From 2016 to 2019, all my artistic creation has only one starting point, which is to follow my own eyes. I feel clearly uneasy about using existing photos or mosaic images to finish painting. These things from the "outside" are not sincere enough for me, and they are not from the bottom of my heart. And it seems that my eyes have an inborn sense of hunger. When I find that my eyes feel extremely hungry for an object or scene, I will take my brush to record the most straightforward and real feelings in my heart. This is why my works in this period show an obvious sense of dots. No matter the daily scenes in the Academy of fine arts, the customs of the last fishing village, or the noisy scene under construction, they seem to have no connection or continuity. But this kind of hunger seems to be approaching a kind of physiological desire, which is irresistible and even more impossible to think about. What I can do is to ask why I see it when I return to the painting. However, these rational thinking is narrow and powerless compared with the strong sense of fate painting process. We are all guided, unable to stop, as Kiefer said: "it is despairing that we never know where we came from, why we came from, and where we should go." We have no way to know where time comes from, and where the lost time has gone. We just "live in time".
湖北美术学院计划-栗庙路/60*50 cm/布面油画/2019
湖北美术学院计划-天鹅湖/50*40 cm/布面油画/2019
湖北美院计划-雨中的天鹅湖/120*85 cm/布面油画/2019
湖北美术学院计划-小黄车/40*30 cm/布面油画/2019
荣山寮计划-村口/60*50 cm/布面油画/2019
荣山寮计划-椰树与花/60*50 cm/布面油画/2019
荣山寮计划-渔船与风/80*60 cm/布面油画/2019
荣山寮计划-长草的渔船/80*60 cm/布面油画/2018
杨泗港计划1/50*40 cm/布面油画/2019
杨泗港计划2/60*50 cm/布面油画/2019
杨泗港计划3/81*65 cm/布面油画/2019
杨泗港计划4/100*80 cm/布面油画/2019
2014年本科毕业于湖北美术学院 油画系
2016-2019年研究生就读于湖北美术学院 油画系
2016 湖北美术学院研究生秋季写生优秀作品展
香港翠荷堂 《同时》绘画作品联展
2017 湖北美术学院第四届《三回》作品展
作品《布满落叶的小径》 获得《美术报》第二届全国大学生写生大赛金奖
武汉图书馆 《信仰 自然》——张莛维,许晓玉油画作品双人展
武汉市创意天地 毕加索茶坊 《TODAY》 青年艺术家作品联展
武汉市藏龙美术馆 第四届《武设杯》湖北省美术家协会作品展
武汉市藏龙美术馆 《应.象》 湖北美术学院油画系优秀研究生作品展
2018 武汉市汉阳区图书馆 《春潮如歌》 湖北艺术家春季写生展
香港翠荷堂 《回响》翠荷堂2018春季油画展
武汉市藏龙美术馆 第五届《武设杯》湖北省美术家协会作品展
2019 武汉科技大学美术馆 《长江之歌》湖北艺术家主题展
武汉市关山漾美术馆 《新星势力》——全国新青年艺术家作品展
武汉图书馆 《旅者》——张莛维,许晓玉油画作品双人展
一展.梧奥艺术空间 《衍生》首届一展艺术全国艺术家邀请展