木木美术馆(798馆)夏季群展“我和新疆跳舞”已开幕。新疆地处亚欧大陆腹地,是东起中国古都长安、西至地中海东岸的古丝绸之路的重要通道。古往今来,这里一直是东西方文明交流荟萃的地方,灿烂多元的文化集聚于此,翩跹共舞,一场盛大的“舞会”在此拉开帷幕。一曲未了,一曲又起,几千年来一代又一代画家、手工艺人、乐师、舞者、学者……共同铸就了古代新疆文化艺术的高峰。他们的姓名也许早已尘封于历史,难以考证,可那些绚丽的色彩、鲜活的形象、曼妙的乐音与身姿却留存下来,感染和启发着今天的人们。而当代艺术创作者们在遥想当年的同时,也持续关注着新疆当下的发展。本次展览将呈现十余位当代艺术家的壁画临摹作品、自主创作以及馆藏新疆古代艺术品,探索新疆的历史文化及其今日的社会面貌对于中国当代艺术发展所产生的重要影响和意义,展现艺术家和艺术机构对于新疆地区多维度、多面像的思考。本次展览试图从当代视野出发,以不同的角度和方式对新疆的过去与今日展开探索、反思和回应。其中,一些艺术家以壁画临摹的形式对新疆古代艺术进行深入发掘和研究。他们有的数十年如一日地在石窟内潜心摹绘,还有的足迹遍及世界各地,找寻并临摹流失海外的古代壁画。这些作品并非对壁画艺术单纯的再现,而是渗透着创作者对临摹对象的主观认知和理解,融入了他们个人的思想情感以及创造性的诠释。而他们对不同临摹方法的选择,也体现了新疆壁画保护过程中观点与实践上的转变。展览现场, “我和新疆跳舞”, 木木美术馆(798馆),北京,2021《四相图》
尺 寸:83.5x127.5 cm
材 质:宣纸、国画矿物颜料
尺 寸:231×152 cm
材 质:宣纸、国画矿物颜料
尺寸:101×108 cm
尺寸:153×147.5 cm
临摹时间:2017另一些艺术家则将他们对新疆地区的关注与思考融入艺术创作之中,对该地区的历史记忆和文化传统进行重新审视,或是剥离一切相关语境,从纯粹审美和形式的层面获取灵感,亦或是通过深入了解生活于此的个体,关注新疆当下的社会生活。他们的创作与壁画临摹作品在展厅内并置展出,实现了新疆古代艺术与当代艺术实践在同一空间内跨越时空的对话。刘雨佳,《考古日志—地形探索》,2020—2021此外,艺术机构在这场“舞会”中也扮演着重要的角色,展览意图探讨今天的美术馆在古代文化艺术的保护、传承和发扬中的作用与价值:木木美术馆在收藏、研究和展示文物遗存的同时,试图搭建起交流促进的平台,在对过去的回望中实现历史在当代艺术中的延续与回响。We are very pleased to announce the summer group exhibition “Dancing with Xinjiang” at M WOODS 798.Located in the heart of the Eurasian continent, Xinjiang was an important corridor along the ancient Silk Road, which spanned from China's ancient capital Chang 'an to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Through the ages, Xinjiang has been a place of convergence and exchange among Western and Oriental civilizations. Diverse cultures gather here, forming a grandiose ‘dance’ of great historical significance. For thousands of years, painters, artisans, musicians, dancers, and scholars, generation after generation, formed the exuberance of ancient Xinjiang arts and cultures. Their names may have been obscured by the oblivion of history, yet the lustrous colours, vivid figures, and graceful melody and postures survive in material forms, which still move and inspire people today. While contemplating the splendid past, contemporary artists also have their eyes on the current development of Xinjiang. The exhibition will present Xinjiang mural copies and original works made by over ten contemporary artists, in addition to original pieces of ancient Xinjiang art from the M WOODS collection. The exhibition aims to explore how the histories and cultures of Xinjiang, in conjunction with its current society, shape the course of development of contemporary art in China. It puts under the spotlight multidimensional discourses on Xinjiang formulated by artists and institutions over the years. From a contemporary standpoint, this exhibition sets out to examine, reflect on, and respond to Xinjiang’s past and present from various perspectives. Artists have explored and studied ancient Xinjiang art through the means of murals. Some of them have spent decades copying in caves, while others have traveled the world searching for ancient murals lost overseas. The mural copies are not simple reproductions but are born out of the copyist’s individual subjectivity, infused with personal emotions and creative interpretation. The various copying methods chosen by researchers also reflect the shifts in thinking and practice in Xinjiang grotto mural conservation across time. Other artists incorporate their observations and thoughts on the region into their artistic creation. Their works either offer a re-examination of Xinjiang’s historical memories and cultural traditions or strip away all relevant contexts to draw inspiration from purely aesthetic and formal dimensions. Other works focus on the current social climate of Xinjiang through in-depth examination of the individuals living in it. These contemporary works will be spatially and conceptually juxtaposed with the mural copies in the gallery, making possible a dialogue across spacetime between ancient Xinjiang art and contemporary practices. Art institutions play an important role in this vibrant “dance”. The exhibition explores the role and value of museums nowadays in the preservation, conservation, and propagation of artistic and cultural heritage: while dedicated to collecting, researching, and exhibiting cultural relics, M WOODS builds a platform for communication and exchange to materialise the continuance and resonance of history in contemporary art through looking back into the past. “我和新疆跳舞”展览开放时间
周二至周日 11:00-19:00 (最后入场时间18:00);