
章藻藻-Metanoia不确定的我 (第二章:面具)

Zhang ZaoZao--Metanoia(Chapter02:The Mask)

The Mask of debris reconstruction-Uncertain Id

Metanoia-Independent art short film  (2022)



Metanoia-Broken glass-installation  (2022)    




"If we believe that the self is not given by others...then we must create our self as a work of art



Metanoia-Performance-Body Arts      (2022)   



Humans are often indulged in an introspective gaze, a gaze towards the inner self, and a gaze that seeks to give meaning to existence from our lived experiences. This introspective gaze entwines the origin of self and the desire to constantly pursue the reconstruction of reason.


Metanoia-Film shooting scene (2022)     


对一个人生活的强烈冲击会使个人从生活的世俗和确定性中滑落,让我们陷入炎热、混乱的瘴气,震惊,恐慌,有时还有敬畏。章藻藻的系列视频作品Metanoia的The Mask利用烟雾废墟的氛围,构建了一个模糊而混乱的场景,一个提供机会来重建和重组随机思想的场景,捕捉震惊中头脑混乱的场景。这是在意识到当前的精神状态存在问题后出现的。这个场景从身体开始,通过我们的生活经验构建了意识,延伸到我们的环境,这反过来又影响我们,影响我们的身体。

A violent shock to a person's life can make the individual slip from the original inner rythm of life with all of its mundanity and certainties and send us falling into the hot, chaotic, a miasma of shock, panic, and sometimes, awe. Zhang Zaozao's series of video works “Metanoia's The Mask” uses the ambiance of smoky ruins to construct an ambiguous and disordered scene, a scene which provides an opportunity to reconstruct and reassemble the random thoughts which arise after realizing that there is a problem with the current state of mind. A scene which captures the chaotic disorder of a mind in shock. This scene starts from the body and through our lived experience constructed consciousness, extends to our environment which in turn affects us to impact upon our body.


Metanoia-Performance -Body art (2022)    


冲动在灵魂和身体之间不受限制地自由的流动,逐步发展成终极形式---癫狂。它既是冲动释放能量的出口,也超越了冲动本身。 在剧烈的震颤中, 身体和意识的契合变得松动,理智逐步放弃了克制,自我摆脱了灵魂的控制,也摆脱了记忆,摆脱了理性中根深蒂固的束缚;震颤在意识深处创造了一种绝对自由瞬间,个体成为不被意识控制的身体, 任由肌肉的摇摆将自我带入一种流放式的空白,在近乎绝对自由的瞬间,想像被彻底激发。当自由和想像共同释放并相互激发的时候,神经被推到亢奋的顶点,身体最终实现了完满的平静与满足。

The impulse flows freely and without restriction between soul and body, gradually developing into its ultimate form, madness. It is both the outlet from which the impulse releases its energy, and it also transcends the impulse itself. In the violent tremor, the connection between the body and consciousness becomes loose, the reason gradually gives up restraint, the ego is freed from the control of the soul, the memory, and the deep-rooted bondage of reason; the tremor creates an almost absolute freedom in the depths of consciousness.  At the moment of freedom, the individual becomes a body that is not controlled by consciousness, allowing the swaying of the muscles to bring the self into a kind of exile blankness. At the moment of almost absolute freedom, the imagination is thoroughly stimulated. When freedom and imagination are released together and stimulate each other, the nerves are pushed to the peak of excitement, and the body finally achieves complete calm and satisfaction.


Metanoia-Broken glass-installation  (2022)      



The other end of the impulse extends into the real world. The individual escapes from the delicate and empty world and goes to the ruined distance. Madness makes the light of life illuminate the barren journey, the scar becomes the open interface of the body, the dry land feels the caress of the body, and the sharp fragments become flying butterflies under the inspiration of the soul. In a celebratory moment created by madness, the boundaries between body and world, consciousness and freedom, hurt and comfort blur, interpenetrate and recreate a world of freedom and access to humanity.


