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  Wu Qiong’s work mainly consists of three series: Born in the 1980s, Marching Forth and Made in China.

  Since ancient times, from the Song dynasty paintings of Street Vendor and Children Playing to Feng Zikai’s comics and Zhang Leping’s Sanmao in recent years, children have been an important subject matter for many artists. All are outstanding works depicting children.” These works depict the various situations and encounters of children, render their naivete and loveliness, or even the helplessness and tragedy of children living in lower tiers of society. Through which, the artists express their longing for the purity of children while revealing the dark side of society. Especially since the 1980s, as art and culture bloomed, more works with the theme of children emerged in contemporary Chinese art, for instance, Zhang Xiaogang’s Blood Family series, Tang Zhigang’s Children’s Conference and Chinese Fable series, Cui Xiuwen’s Angel series, and etc. Among these works, there has been a shift in focus from depicting children to using children thematically as a subject matter. The artists no longer simply portray children in real life, but have placed them in spaces of imagination. Through the theme of children, social issues are revealed, the sentiments of love and concern are expressed, an individual’s condition of existence in the contemporary society is conveyed. The subject matter transcends children per se, but instead refers to societal concerns and the life experiences of the artists.

  This transition in the new era allowed for a more free representation of children. Children began to appear in quasi-realistic situations, with changing appearances and expressions that were increasing rich and diverse. Their bodies were still that of children, but their behavior were no longer naïve and childish. They seem to have taken on the sensitivity of adults with their mature emotions. The depicted children bid farewell to their years of innocence, as there seemed to be distancing from their real life counterparts. They became objectified under the artists’ brush.

  These are the characteristics of the children in Wu Qiong’s work. He sets children in fictional scenarios and, through the appropriation of images of children, makes references to adult experiences, social issues or even historical consciousness. As the artist claims, if our paintings could be represented with more vivid scenario and narration, allowing the audience to perceive a certain “surrealist” quality, the artworks would be more sensational and discrete.

  Childhood Memories

  In Wu Qiong’s Eighties series, the children are whipping tops, having snowball fights, rolling iron rings, kicking shuttlecocks, playing hopscotch. Like its title, these are childhood memories of those born in the 1980s – memories of childhood in the old Beijing.

  The children in these images have their eyes closed and heads lifted with the airy blue sky and cotton clouds surrounding them, as if playing in a dream. Illusion and gracefulness are the main impression conveyed in this work, an impression fetched from our childhood—the joy of carefree playing, the happiness of not having any responsibility. It is a joy and gracefulness only available in one’s childhood.

  Milan Kundera discusses the question of lightness and weight in the Unbearable Lightness of Being, “The weightier our responsibilities are, the closer our lives are to the earth, it is more realistic. In the contrary, when responsibility is absent, people would become lighter than the air, they would float, and be distanced from the earth and lives on earth, and people would become pseudo-being, and their movement would also become free and meaningless.” The so-called weight of being refers to the burden and oppression of life. In the journey of life, as one matures, one seeks out desires, ideals, responsibilities, and duties, with which comes various limitations and consequences, such as pain, tribulation, burden and oppression. In fact, we only live once, what is irreversible lost is, in Kundera’s view, the lightness of being—the true condition of being. And the lightness of being originates in its meaninglessness.

  Life is light, unbearably light. It is like a sketch, or not even a sketch, because not much change can be made, since life can only happen once. On life’s journey, we have always been “children,” we have never left our vague childhood, but are still roaming in a void. Yet, although we are well aware of it, we still can’t abandon certain heavy burdens, which can be as significant as fame and benefits and as insignificant as the necessities of life. For adults, the lightness of being can be acknowledged but cannot be experienced—as we get to know the lightness better, we have already begun to walk away from it.

  Made in China

  With their eyes still shut and heads lifted, the children look perplexed. They are sloppily wearing official dress, holding glazed fruit sticks, squatting on the floor holding hands with the bride, or hanging out with friends. Looking at these scenes is like a glimpse into everyday Chinese life - for survival, for fame, for the next generation, for friends to drink and chat with

  The content in one’s life is mostly regulated by society, a result of cultural production. Children are taught mostly through regulations. Children are constantly indoctrinated with adult world ideals and expectations that are influenced by the current cultural and social conditions. For example, they must study, take office, have a son to continue their lineage; as well as following principles of loyalty, filial piety, propriety, and etc.

  Living within the confinements of such a moral system, one’s life is predestined from life to death; it becomes unnecessary to consider individual will. In this society, we are just children with excessive attention. Although, if we reflect on these societal values in various situations, they seem rather absurd and laughable. A glazed fruit stick, the official costume, an old companion, a few friends to drink and chat, this is what have been safekeeping, protecting and striving for—laughable yet helpless.

