
一带一路•丝路心象 金冈实验水墨作品展(西班牙站)即将开幕

2018-04-06 14:30

  主 办:中西文化艺术交流协会


  承 办:Illes Balears 基金会 陕南画院

  协 办:德国德中艺术设计交流协会




  开 幕 式 :2018年4月8日上午10时—17时

  地 点:西班牙帕尔马马略卡岛Illes Balears 艺术博物馆

  展览时间: 2018年04月08日-28日

  艺 术 家:金冈

  策 展 人:王文


  展 陈:乔麦琳 张轩诚

  公 教:常蕾

  媒 体:赵俊皓

  统 筹:李金晶


  为积极贯彻落实“一带一路”政策精神,传播丝路文化,推动中国与西班牙两国间的文化交流,促进中西文化艺术融合,增强两国之间的文化交流互鉴,加强两国艺术家的相互了解。中国当代实验水墨艺术家金冈受国家艺术基金“2016丝路国际艺术策展培训”项目支持,应西班牙中西文化艺术交流协会之邀,将于2018年4月8日-4月28日在西班牙帕尔马马略卡岛Illes Balears艺术博物馆举行“2018中西美术作品交流活动展会”丝路•心象——金冈实验水墨作品展。

  For the spirit of "The belt and Road" policy, for spreading the silk road culture and promoting cultural exchanges between China and Spain . For promoting the fusion of Chinese and western culture art and strengthen the cultural exchanges between the two countries.Jin Gang is Chinese contemporary experimental ink and wash painting artists,he is invited by the Chinese and western culture and art exchange association of Spain to held “The road of silk · The visualization of heart”experimental ink and wash painting exhibition will be held on 8th to 28th April 2018 Illes Balears art museum of Spain.

《心象》 纸本水墨,22*33cm


  Both China and Spain are ancient civilizations with a long history. The cultural exchanges between the two countries have a long history, and the silk road connects China with Spain. With the gradual integration of the world, Chinese culture spread to Europe during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and economic and trade exchanges promoted the integration of art. In terms of art, both countries show unique national cultural connotation and creative style as ancient civilizations. Spain's art has a profound cultural tradition,it gestated the master of great artists such as Picasso, Dali, Miro.They have important position in world of art.They used experiments to explore pioneering spirit to the artistic creation is closely combined with the process of western society, their art thoughts and works influenced the countries all over the world, it influenced Chinese artists as well.

《隅》 纸本水墨,22*33cm

  水墨画作为标志性的中国绘画艺术形式, 水墨合一浑然天成,虽然其是从传统中国画演变而来,但也同样受到西方艺术思想的影响。“85新潮”以来,特别是90年代以后在中国出现了一批“实验水墨”艺术家,他们如同上世纪的毕加索、达利、米罗等西班牙艺术家一样开始用实验探索的精神向传统的中国画发问,并结合现代社会的问题与艺术家自身的思考,开始探求水墨的新语境,而此时诞生的“现代实验水墨”开始构建现代意识形态下的艺术空间,寻求确定现代艺术形式的审美观念,拓展了当代中国画的表现领域,开创了水墨创作的全新格局。中国的实验水墨吸收西洋的表现技法,充实了中国画的精神意境。当代的实验水墨画家正处在中国画艺术发展道路的转折点上,一边背靠着传统写意水墨画的完美形式,一边面对着西方近现代绘画带来的冲击和高速发展的现代社会对水墨画新形式的催生。革新精神与绘画风格已使他们的绘画具有了崭新的面貌。“实验”的定位也正是画家为大胆接受新思维,尝试新方法,在作品中纳入多元化因素而自解绳索的一种方法。

  As the symbolic art form of Chinese painting , ink and wash painting is a natural form of ink and water . Although it has evolved from traditional Chinese painting, it is also influenced by western art thoughts. especially since the 90s ,China appeared a batch of "experimental ink and wash painting" artists, they like one hundred years ago the Spanish artists such as pablo Picasso, Dali, Miro started to explore the spirit of traditional Chinese painting, and combined with the problems of modern society and the artist's own thinking, they began to search the new context of ink and wash painting, and at this time of the birth of "modern experimental ink and wash painting" began to build modern art space under the ideology .It seeked to determine the form of modern art aesthetic idea and expand the behavior field of the contemporary Chinese painting and created the new in creation pattern. China's experimental ink absorbed western performance techniques to enrich the artistic conception of Chinese painting. Contemporary experimental ink and wash painter is on the turning point of traditional Chinese painting art form .While facing the impact of the western modern painting and the rapid development of modern society for new forms of ink and wash painting."The innovative spirit and style of painting have given their paintings a new look. The positioning of "experiment" is also a method for the painter to accept new thinking, try new methods and absorbing new element into their works.

《坤》 纸本水墨,22*33cm

《色》 纸本水墨,22*33cm


  JingGang is the vice President of the academies in southern Shanxi .He is an adventurous Chinese experimental ink and wash painting artists, his works both retained the spirit of traditional Chinese painting,and given the ink richer performance level and strength, from a brand-new angle to interpret the contemporary ink and wash painting artistic conception. This exhibition will showcase more than eighty of JinGang experimental ink and wash painting works.It will reveal its active exploration in the years of creative inheritance and innovation of ink painting. it will reveal his considering of the experimental ink and wash painting from techniques realism to convey the inner transformation, explore how to apply innovative and forward-looking painting expression conveys Oriental culture and the spirit of ink and wash painting .JinGang use his unique perspective to feel the reality, on the basis of inheriting traditional experience, absorb foreign art form and unique artistic conception and form style.

《漓》 纸本水墨,22*33cm


  While the exhibition holding ,in China and Spain just had 45 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries, through the exhibition of JinGang by Chinese artists over the years ink and wash painting creation achievement, it will promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries ,and make Spain local people understand morw of Chinese culture. It will promote public understanding of the Chinese culture in Spain and reveal the silk road culture spirit.It will be more conducive to improve the self-confidence of Chinese culture, Chinese cultural image will be more clearly in the international field of vision.




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