


Pink Memories: Key Words in Zhanshan’s Oil Paintings

  Zhanshan is an artist known to be infatuated with rural landscape painting, and his incessant portrayal of such themes has won him wide acclaim. However, his recent works completely changed the familiar artistic style. We can hardly see any trace of his nostalgic fascination with the countryside. What we now see is how subtly he feels about and how accurately he portrays modern life. In his recent works, one can find the longing, anxiety, perplexity, confusion, and even desolation and loneliness in the process of modernization, and also his passionate reflection on and symbolic expression of modern art and life. Appreciating these art works is a journey of rediscovering Zhanshan’s world of visual images.   
  Zhanshan, a graduate from a renowned Chinese art academy, has witnessed and experienced the whole process of the rapid development of Chinese contemporary art, in particular the 1985 New Wave Art Movement. However, he was sober-minded enough not to follow suit, and unswervingly continued his eternal pursuit of art and life. Thanks to his outstanding performance and to the envy of most others, he was able to teach at his mother university after graduation. However, the institutional constraints severely blocked his freewheeling thoughts. Zhanshan, not born as a docile follower of rules, does not quite abide by established rules during different stages of his life. And as an artist, this precious trait never fails to bring people new hopes and surprises. He resolutely quitted his job in order to be independent and spiritually free and devoted himself to creating diversified art. After years of art creation, he has increasingly felt it is hard for his former artistic style to respond to the ever-changing reality. He has always taken care not to be devoured by new trends in art, and has deliberately kept a distance from them, but in his restless heart, he is forever prompting himself to seek a more dynamic approach to stimulate his enthusiasm for art creation, and define his own stance in the modern cultural field.
  Therefore, we can easily see why Zhanshan’s recent art works all boast a modern touch. The key words for appreciating and decoding Zhanshan’s recent paintings are frequently-used pink, horses, trees, ropes, shackles and morbid aesthetics.
  Ⅰ Pink
  Zhanshan’s early works, most of which are painted grey and brown, look depressing, and reveal the artist’s classical spirit and aspiration of rural scenery. But his recent works, which apply bright red, cold gray, brown and white as the primary colors, indicate a transition to metropolitan themes even though they maintain a hint of nostalgia and fondness for rural scenery. Pink is always the right color for depicting modernity and lively presenting the bizarre and motley modern world. Pink also reflects the artist’s pursuit of a modern way of portrayal. Final Memories · Red and Speed · Cohesion are examples of the artist’s reflection on the experience of modern life and visual effect. Zhanshan has outgrown from his former style in terms of subject matter and self-accomplishment, and has embarked on a new artistic journey. He created a doomsday picture, solitary and melancholy, by painting only fragmented symbols of modern world ---- viaducts and reinforced concrete roads stretching to the horizon without even a single man and vehicle. His paintings are always reminding us of the unforeseeable crisis and the helplessness and isolation of people in the modern age. And the series of pink paintings conveys how he interprets modernity: The passion, strength, speed, intervening time and space genuinely felt in modern society and the tension, restlessness and anxiety are eating away people’s lives, devouring their memories and depriving art of its profoundness and criticalness. Seeing these paintings, we can’t help but wonder where modernization is leading us to?
  Ⅱ Horses and divine Trees
  Unlike the past portrayal of horses, Zhanshan treats humans and horses as equals, which are created by nature and deserve the same respect and protection, by observing horses in real life and adding a modern visual effect in a bid to arouse people’s respect for other creatures. In the Tree of Life series, the artist applies large angle elevated view to highlight the divinity of trees in an attempt to deter the endless greed of mankind and stop desertification, sand storms, environmental degradation, and vicious cycle of survival brought about by mankind’s crazy exploitation of nature. By applying metaphor in the expression, the artist sends out a message powerful enough to awaken people. He combines the natural world and the modern society, trying to create a colorful spiritual utopia where equality, benevolence, and vitality prevail. By integrating depiction and expression, realistic images and memories, the journey of soul-searching experience and redemption through the art of painting, he is able to present a grand picture resembling a startlingly colorful fable. The art works easily arouse people’s respect for nature, and on top of that, the respect for life, themselves and others.
  Ⅲ Ropes, Shackles and Morbid Aesthetics
  In Zhanshan’s art works, the shackled horses and divine trees enlaced by ropes radiate with morbid beauty. The horses look so lonely, helpless, dolorous and resentful, just like how humans feel in the process of urbanization. While we are making progress and creating unprecedented wealth, we are constantly changing our own living environment, making our living space more and more cramped, polluting the air we breathe in, and making hectic noises… As we are increasingly getting trapped in the reinforced concrete jungle, are we any different from the shackled horses? The ropes used to enlace trees, as well as colors, lines, shapes and spaces in the painting, symbolize various moods and dispositions including sorrow, depression, adamancy or weakness… The artist, by observing the symbolic significance of real images in modern life, and giving easel painting a sentimental touch, successfully inspires people to resist loss. And this demonstrates the artist’s concerns and expectations relating to the reality of today’s art and the status quo of contemporary art. His concerns are not about external constraints and depression, but about the profound injury to the artist by the interest-driven reality in the art circle, life itself, and self-degradation so commonly seen in society. And artists, tempted and entangled by material gains and interests, are gradually losing hold of their firm belief and necessary introspection, thus ignoring their inalienable responsibility of resistance against worldly interests and material desires that so often distort personal bearings. The worldly interests, like the rope knots enlacing the trees, have art in the grip of economic market, slow down the pace of cultural development and hamper its momentum.
  Of course, these recent works are not invariably rational analysis of social issues, yet they do directly or indirectly reflect the current state of existence and survival. Subconsciously, Zhanshan has been longing for rural life and escape from the city. His paintings, symbolic of metropolitan life, reveal his innermost feelings with the pink memories.

  At 5:20 a.m., July 1, 2008 in Shimen




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