
技艺之上 Over techniques——访油画艺术家徐明 Interview with artist Xu Ming


  Xiao Huang (Secretary of the Oil Painting Art Committee of the China Artists Association, below to referred to as Xiao)


  Xu Ming (Oil Painting artist, below to referred to as Xu)


  Xiao: You learned acquer painting first and then you went to the academy of fine arts for Western classical traditional oil painting. Your hometown is Guizhou Province, but you live and do painting in the Zhongshan city of Guangdong Province Why? Do the experiences have effect on your creation?


  Xu: China has a 7000 year history of lacquer ware and over 3,000 year history of lacquer painting and is the home of lacquer ware and lacquer painting. Lacquer painting, because of its rich texture and color language, becomes a distinctively traditional Chinese art, a Chinese painting. Chinese people commonly call Western oil painting "an import". The West really started to paint by paint in the first half of the 15th century, when Flemish brothers used a special oil to blend with colors. Oils have since been used in paint on the flat surface of materials such as linen and wood board. And during the same period, Chinese already could skillfully utilize lacquer painting and apply it in furniture and utensil making. So, today, China’s oil painters are necessary to learn and study lacquer painting to know their differences and widen their own artistic expression forms. I think, oil painting, for Chinese people, is both strange and familiar---we maybe don’t completely understand the cultural property of oil painting. What we paint with oils to show shouldn’t be just the forms of objects, but more the emotional and spiritual state of present Chinese. I think today’s our oil paintings should more represent the content itself and be a good medium.


  Leaving Guizhou is both incidental and necessary, in which my roots are. The world outside of Guizhou is the place I need to explore: The meaning of life is in the distance. Our growth is also a process of getting out. I have a bit of awkwardness. In Guangdong, I am a guest, but when coming back to my hometown, I am regarded as a guest by friends where live in Guizhou. The greatest gain which living in Guangdong gives me is that I have a good mentality, the beating of my heart gets controlled, and external things don’t bother me. In fact, life is bound to be a wandering journey, on which we would continue to collect hardness and happiness.


  Xiao: Your paintings mostly show a flavor of simple interest, that is to say that in painting, you highlight the connection between internal emotions and objects to being similar in shape. Please how do you deal with the problem of creativity in painting?


  Xu: How to make pictures is always painters’ business. How to objectively depict the properties of things depends on an artist’s styling ability. Our behaviours are always driven by our own feelings and in sketching, there are many casual things. So, our minds interacting with objects give us the opportunity to know our own behaviours. This understanding can make us get freer and combine animatedly life with objects to nourish our creation. So I think the sketching is for tcreation.


  Creativity is a must for painters: if without invention, art will also lose vitality. Information artists deliver to the audience should stimulation and enlightenment, not plain repetition.


  Xiao: In the Chinese natural environment, there are rarely light conditions and rich colors in the Western landscape; in here, foggy light is very usual. Ancient Chinese painters loved going sightseeing and drew in ink on silk paper. So, they had no problem of colors, but you must face this question since you are making oil paintings. How to do?


  Xu: There is light and then there must be shadow. Light and shadow are the essence of Visual Arts. Western artists are similar to oriental ones in the understanding of light and shadow, not much different.


  In my landscape sketching, I more consider the picture as a whole, strive for rhythm, make the depiction of the content of the picture smoother, and absorb Chinese elements. In Chinese painting, Qi, a mixture of information, energy, and material, is soul; the whole color tone of the picture is just a surface. Integrating Chinese Qi into oil painting well is a charming thing to me.


  Xiao: Artists of college origin usually have a deep love for the technique, stressing the texture of the picture, the use of strokes and oils, edge processing, and spatial tension. Your paintings have a serene mood and a visual sense of going beyond time and space. What do you think about the ontological language of painting art?


  Xu: I always think that the existence of things is the reason for their own being. The being of oil painting is a good evidence. The way itself that Artists represent the existence of things in oil paintings as media needs techniques and the understanding of the things themselves. Without these, paintings themselves have no meaning of existence. In making, if what you first think of is that what you are creating is an artwork with human thought, you will be serious with your creation.


  Sometimes, I am ashamed that we, as painters, are called as cultured. The concept of culture involves not only technique, and society but history and spirit. To me, I indulge myself with the process so that I am a bit besotted. But I have a concern from the deep heart and will do soul-searching. I realize: that the quality of the picture relies on personal cultivation, that the strength of the picture banks on thought and that inspiration has importance to making. So, watching and reflection by the heart and the understanding and use of colors is the base for my painting.


  In short, having no technique is not to have art. In making, to go to look for what to want is simply a good start, but it has no end.


  Xiao: Great portraits are a reflection of an era. Figures in your pictures were mainly modeled on people around you. Then, how do you observe the personalities of contemporary people and, express or shape them in portraits?


  Xu: Everyone has a limited circle in life, inside which you're the master, but outside which you are a guest. Painting is my own choice. I choose people around me as my painting objects, because familiarity can make me clearly know the shortcomings and merits, beauty and ugliness of the people, and I can really catch truth, good, and beauty in life only by doing so, showing an elegant aspect of human nature.


  Also, I often manifest my analysis of human inner earmarks by the portrait of the nicety of the picture and the effective combination of the points with human emotional traits, to get a picture with personal characteristics.


  Xiao: In your career, we know, artistic ideals are the basic reason for your creation. When ideals come true, I think your heart would be in free harmony. Please allow us to share the happy experience with you, the wonderful state in the ideal.


  Xu: Humans have different backgrounds so they have various understandings of beauty. I think that beauty should be internal and implicit and that ideal beauty seems to be more attractive than real beauty. Current society is full of chaos and the definition of beauty would vary. But nevertheless to care about and maintain beauty is a responsibility.


  External difference and real dispute in reality shouldn’t be over our orientation. As artists, we should make our thoughts match our behaviours, letting our mind combine with our nature. Out of deep reverence for life, we should show our understandings in our works of beauty being above reality and therefore make a new enlightenment of beauty. Artists bear a responsibility for beauty. Life also commonly reminds us that the road to ideal beauty is not smooth. However, as long as we are full of ideals, constantly explore and use new ideas and new techniques, and are genuinely open-minded to foreign things, we can be successful, our anxious souls being able to get comforted.


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