

闫博  花园 综合材料 116x80cm 2010

  2007年5月,我有机会在纽约现代艺术博物馆看到一个名为“喜剧的抽象”(Comic Abstraction)的展览,在Roxana Marcoci为展览所写的评论中,对这一展览的定性是“图像的破坏,图像的制造”(Image-breaking, Image-making)。出于好奇,我仔细地观看了这个展览,目的是想了解西方抽象主义的最新发展。自美国的抽象表现主义达到高峰后,欧美就再没有新的流派与大师出现,反而是沃霍尔、弗洛伊德、李希特这样的具象艺术家先后成为20世纪60年代以来的代表性画家。而这个展览入选的作品有两个特点:一是作品并非都是无形象的纯抽象;二是作品受到当代大众文化的影响,具有流行艺术的轻松与幽默,现场甚至有与观众互动的快乐的行为游戏。而艺术家对于图像的态度,采取了一种宽容的接纳与自由的处理,从而使传统的欧洲经典抽象艺术走出了严肃与深奥,更加具有亲民的和谐与快乐。






闫博   黑猫  综合材料 190x110cm  2011







闫博    后花园   综合材料 20x40cm 2011

  这种符号化的简约与丰富的转换性,在《指点江山》(2009)一画中更为强烈。在画面的右边,一只手指饱满而又精练,具有中国水墨画白描的高度凝练,曲线圆润而流畅;在画的左边,丰富的山树云天交织在平面上,以直线与曲线的对比互相穿插衔接,分割了画面的空白,与左边形成意味深长的视觉对比。比较闫博在2002年的作品《观塘》—— 两只狗看着一个男人在古典园林中沉思,我们可以看到,闫博的近期作品如《蒙古花园》(2010)、《一天晚上》(2010)、《庭院》(2010)等,虽然仍然保留着东方的审美气息,但在作品的形象处理方面,则更加简约,将解释性的说明因素剔除出去,代之以更加精练的视觉文化符号,有一种返璞归真的稚拙品质。








  Images and Symbols Reflection on Yan Bo’s Recent Artwork

    In May of 2007, I had the opportunity to see an exhibition named Comic Abstraction at New York's Museum of Modern Art (MoMa), characterized in the art critic Roxana Marcoci's essay for this exhibition as Image-Breaking, Image-Making. Lately I have wanted to know about Western abstract art as seen in this new exhibition. Since abstract expressionism reached its peak in the US, virtually no new schools of abstract art or famous artists have emerged in the West. Instead the artists Warhol, Freud and Lichtenstein have become representative of the art world since 1960. The work in the exhibition shares two characteristics: first, the work was not exclusively non-representational; and second, the work represented contemporary popular culture with a sense of entertainment and humor, such as interesting games, which the audience can interact with. I think the attitude conveyed in the artists’ images is one of tolerance and freedom, creating a style that is relaxed from traditions of standard European abstract art.

  In my opinion, Yan Bo’s work is close to the contemporary abstract art mentioned above. He doesn’t create non-objective works, and his images are also relaxed and joyful. His work is not an academic sketch, but represents modern visual life. His early works had the same feeling of southern California's sunlight and relaxation as David Hockney’s work with its childish naivety and freedom. Yan Bo reviewed his works, and realized these works shared certain aspects. Having a new frame for his exploration has made his works out of the ordinary.

  Because Yan Bo had painters in his family background, he grew up in a very good educational environment. His ability was appreciated by the art market from very early on. He is very intelligent, with a clear vision of his art, and in the last three years he has rarely joined group exhibitions, because he has been focusing on his own research and work. By studying Chinese culture and thought, his work attempts to form a new cultural vision. He even gave up the attention of the media and his reputation, to focus solely on his work. Maybe he will contribute something great to Chinese visual art.

  Yan Bo is skilled at using various painting materials. Because of his ability to work with different materials, the work he accomplishes is exquisite. He constantly tries all sorts of materials, to obtain his own painting language. His work has architectural and golden stone-like textures, resembling building materials that together express his perfect aesthetics in a way that attracts and touches the audience. Once he had an exhibition in the 798 art zone, where I saw his artwork up close, and I could clearly see the perfection that was expressed so naturally in his paintings.

  In 1914, in the course of creating modern art's Cubist style, Picasso was in conversation with Francoise Gilot: “the different materials combined together might be much more real than the reality itself. We tried to get rid of ‘cheating eyes’, by ‘cheating peoples’ souls’. If a piece of newspaper turns into a jar, then it might remind us of things that are both related to newspapers and jars. This object of replacement enters this kind of world: it wasn’t produced for this world, but at some point, the object creates its new and strange impression. And this strange impression is what we want people to reflect upon, because we’re sure our world has become quite strange, and not that accurately reliable.” (15 Influential Art Moments in History of Modern Art page 26, Modern Art Special Issue, 2002.5)

  Yan Bo’s work in recent years has turned the familiar into the strange, causing us to reflect on our own life when we appreciate the work. In our current living environment, many new products are manufactured for consumption, and familiar and traditional objects are gradually vanishing. Yan Bo reminds us to get to know our surroundings from different angles. He describes the beauty of things on his canvas. Through his continued work and experimentation, he is good at depicting the aesthetics of the objects, because he understands deeply the relationship between space, the objects, and people.

