
古老与现代 Antiquity & Modernity


  Giorgio Agamben once said that one of the following three conditions comes as a must to be a "modern" artist: be out of line with the era he is in, or, goes against the trend; or conforms to the times, but does not conform to the main stream of the times, rather, be based on the gloomy side of the era; or picks up the essence of the gloomy side, i.e., be close to the source of antiquity. The shine of antiquity source is so weak that we hardly become aware of it, and it even dies away before we see it as if the meteor in the sky, when we look up, it had already gone away. Fortunately the dim light of antiquity source flashes in the artworks of artists "as if fetus lives in the womb for more than ten months, or kid lives in the body of an adult".

  申红飙的铸铜雕塑展现了人和动物之间古老的联系,多米尼克·拉斯戴乐明确指出文明源于动物。在菏莱茵斯坦——斯达戴尔山谷发现了旧石器时代的狮子人雕像,它标志着艺术的萌芽,考古学家所说的“抽象符号的爆发”也是出现在同一时期。远古人类开始把具体的图像在头脑中形成抽象概念,有目的的语言交流出现了,并且能够给具体事物赋予特定的象征意义,这三种技能的发展促使艺术诞生 。到了新石器时代,人类用于应付自然环境和社会两方面的智慧得以融合,发展成了我们所说的“文明”。“在生理需要和自然环境限制之外,人类的自由在增长” ,精神层面的发展成为可能。法国的拉斯科溶洞保存着距今17000年的神秘绘画,清晰有力的线条描绘着受伤的猎手和野牛,正一起面临死亡。无论是史前还是今日,艺术家始终遵循着人类生存的法则,也就是远古人类狩猎的技巧:模仿。

  Shen Hongbiao's cast copper sculpture demonstrates the ancient link between man and animal and Dominique Lestel made clear that culture is originated from animal. The lion - man statue of the Old Stone Age was unearthed in the Valley of Hohlenstein Stadel, which symbolized the sprout of art while the "explosion of abstract symbol" the archaeologists said also appeared in the same period. Ancient people began to shape abstract concept of specific image in their mind, then came purposeful language communication. People could render specific symbolic meaning to specific matters. The development of the three skills contributed to the emergence of art. As of the Neolithic Age, people integrated their wisdom to deal with natural environment and society and developed the so - called "civilization". "Beyond physiological requirements and the constraint of natural environment, people's freedom is growing" and the development at the spiritual aspect was made possible. The Lascaus karst cave of France still preserves the mysterious painting with 17,000 years of history, with clear - cut and powerful lines describing the injured hunter and wild ox who are struggling with death together. Either before the history or today, artists are still committed to the rule of human existence, i.e., ancient people's technique of hunting: simulation.


  The concept that "civilization originates from animal" overturned our definition for civilization, but the prerequisite for the generation of civilization is survival. What distinguishes man from animal is conquering the target. Researches in recent years showed that "animal has conquered the spiritual field to some extent", but only humankind with the capacity of language leaves footprints in history. Artists re-embarked on the footprints to demonstrate and share the most antique civilization with us. Mr. Shen’s sculptures are filled with the animal culture of ancient times and as the theme of his works, animal revives in art. People, another theme of his works, exist in an ancient yet vigorous way, making the works far away from reality yet full of sense of modernity.


  Hunters (equal to artists) exist by relying on ox, horse and bird and vice versa. Humankind and animal can exchange their role, and the dual relationship as such disturbs the rational thinking of artists. This isn’t an occasional inspiration, rather, a general experience: the Lascaus karst cave preserves the painting of ox and horse and in 1994 archaeologists discovered the skeleton of bear in Chauvet cave, Ariège of France. It seems that the primitive black in Shen Hongbiao’s sculptures comes from ancient times and the era he doesn’t experience is prolonged because of him. The primitive flavor typical of that era is spread on his body and gradually captures his spirit. Therefore, an artist has the wisdom as both prey and hunter - full of scheme and called "Metis" (wit) by Greeks. He knows how to strike a perfect balance between antiquity and now. The dim light at the antiquity source is restless yet tameless like a frightened animal, but he captures it undemonstratively, freeze framing it at the polished, smooth black cast copper.


  Art is an entrance guiding us to here and now we haven’t experienced. In Mr. Shen’s sculptures, all stages of life co-exist which transcends the era we’re living in. We can experience the stately time from 10 works exhibited at Loft 3 Gallery, as with "pure time" described by writer Proust. When we look at the sculptures, we may envision the earliest lives were forced to leave the salted seawater, stranded at the sea beach and predestined to survive against the strange and tough environment. They had to adapt to the air, time and various catastrophes. Thank you artist as you make the transient meteor so close to us that we can even hold and touch it with our hands.


Beijing August 30, 2011




  Giorgio Agamben: Whatis Modernity, jointly published by Paris Coastal Publishing House and Xiaoshufang Press, 2008.


  Dominique Lestel: Civilization Originates from Animal, Paris Flammarion Press, 2001, P.34.

作者:爱丽雅娜·西鸿 Éliane,CHIRON


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