

Zhanshan: The Agony of Metamorphosis

  The traceable artistic journey of Zhanshan has been highly distinctive ever since 1990s. Renowned painter Ai Xuan once commented that “harmony of bright colors and great purity is achieved in Zhanshan’s art works. Years of dedication has given his works a style uniquely of his own. When the works of an artist become immediately recognizable, felicity has come to pay its tribute.” If you have no idea that Zhanshan is born and nurtured in the countryside, you would hardly understand his incessant love of the land and that love is destined to remain the basic tune of his life.
  Luckily for him, Zhanshan has walked out of the stage of psychological struggle and perplexity that has haunted him till 2007. He has sublimed from a pure lover of the land and the nature to one with his distinct and modern style and an independent thinker pondering over larger issues of nature and humanity. This transition may not be mature or perfect, but it is a gift and blessing for Zhanshan. And this first step in the right direction has taken the artist several years, where almost the whole of 2005 was spent on his exploration of a new passion in nature. The “red series” may have pleasantly surprised many people, as the flat painted pink is an abandonment of the washy strokes in realist paintings, giving the same land and creatures more profound and decent self-esteem. The landscape is no longer depicted from the people-oriented perspective, but rather the nature itself is now living and breathing like every one of us. The greatest inspiration for Zhanshan is to see shapes and external forms from a spiritual perspective. And on top of his love for the land and fields, you can read his respect for other forms of life in his works.
  Zhanshan has always favored realist paintings, for only with his desired colors can he gradually awaken the suppressed passion. His affectionate infatuation for villages of North China is reflected in the colorful and neat paintings which almost served as the theme for all his art creations in the 1990s. The grandest, deepest yet simplest love for the land of North China and the carefree affection for the fields is the intrinsic tone of all his works before the year 2004. However, a piercing question remains when expressing reposeful or deep feelings in realist paintings ---- how should modernity be embodied in the paintings? For a time, Zhanshan was deeply troubled as to how to seek breakthroughs in realist paintings and add a modern touch to them and how to sustain renewed passion in the post production which is inclined to slip into a status of dull.
  From the 1990s till now, China’s countryside paintings have entered into a brand new stage after the carol-singing depiction in the 1950s and 1960s and the pessimistic and critical approach represented by Luo Zhongli, He Duoling and other artists of the Sichuan Art Genre in early 1980s. Artists at Companionship Fine Art Studio, all of whom dedicated to realist paintings depicting countryside in North China, interpret their unfeigned love of the land in their own way, and confidently portray the natural beauty of North China as seen and perceived without imposed people-orientation. In this process, Zhanshan freewheelingly relived his childhood memories and portrayed the discrimination of different feelings for cities and villages, the telling love of broomcorn, millet and cornfield, and the resumed longing for countryside among urbanites encaged in a world of great material wealth in his paintings.
  The dazzlingly bright colors he used to portray nature reveal how restless and fretful people were, and in his works, there seemed to be a disconnection between humans and nature, with the distressing sentiment and worry he felt for the nature reflected in his portrayal of man. His paintings during this period were typical portrait of Chinese countryside in the new era and have indeed brought him exceptional economic returns, however, something still seemed to be lacking in his works, making it hard to move people or resonate in people's hearts. Despite the thoughts he put into his works and the poetic flavor exhibited in his new-style countryside paintings, Zhanshan begun to feel an indescribable numbness and impatience for lack of breakthrough and passion.
  We can only imagine the intense struggles in his heart when Zhanshan was trying to outgrow an established artistic style, when he was exploring a new icon to more effectively portray the countryside in the era of post-industrialization, when he was seeking a narrative approach better suited to a modern context and when he was making every effort to shrug off the influence of French landscape paintings of the 18th century. After all, he was not a recent graduate without an established style, what he needed was renascence in a new style.
  The flat painted pink in the sky gives Zhanshan the feeling of regenesis. This is but a start, yet it conveys hope and the courage for abandonment and innovation. The pink also endows his paintings with an unfamiliar and fresh modern touch, and the mystical expressionism very effectively magnetizing people. I know when Zhanshan painted the sky pink, he was not just applying a new color, but actually having great fun. The trivial matters he has to attend to during the post production of realist paintings have long excruciated the artist who is so freewheeling in his thoughts and this restriction is making him absolutely dejected. People with knowledge of traditional Chinese art all understand the significance of the brush strokes, and as one of them, Zhanshan feels exactly the same way. Moreover, such strokes inspire more profound and critical thinking on social ideological issues and on our times.
  The new expressionism in Zhanshan’s works best portrays the power and dimension of mountain villages in North China, in which his perspective on the nature has changed while memories of the youth are retained. By evolving from glorification of and indebtedness to the land, the fields, life and the world to giving them deep concern, a dignified life and even looking up to the boundless nature, Zhang Zhanshan forcefully depicts the great strength of the nature, leaving an unescapeable startle in people’s hearts. The most genuine harmony between man and nature and the departure from all the tedious details in  painting the land, paddy, etc reflects the artist’s pursuit of long-lost passion, the simple joy in face of the nature, the unrestricted movement of strokes, the abandonment of stiffness in realist landscape paintings, the modern touch, the nostalgia and the return to the nature without worldly ambitions, all of which are gradually unfolded in his works.


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