  Yan Bo expresses his ideas through diversified materials on his canvas. Many young artists express too many emotional and characteristic things, compared to Yan Bo, who isn’t affected by trends and fashion, but rather pursues a kind of balance and harmony. You can also find classical elements in his work. He has a serious attitude towards art and technique; each new exploration is related to psychological experiences.

  In Yan Bo’s works he uses pure color and simple imagery to express his ideas, which surpass daily emotions. These pure and rich colors balance the images between the abstract and the realistic. The images in his work at once symbolize things through realistic outline and yet use color as an abstract element, distinguishing the images from real life.

  In Yan Bo's works, the simplicity and purity of color is used to demonstrate the kind of themes related to daily life; he uses abstract shapes and colors to create images which keep a relationship with the reality. The colors represent his belief and concepts, so his paintings depict daily life in an abstract way, just as Kandinsky stressed the relationship between objects and abstraction, art and real life. He was good at expressing his images and concepts through materials. Our visual sense can easily get access to the aesthetics in his work. We gradually decipher the meaning within his paintings becoming aware of a particular beauty, just as artifacts collected after a long time acquire a patina. In fact, as early as the 1950's, the American artist Jasper Johns’ work demonstrated a serious concern for the craft of painting. His targets and flags were objective, and with visual qualities. Picasso’s works showed his ability to grasp the concrete.

  In Yan Bo’s works, there is a kind of layered surface. It can be a warm or cold color, bright or dark, transparent or opaque. The color and richness of the layers are natural to the audience. When his paintings are under the light, we seem to see something more beneath the several semitransparent layers. It is just as in winter we can see water flowing under the ice. This is the illusion.

  Yan Bo’s work, Ups and Downs (2010), has abundant colors and a compositional framework that gives audience visual satisfaction. See My Own (2008), Close(2009), Early Cloud (2009), have precise lines, simplified colors and images that are natural and precise just like the traces on ice left by skaters.

  Yan Bo’s work is intensely abstract but it is not non-representational; it has its imagery so it is related to the real life and has concrete visuals. We can say his late works use both abstract and concrete forms of expression through his techniques with color and materials. He uses the same technique in his work Girl (2010), it has the simplest symbols, colors and a perfect framework. The artist tried to find out something interesting, so when you see his work, perhaps you can see his attitudes reflected in his work. In the course of things, perhaps they are the core values which the artist most cares about.

  His work also has a rich context. For example, in the work Mountain is Here(2009), on the right side there is a hand which has a simple character of Chinese ink painting on it that means a lot. On the left there are trees and clouds in straight and curved lines. The two sides together create visual contrast. From his works Watching the Pool (2002), Mongolian Garden(2010), One Night(2010), and Courtyard (2010) ,we can see his work uses Eastern aesthetics that are culturally symbolic and naïve.

  In 1951, at a conference What does Abstract Art Mean to Me? De Kooning thought spiritual art was beyond realistic pain and that people can be comforted by the aesthetics of paintings. Just as a curving bridge makes people happy to walk above the river; they like the curve and lovely things, just as children long for naïve forms of expression. Yan Bo’s work A Line(2009) has just this kind of character, pure and noble. The same with his work Pass(2010), which depicts a fine shoe and a huge arc; this shoe is a symbol without volume and material, a reminder of the delicate life of the East.

  If the European masters of the 20th century once successfully dealt with the relationship among humans and their spiritual and material world, then they had a kind of optimistic belief of the future world. Maybe in our modern times, we expect abstract art to comfort our heart and bring peace and harmony. Our thinking needs more creativity and exploration of our world, outside and in.

  Yan Bo has a different point of view about reality, and he is suspicious of the values and the artistic standards set by society. Only in this way can he stand up for different values and his own artistic judgment. These values are more than social moral standards; they are more about individual experience, attitude, spirit and individual concerns. He is constantly challenging the technical possibilities of painting. He has created a body of rich and complex work in his rigorous attention to psychological imagery and abstraction. From his psychological feeling and his value of this world to his hard work, he has contributed his heart and time.

  Today Chinese contemporary art has passed rapidly through modernism and quickly into expressionism. There are lots of installations and performances. The huge installations give audiences a visual spectacle and cost a lot of money. Artists have forgotten about classical painting and even modernism. As a result, we seldom find rich content in the paintings nowadays. The paintings lack abundant visual aesthetics. It is hard to imagine in this kind of situation, in which there are lots of investments, how many paintings can stand the test of time, and still touch our hearts.

  In such times, I have seen Yan Bo’s art, which has high artistic value and which manages to satisfy our eyes and souls. I envisage more outstanding artists like him.

  May 8th, 2011

  Yin Shuangxi from Professor of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, art critic



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