












Unrestrained Passion in Free Expression

On the Flower-Bird Painting of Zhao Zilin

By Shao Dazhen

  Flower-bird painting has a long history in China. We can already find flower-bird as an artistic symbol in some brownwares, conveying the social belief and aesthetic ideal of the time. Flower-bird was disserted like this in Xuanhe Painting Chart • on Flower-Bird Painting: “Most of the poetic techniques are related to birds, beasts, grass and trees, and laws and rules often record their shifts and changes. Therefore, the charm of painting often lies in them, which is similar to poetic creation.” It indicates that flower-bird painting is the spiritual product of human aesthetic value and social significance, and the creation of flower-bird painting shares the common thinking features with poetic creation.

  Mr. Zhao Zilin, a contemporary painter with profound cultural deposits, has also inherited the poetry, expressing his own affections in the world of flower and bird. If we classify his painting according to how we classify poems, his should belong to “Unrestrained School”. That’s because what blows against our face from his paintings is the magnificent heroism instead of self-affection or parting sorrows.

  Zhao Zilin was intelligent and curious at an early age. He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Shandong Art Institute in 1961, where he received systematic art education of integrated Chinese and western styles. He worked hard, studied extensively, and received guidance from masters, all of which laid a solid foundation for his specialization in free idea flower-bird painting. Due to his hard work, extensive study and elucubration over decades, he finally, with his distinctive artistic style, made his contribution in this field.

  The “Lotus Pool” series created in 2011, including jumbo works of Morning Sunlight, Late Autumn and Beginning of Winter, are like breathtaking, majestic symphonies. In midsummer, lotus leaves are overcastting, lotuses are blooming competitively, peduncles are jagged and seedpods have distinctive postures, all of which fill the whole picture and make it extraordinarily bustling. But there is no block despite the fullness, no disorder despite varieties. The bold and powerful strokes, the forceful and wanton shapes removed the gentleness in the painting of lotus. In late autumn, the weathered but fruitful lotuses still sturdily intonate in the wind in the company of green marshy weeds. The dauntless vitality conveys the poetry of “the fragrance of laurel blossoms and lotuses in late autumn”. In Zhao Zilin’s eyes and paintings, the lotus pool in winter is more an elegant movement composed of dots, lines and planes than simply dead twigs and withered leaves. It’s not the end of life but the gestation of rebirth in the next year, which embodies his distinctive opinion of life, and also reveals his reining ability in free idea painting techniques.

  Sutra says: “To see a world in a wild flower.” What we can clearly perceive in the flower world of Zhao Zilin is exactly an imposing and magnificent great world. The vigor stems from the blessing of nature, from his appreciation of nature, and also from his abundant inner space and unique artistic expression. Observing his flower-bird painting closely, we could easily notice the emerging passion in his heart and the power in his strokes. His lines are dignified and vigorous instead of active and lightsome. He is painting in a “penetrating” calligraphy style to depict those forceful and appealing lines. In traditional Chinese culture, “calligraphy and painting originates from the same source”. Xu Wei in Ming dynasty painted in the form of cursive hand calligraphy, and Wu Changshuo in contemporary history pioneered the style of painting like seal cutting and stone inscription, both of which were unprecedented and brought in a fire-new expression to Chinese painting. In his flower-bird painting, Zhao Zilin absorbed the essence of those masters and then found a new path, introducing the calligraphy of large seal script. The lines are powerful and dignified, vigorous and plain, revealing the dominant role of ideas in the process of painting. The succinct writing rhythm of calligraphy and the abstraction in strokes, together with the rhythmic combination of lines, have formed the simple and profound atmosphere.

  It appears that Zhao Zilin seldom sketches. Intentionally, he weakens the objective shapes of flowers, trees and birds to create the charm of “between similarity and dissimilarity” and “similar in a dissimilar way”. This by no means implies that he takes no account of the observation and study of objective things, but on the contrary, most of his works derive from real life. He pays special attention to creating with his comprehension and perception, to observe with eyes and memorize with heart on the basis of full observation of objective things. He has a good hand at reframing natural objects he is depicting, expressing his distinct affections for flowers, trees and birds with individual artistic language and expression of narrative, comparison and symbolism. To express it in his own words, that is “to express the ideas with objects, and to create the situation for heart”.

  Zhao Zilin has his unique characteristic in the interpretation of pictures. He is quite exquisite in the layout and artful in composition of the painting. His flower-bird paintings often have full composition, with flowers, trees and birds covering the picture and little blank left. This is closely related to the artist’s culture and internal personality we mentioned previously. It is impossible for an inexperienced and cold-blooded painter to finish such full-blooded and vigorous paintings.

  Chinese painting is an art that values the free expression of heart most. The painter could arrange the objects according to his idea, expression and sentiments regardless of the natural elements of time and space when they paint. This was clearly revealed in his painting Seeing Peace and Prosperity from Spring Symbols. In 2003, at the unusual time when SARS was raging and people were panicking, Mr. Zhao Zilin arranged in one painting plantains that symbolize vitality, peonies that have a moral of prosperity and auspice, bamboos that fight against snow and repeat the life cycles, and the pied magpies that come with good news. The indomitable plantains, depicted with passion and rough strokes, upheld the picture in a vigorous and hearty way; the peonies and bamboos below were prosperous with thick and heavy colors; to the little space left, two pied magpies were added, tweeting and chasing one another with their long tales in tow. There is motion in quiescence, with colors and sounds, and souls as well… All builds a special conception of vigor and hope, which reveals his confidence and optimism about life. In another painting Spring Rain, several bold and turning strokes have portrayed the strong and graceful, flexible neck of the duck. The body was briefly and precisely depicted, with an appropriate proportion. The vivid images of the charmingly naive ducks in the long-waited spring rain were presented thoroughly. The nonessential parts of those summary and inductive images have been abandoned, and exaggerated or even distorted techniques were adopted to depict the gestures and details of the looks to deliver the charms of the objects, convey the aesthetic sentiment of the artist, and enhance the expressive force of the painting. We can see from it the hard work and the competence of Mr. Zhao Zilin in conception creation and artistic language refinements.

  The ultimate aim of flower-bird painting is to express the artist’s emotion by portraying images of objects. The works of Zhao Zilin, either large or small, more often than not embody profound moral. In a natural, implicit and casual way, we could sense the lofty sentiments of the painter and the vigorous footsteps of the time, imperceptibly enjoying the aesthetics in them. Let’s anticipate more works of Mr. Zhao Zilin together!

May 2012

In Beijing



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