
自信的冒险——王牧羽的“以水为水” Adventure of A Confident Man——Draw Water with Water by Wang Muyuu


  Wang Muyuu took great risk of criticised as a copycat insistent on old patterns when he attempted to reproduce "Water Image", a painting by the Southern Song artist Ma Yuan. He held himself to the strictest standards to "reproduce" the original. For example, an examination of the original and reproduced paintings reveals that the water waves in them are almost the same. Some may say that it is not a great feat, since there are many precise reproductions of traditional Chinese paintings. But Wang stands out for his unusual techniques. Instead of using lines to reproduce the waves, he utilizes the natural halo effect of rice paper to render the imagery of water, which is a demanding job in itself.



  As we know, Chinese ink possesses a unique quality. When employed with water on rice paper, the ink leaves special lines on the edge of brushstrokes, which indicate the distinction and transition between the brushstrokes and the blank space. This effect is widely utilized in traditional Chinese paintings. But it is difficult to control the lines which often appear in a random manner. On the contrary, Wang Muyuu tries to take control over the randomly produced visual factor. In some sense, he is accomplishing the impossible "possibility". Indeed, these lines can be freely and easily produced in painting, but it is a great challenge to manage their formation and turn them into controllable modeling language.



  That may explain why the artist ventured to "plagiarize" the painting of Ma Yuan. Obviously, "technical difficulty" is, to an artist, a declaration of ability, declaring that he is not a mediocrity. Wang Muyuu's confidence in his skills has worked well, because no one really sees him as a copycat, although his work is closely related to the ancient painting. This is an interesting phenomenon: how could an exact reproduction not be seen as a copycat product? For audiences who have no idea of the technical challenges, they know that these two paintings deliver totally different visual experience. The original painting is in the classic aesthetical tradition that features rhythmically flowing lines, but Wang's adopted a modern style, as seen in the color of gray of varied tones. Put differently, the artist provides an aesthetic approach to the ancient painting in way that render it more accessible visual experience to modern audiences.



  But this is not the goal of the artist to help the audience appreciate a different beauty of the original painting; his ambition is to render seemingly classical visual experience into a carrier of modern ideas. And by choosing the Water Image, the artist reveals his reexamination of traditional painting behavior from the perspective of a new generation of painters. Painting behavior, is often seen as suppositional reproduction of objects and the cognitive target in the binary frame of "painting-object". But Wang tries to reconsider this old-age cognitive experience and turn painting behavior into "object-object" frame. This may sound abstract, but in fact it is quite easy to understand. If we read carefully Wang's painting, we see that its biggest difference with the original work lies in the lines of the water waves: they are of different colors – the former is white and the latter black. Behind them are different visual logics. In the original work, Ma Yuan adopted "bi'mo", which is a visual language widely used to describe nature, and in contrast, Wang Muyuu's lines are traces that water leaves on the rice paper – they are a result of the physical property of the paper. The "water" in the original work is a "painting-object" frame of reproducing nature by human, and Wang's "water" is an "object-object" frame of producing water by water itself.



  From "painting-object" to "object-object" frame, Wang Muyuu wisely leverages water and the physical property of rice paper to reconstruct Ma Yuan's "water", and at the same time, reexamines approaches to natural elements in traditional paintings. For him, while Ma Yuan's lines are to interpret natural elements in human language, his water traces are to translate human language into natural elements and allow objects to play the biggest possible role in art production. This is an interesting process in which paintings are put in object's resistance against the expression of human artists. Although the water traces are intentionally produced by the artist, natural water are given a greater say in producing the imagery of water, compared with artist's randomly produced subjective lines. In drawing the painting, the artist must face "the self of water" on the rice paper, because painting is no longer a free expression of his feelings – it has turned into a process of compromise between humanity and objects. This is an unprecedented approach to painting. The object painted participates in the production process with its physical properties. Painter is no longer "the Mighty God" controlling his painting, but a participant who needs to negotiate with the object painted.



  Naturally, the dominant role of the painter is greatly challenged. And this idealistic shift containing the examination of power structure is in line with the post-modern trend in global context. But for Wang Muyuu, it does not benefit from western discourse alone. As a water-and-ink painter, he focuses more on some traditional thoughts often neglected by painters, included are Lao Tzu's idea that the public should observe themselves from the perspective of their own cultivation as well as Chuang Tzu's ides that to observe objects from the perspective of objects. Human factors need to be eliminated in observing and understanding the objects in the world, because from the perspective of the objects, we can better understand their nature, and from the perspective of humanity, we can only express our feelings and emotions. A world free from human factors are a world of pure objects. This simple Chinese argument is connected with western "desubjectivation" trend in Wang's painting, as evidenced by the water waves presented by water traces.


  Probably became he discovers the theoretical link that connects western and Chinese, ancient and modern ideas, the artist has decided adventurously to "copy" the painting of Ma Yuan and in a large sense, all the painters of water. But there are few painters in history focused on water alone. Water is one of the elements in composition and forms classical landscape painting together with mountains and forests. In that way, how can the artist reproduce mountains and forests? It is obviously difficult to reproduce them with his "object-object" frame, while painting them with traditional techniques is an option. Indeed, Wang has done in this way. But this approach disturbs the visual character of the water waves, and reduces the pure visual structure of the entire piece. In response, he took another risk by rendering the mountains and forests into emptiness surrounded by the waters.



  The emptiness means a compromise or forgoing of the painter's right to subjective drawing. This approach is a response to the challenges posed by the technique of drawing water with water, and creates an effect similar with reversal film in ways that ensure the "simple acme of perfection" of the waves. It is apparent that "the objects abandoned" does not disappear from the painting. In fact, they are present in a more conspicuous manner, just like a visual metaphor. In contrast, "the objects that the painter does not have to draw" are present in a way of absence in the painting. Undoubtedly, this is a surprising visual experience. From language to imagery, painting is no longer a closed process of reproduction. It now contains a meaning that is open to debate and moves between eastern and western ideas and between the sense and the mind. This is a function that traditional water-and-ink paintings can not fulfill.


December 10, 2018



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