










  2010 年1月22日


  Photography and Collection

  In 2003 the French Ministry of Culture collected the works of thirteen Chinese artists, to be exhibited during the coming China-France Culture Years (2003-2005), first at the Pompidou Center in Paris, then at the Pingyao Festival, as well as other venues. As part of the collection I was commissioned to photograph an unusual treasure of Chinese arts and crafts: the Opera Dolls called “SHAGE XIREN”.

  France is recognized as the birthplace of photography, and the French people in general, do seem to have a deep understanding of the artistic value of photography. So in the selection process the importance of documentation of the local or regional culture was taken into consideration to justify two series of photographic works relative to Chinese opera: “the SHAGE Opera Dolls” and “Ancient Shanxi Theater” were finally collected by the French Ministry.

  Opera art has a long history in Chinese civilization as an important part of our cultural heritage. Together with the Greek tragicomedy and the Indian mythological drama it forms the world’s three oldest kinds of dramaturgy. The formation of the earliest Chinese classical opera can be traced back to the Qin and Han dynasties. In its long development, it has evolved into the four basic forms of Chinese opera, including the Southern Song theater and Yuan dynasty acrobatics; the legendary plays of the Ming and Qing dynasties; the Qing regional opera; and the contemporary modern opera. Overall, there are more than 360 different operas across the country. The SHAGE XIREN from Pingyao is a combination of painting, sculpture, calligraphy, paper cutting and other arts and crafts, creating a unique folk art that represents and documents the generalization and popularization of opera in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Yet the miniature stage is big enough to let us see the interpretation of China’s five thousand years of history and episodes. If “SHAGE” is both a documentary and a collection of Chinese operatic plays, through the photographer’s lens they become a recollection. Photography, no doubt, remains the most effective art form of today’s cultural dissemination.

  The French Ministry of Culture decided to commission me for this SHAGE project after having seen my book Masters, a series of farmers’ portraits photographed in their interiors, a documentary project that had taken me eight years to complete. Coincidentally, from 1985 to 1995, as the editor of another book The Henan Opera Annals I had extensively photographed different folk theaters and operas. That experience provided me with an initial understanding of the documentary character of photography and its contribution to historical preservation. In this context we reached consensus right away at our first discussion at the Kunlun Hotel of Beijing, with Agnès de Gouvion Saint Cyr from the French Ministry of Culture.

  Since I had experiences of photographing under complicated circumstances, I believed that technical issues would not be a problem for me. But the conditions when I started the actual shooting appeared to be far more difficult than I had imagined. The twenty eight wooden boxes of SHAGE were stored in a forlorn and dark room in the Taoist Temple of Pingyao. In spite of the authorization to take pictures, I was not allowed to manipulate the boxes in any way or to remove the glass panes. To avoid reflection on the glass I went out to buy two 200-watt light bulbs and an anti-reflection umbrella. I placed each light bulb at a forty-five degree angle to the box, one closer up and one further away to create main and secondary lighting. To prevent distortion the camera I chose to use was a Mamiya RB67 with a 90mm lens. Those SHAGE opera figurines, after a century of neglect, were covered with dust, and looked even more eerie and gloomy under the poor light of the few neon tubes. But after I stabilized the camera on a tripod and switched on the warm tone lights, I attempted a close look through the viewfinder. Here the opera dolls suddenly sprung to life. History seemed to repeat itself, the characters looking as if they were moving and gesturing. I was thrust into the middle of the performance and could almost hear the sounds of the fighting and melodies of the singing.

  Since I could not trust my naked eye, I used two types of slide film, one for daylight and one for indoor light; then had them developed at two different labs in Beijing. In the end I chose the film with indoor lighting, for its superior control and capacity to restore the colors of the artifacts.

  Photography is an art of memory and observation, but it is also the best way to collect the history of mankind’s existence.

  I hope that these hundred-year-old sleeping actors of SHAGE will awake soon, to be revived through the photographic art

  Jiang Jian

  2010 01 22



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