  Marching Forth

  This series portrays three groups of children with similar expressions and behavior. From their attire, we can categorize them into different eras: the Republican period, the Cultural Revolution period and the 1980s.

  Here we witness different education models, familial and societal, for children in various periods. There has been a tradition in ancient China to educate children. In the “Rites of Qu” in the Book of Rites, household rules included toddlers being taught basic concepts of men and women. The content of education should be centered on respecting the elders, comity and other rules of behavior, as well as numbers, geography, calendars and other basic knowledge of everyday life. Once the children enter school, which was usually after ten years of age, besides learning the classics, the children are taught Neo-Confucianism ideals and the value of learning. In teaching children one should follow the Book of Rites, and implement rules regulating behavior. The focus of education is on cultivating their character and morés, whereas acquiring knowledge was secondary and a continuous process. After the Qing government established its examination system, there were changes in the Neo-Confucian education of children. As becoming a literati became the opportunity to move up the social ladder, the Ming and Qing dynasty scholars had to readjust the goal and content of childhood education and developed a new system of pedagogy and methodology. During the Ming and Qing, many supplementary materials were made for early education. The editors and authors uniformly expressed in the prefaces of their writings the need and responsibility of transitioning private education for one’s children to a type of public duty. Children were gradually breaking away from private family teaching, and becoming the object of concern outside of the family unit (the public and society) or system (school and education system), which allowed children to be easily influenced by the change in society and become its participants.

  There is a Chinese expression stating educating children for the “various ancestors,” and later it was also for the purpose of “social benefits” and “prosperity of the nation.” In recent years, childhood education became a public project. The existence of children seems to serve the purpose beyond children themselves. In other words, within the framework of this era, the meaning of every individual’s life is beyond him/herself. As such, children have lost their individuality and exist as members of a collective that are “marching forth in unison” with those around them. Yet, for adults, aren’t they also confronted with the same issues?

  Rectifying the 1980s Generation

  Overall, children have not always been a subject for Wu Qiong. Moreover, the appropriation of children to scrutinize our conditions of life isn’t necessarily his usual theme. In his 2006 graduation project, we see a depressed young man. Moment was a series of sketches of sad expressions, convoluted facial features, inconsistent expressions, dispersing oppression and sadness. In Untitled and Cry, such oppression is displayed more apparently. Puzzled C Major and Poet’s Talk on Dreams of the same period demonstrate the helplessness and compromise in post-hysteria. If complaint and anger did not change anything, then why take on the playful angle to banter, satirize and reveal? The artist takes the so-called “culture”, “value” and “tradition” that binds him and places them in front of an audience, allowing everyone to reflect while laughing at them. In Eighty or Eighty, Wu Qiong wrote, “I am using playful images to express happiness, sadness, alarm and self-parody.” The artist expressed these things through the images of children.

  As a young artist from the 1980s, scrutiny and judgment was inevitable. His new work, Born after 1980, is a manifestation of that situation: a small child stands alone on a reef, behind him is the blue ocean and sky, only his body is pattered by the waves, and the child looks out and wrapped his body with shivers. Using the artist’s own words, “I am using my unique artistic language to respond to the various attacks on the 1980s generation from this society, by contrasting it with the ocean to highlight my insignificance. But the child still stands out and welcomes the rush of the ocean. Thus, I hope the audience would learn about the spirit of the 1980s generation.”

  To a certain degree, Wu Qiong’s paintings have rectified a common criticism—the tendency to categorize art groups according to their biological age and neglecting the most important element of ideas in the contemporaneity of art. The common criticism of the ‘80s generation is their shared and habitual characteristics. They are claimed to be a generation that grew up in an urban setting; thus, they refer to cities as the center, their observations are based on books, films, the media and their own circle. They talk about fashion, architecture, politics and the tabloids, and they seem to maintain a hedonistic stance. They resemble a class in exile, who not only lack the instinct to live in carefree fashion as the ’90s generation, but also do not wish to carry any sense of collective responsibility like their predecessors. Their innate sense of oppression and their persistent pursuit of freedom is precisely the destiny of this generation. These claims seem to be quite the generalization of this generation, but they are just as speculative. The problem is ignoring the subjectivity of the individual, and the contemporaneity in contemporary art is none other than the subjective ideas expressed by the artist. Outstanding ideas and art are without borders, transcends generations, or even time. Since Wu Qiong returned from his studies in Singapore, in addition to his clear international perspective, he is, more importantly, constantly defining his position, injecting it to the undercurrent of this era.


Summer 2008



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