Metanoia-The Mask of the broken     construction-Butterfly      (Body device 2022)



The crumbling aesthetic expands the narrative boundary of the impulse of itself, and madness makes the body of art an open container that absorbs diversity, storing and burning the body with delicate and fiery ideological impulses, which not only brings about a heterogeneous mixture, but also causes the whole systematic extension of culture. The body, reality and soul are mixed in the tremor to form a community connected by impulses, which alludes to the inner inquiry of human beings, life and origin since ancient times; it also implies the continuous iteration of the body, soul and material world. Instead of emphasizing the qualities of her own female identity, the artist embarks on a journey of self-seeking and thus discovery of new worlds. becoming an adventurer ,she awakens to the impulse of life and its passions, a metamorphis to the endless self.


Metanoia-The Mask of the broken     construction-King  (Body device 2022)



新媒体艺术策展人, 当代艺术理论家

原今日美术馆新媒体实验室 执行总监


Article author:Su Lei

Curator of New Media Art, a contemporary art theorist

Former Executive Director of the New Media Lab of the Today Art Museum

May 26,2022


Film producer ,Screenwriter,Art Director:Zhang ZaoZao


Director: Wen Lingxing


Music Producer: Guo XiaoGuai


Body Performer: Qin Kuan


Director of Photography: Ji RiTai


Cameraman:Qing Xian


Assistant Cameraman: Shi Rui

观众的评语Comments from the audience


章藻藻的《Metanoia-The Mask》不仅是另一部发人深省的作品,它让我充满了一种原始的恐惧和不安的感觉。当玻璃被打碎时,它就永远无法复原。但它也可以变成一个新的形式。人是一样的,当我们崩溃时,我们不会进行同样的改革,但这并不意味着我们不能重建自己变得更强大。

An upside down smile is a frown.

Zhangzaozao’s Metanoia’s The Mask was not just another thought provoking piece, it filled me with a feeling of primal terror and unrest.

When glass is shattered, it can never be rebuilt. But it can be made into a new form. People are the same, when we break, we won't reform the same but that doesn't mean we can't rebuild ourselves stronger.--Matt Bird




Loop,a continuous loop,nature vs destruction,post apocalyptic landscape,death ? character ? watchman?

broken landscape,reminiscent of life / death,rebirth / renewal / life and dance,celebration ?

it's not over, pain of rebirth / destruction, glass growing like plants, death vs rebirth,The end is my beginning.--Sean V


There's an uneasiness at the start of this piece that puts you slightly on edge. I like the mood & the thought - provoking imagery. I look forward to the next instalment.--Mike

《Metanoia-The Mask》是章藻藻的一部艺术短片。一个有腐烂破碎的玻璃和破败的建筑环绕的场景,在一个可怕的失去纯真的红色蒙面幽灵的监督下的动人的视觉散文。在这个故事里,力量和颓废转化为有意识的思想以及心灵,以及从消极转变到积极的行动和态度。这件艺术作品的最终主题是打破无明和恐惧的障碍,将能量重新导向慈悲、爱和光。

Surrounded by decay,broken glass and broken buildings. Overseen by the red masked specter of ghastliness and the loss of innocence, Metanoia’s The Mask is a short art film by Zhang Zao Zao.

A moving visual essay of today's society where power and decadence can be transformed by the conscious conversion of minds and hearts from negative to positive actions and attitudes. The breaking down of the barriers of ignorance and fear  and the redirecting of energy into compassion, love, and light as symbolized by the blue masked dancer is the ultimate theme of this art piece.--Frank


My feelings were primarily those associated with fascination. I was not afraid, but the figures did seem potentially menacing because of their masks. I think the abandoned industrial space contributed to this sense, especially early in the piece. I did not feel the same way as I watch the young man dancing. I noticed the rabbits because Zhangzaozao has talked about herself as a person born in the Year of the Rabbit.---Jerry Sullivan


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