接、不修饰的话语介绍下这个作品?

AFI:From this time, you launched your first installation artwork 「Stubborn Fill in the Blanks-Paradise Lost」 in the exhibition of the "2022 Cool Players" Art & Fashion Pioneer Jam”, it seems more touchy and emotional, not the rebellious style as we learn about the street art, would you please introduce this extraordinary artwork you created with your own words?


Tlight:In fact, this series of artworks mirrors my own growth experience, detailing the family environment that I was monitored and dominated during my childhood, and my current conditions as a graffiti player. The graffiti artwork from the streets are turning into discarded toys、dirty streets and broken piece of my childhood memories are linked together and mapped through the overall scene I created in  "Stubborn Fill in the Blanks-Paradise Lost". It is hoped to express whether parents’ overeducated management respects children’s free will and their own ideas of growth? Whether do parents care for their children through more reasonable ways?  At the same time, it also elicits the public's viewpoints and perspectives to street graffiti: whether publics are used to an old、imprisoned vision with only the focus on legality and artistic effectiveness instead of paying more attention to the humanism and spiritual creation inherent in more artworks of street graffiti.


《“2022 潮酷玩家” 潮流先锋艺术节·成都》展览现场


©Tlight,stubborn fill in the blanks-paradise lost


AFI:The focus of creation in "Fill in the Blanks-Paradise Lost" is the Rocking Horse, which is composed of different shapes and unique fonts, and the composition of these fonts is actually a graffiti artwork. From the sharp shape and straight line of traditional graffiti fonts, turning into childish and cute rocking horses reveals an extraordinary creation. From graffiti fonts to installation art, is this creativity originates from street art, or is it nurtured from your own street experience?


Tlight:In fact, the basis of this creation stands by the identity as graffiti player himself,the expression of this artwork comes from the culture and the spirit of the street.  Street graffiti is a private expression in public space. It has been telling the unequal rights existing in social structure and interactive relationship. I write and combine it into the main body of this installation artwork with my own symbolic language of signs. It includes hidden symbols that appear in the streets and alleys, writing the conflict and absurd stories on streets.



AFI:Most people have the impression that graffiti writers and street artists are rebellious, and the challengers to authority and system with strong self-awareness. From the 「stubborn fill in the blanks-paradise lost」, it expresses a very deep humanistic and emotional projection. Do you think this is very “street style”? Is street art more capable of expressing such emotions and feelings? Or is this work just a special case?

Tlight我认为目前未来更多的艺术形式是不断打破边界,创新迭代的趋势,我追求的本身就是需要通过我的作品,运用我的风格与表现手法,把观众和我时情感桥梁连接在一起。这些感情包括/失落 兴奋 无助 焦虑等等/ 体会一种跨越时间的情感矛盾。

Tlight:I think that more art forms in the future will continue to break boundaries of art, and innovate and iterate more without limitation. What I pursue is to use my style and expressive techniques through my works to connect the audience and the emotion back to the time while I created. These feeling and emotion including the loss, excitement, helplessness, anxiety… etc. can reveal and help audience experience a kind of emotional conflict over time.




AFI:In 「Fill in the Blanks-Paradise Lost」 , the unique and brightly colored Rocking Horse stands in a mess with sand and garbages of black and white, it is reminiscent of the remarkable classic scene of the Oscar-winning movie "Schindler's List" : in the gray-tone Nazy concentration camp with crawling prisoners in grey and dark, a little girl in a red dress briskly passing by. The shock of this visual creation is completely different from the street art expression that is generally revealed in a simple and straightforward way. Do you think this is the deep artistic connotation inherent in street art? Or is it a necessary part of the future development of street art?

Tlight这正是我追求的艺术方向,我只是运用自身街头涂鸦人的身份去表达,个人比较欣赏的几位街头艺术家 BANKSY / Shepard Fairey / FUTURA 都有各自不同的深层次艺术内涵,这才是真正的街头精神口粮。从街头出发书写文化。

Tlight:This is the artistic direction I am pursuing. I just use my identity as a graffiti artist to express what it should be. The several street artists that I personally appreciate, BANKSY、Shepard Fairey、 FUTURA, have their own different deep-level artistic connotations. This is what the real street spiritual food for thought --




AFI:Street art originating from the bottom society of the East coast of the US is obviously different from the street art with materialism consumerism styles in West coast of the US. European street art focus more on expressing the social status quo in a mockery way; what do you think of your own artistic style? What are your views on the development of domestic street art styles?


Tlight:In fact, in terms of the development of street graffiti culture and postmodern art is anti-traditional and anti-elitism throughout. In my opinion, this kind of rebellious spirit is the power of creation and the core of street culture that constantly challenges authority and constantly breaks through the limits of formalism. Graffiti art is only a very small part of it, and what I can do is to innovate from learning, and I have also tried a lot of expressions such as installations, visual art , and public art. What I always tell is a irreconcilable social conflicts under the form of futurism that span time. Maybe this is a bit pessimistic, but it is exactly what I want to express. For the development of domestic street art styles, it can be said that they are still catching up with the West as a whole. Most of the styles are presented under the trend of continuous exploration and iteration.




AFI:Young artists have become more courageous in adopting multiple creative forms that include the street arts, and the application with multimedia and digital tools has become more common; what is your opinion on the development of street culture and digital art? Is it conflict and resistant to each ther, or can it be merging art with diversity? Any reminders and messages for the upcoming artists?


Tlight:The boundaries of artistic style are constantly fused and innovated. In the ever-changing technical creation methods, it is important to find the right direction for oneself. Only by constantly exploring and innovating can lift us up to a higher level  . Tools are just tools, and this is also the causality as Chines terms of “Tao” and “Shu”, in terms of Creation and Tools. Be curious about new things, and the passion driven by curiosity will explore more wonderful worlds.

AFI × Tlight

AFI × Tlight《顽型填空-失乐园》联名潮玩



AFI × Tlight《顽型填空-失乐园》联名潮玩


AFI(AFI Style IP Center ),全球时尚艺术风格 IP 商业服务中心,以独创的风格美学体系为基础,推动结合科技与艺术的 “StyleArt”  计划,以艺术 IP 化、 IP 数字化为起点,携手亚洲头部 NFT 数字艺术交易平台CryptoArt.AI ,甄选全球 20+ 潮流与数字艺术家和机构,12 月 17 日至 1 月 16 日在成都 WHY ART SPACE 举办《“2022 潮酷玩家”潮流先锋艺术季》,鉴于 Z 世代的潮流文化兴起、数字艺术的关注度提升,元宇宙概念的热潮方兴未艾,预见潮流艺术的前卫风格在数字平台的表现特点与成长潜力。从街头涂鸦到二次元、从赛博朋克到亚文化,从互动媒体到 NFT 数字艺术,四大主题的虚实交织、沉浸式的视觉艺术体验。







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