
SU Xing-China Lacquer Painting NZ Exhibition Art Works


  SU Xing-China Lacquer Painting NZ Exhibition

  Artist:Su Xing

  SU Xing, born in 1962, is a renowned modern Chinese Lacquer Artist.

  SU graduated from Guangzhou Fine Arts Academy in 1985 majoring in Lacquer Art. Since then, SU has dedicated his life to the art of lacquer painting, experimenting with different techniques and recreations in Lacquer Painting, adapting of art form, and integrating new ideas into his work. SU has made his name as one of the most renowned Lacquer Artists in China, with his artworks winning many awards in art contests and exhibited around the world. He is also often invited as a judge for national art contests.

  In 2005 SU successfully invented lacquer paints that come in tubes like oil colour, which greatly reduces the time needed to prepare lacquer paints and gives instant lacquer colours that are more vibrant. In SU’s words, it gives more expressive and imaginative results. The invention of tubed lacquer paint has been named a “revolutionary breakthrough in lacquer art history”

  Chinese Lacquer Art

  Lacquer art is a form of painting with lacquer that was practiced in China since over 7000 years ago. It has since found its way to other parts of the world including parts of Asia, Russia and Europe.

  Lacquer art in China has been used since the Shang dynasty for decorating and preserving wooden objects. It has evolved over time becoming more intricate and refined, serving more as collections of art than simply preservations.

  Completing a piece in lacquer art can take months or even a year at a time, depending on the technique, complexity and the number of layers of lacquer involved. In some works of lacquer art there may be 100 layers of lacquer, each requiring drying and polishing before the next layer can be applied. At the end of applying all the layers, the artist polishes different parts of the painting to achieve the preferred colours, shine, and transparency. Because lacquer acts as a preserving medium, unreactive to acids, bases, water or oxygen, lacquer art stays vibrant for thousands of years.

  Lacquer production is very, very low due to the complexity of the process. 8 to 10 pieces per year is considered high output for the lacquer artist. Each piece of lacquer art is unique and cannot be replicated exactly, as the patterns in the lacquer are formed naturally and randomly as it dries. SU calls “ Lacquer art half done by men, half done by nature”.

  In recent years lacquer art has found its way into mainstream art collections around the world, making its name as unique pieces of an ancient art with an Eastern aura.

  Lacquer Art Collections

  In China, since the first two national lacquer art exhibitions, lacquer art has become more well-known and has found its place in mainstream art pieces. In 2013, 69 pieces of lacquer artworks were sold in auctions, with 18 were sold between 100,000 and 500,000 RMB, and 7 for more than 1 million RMB.

  Lacquer art is now the newest craze for collectors around the world, being sought out by art collectors in the USA, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore.

  Modern Lacquer Art editor Shuhua DU reckons that the need for lacquer art is on the rise, its performance in modern art auctions has been noted, and its value definitely increasing dramatically. These next couple of years is the best time to invest in lacquer art pieces as demands and interest are on the surge.

  For the first time that lacquer art is making its appearance in New Zealand. SU is bringing 50 of his lacquer artworks with hopes to make his beloved Chinese Lacquer Art known to New Zealanders.


















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