展览日期:2020/09/19 — 2020/10/31开幕酒会:2020/09/19 15:00-18:00(星期六)展览地点:四川省成都市高新区盛邦街,铁像寺水街南广场,千高原艺术空间电话:+ 86 - (0) 28 8512 6358千高原艺术空间荣幸地宣布,冯冰伊个展“She Walks in Beauty”将于2020年9曰19日开幕,这是冯冰伊在千高原艺术空间的第三次个展。作为中国备受瞩目的年轻一代实验影像艺术家之一,冯冰伊的作品一直以考究而冷艳的艺术语言和独特的空间影像形态而著称。
本次展览运用了“交响诗(symphonic poem)”的结构,可以被看作一个融合了视觉,哲思,和诗意的整体乐章。每件作品是其中的独立单元,以静态图片,影像装置,空间装置等媒介,将不同纬度的场景联结在一起。
▲冯冰伊,序奏-世界尽头,数字图像收藏级铝板打印,尺寸可变,2020Feng Bingyi, Introduction-The Edge of the World, Digital painting giclee-printed on archival Alu-Dibond, Variable size, 2020展览分为“序奏”,“呈示部”,“展开部”,“再现部”,“尾声”五个部分。“序奏”展示了计算机通过模拟天体物理法则生成的宇宙未知处的天体图像,再现了人类经验之外的,可知却不可见的“真相”。“呈示部”将天体图像变成了梅里爱经典电影作品的新舞台。“展开部”变换了作品的时空,展现了恩培多克勒——那位跳进火山口的哲学家——所“看见”的世界。
▲冯冰伊,呈示部-空中剧院:世纪末的印象主义者,数字绘图与拼贴,艺术微喷,尺寸可变,2020Feng Bingyi, Exposition-Theater in the Sky: The Conjure, Digital painting giclee-printed on archival paper, Variable size, 2020“再现部”展示了冯冰伊在时代广场所虚构的另一个“舞台”。这个舞台与展厅中的实体舞台装置结合在一起,观众也可以走上去,因为“每个人都在彼此的舞台上……每个人都是宇宙尽头的奇迹”。“尾声”则是“神的房间”,那里是平平无奇的……
Feng Bingyi: She Walks in BeautyDuration: Sep 19, 2020 - Oct 31, 2020Opening: Sep 19, 15:00-18:00, SaturdayOrganizer: A Thousand Plateaus Art SpaceMedia: Installation, Video, PhotographyVenue: A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, South Square, Tiexiang Temple Riverfront, Shengbang Street, High-tech Development Zone, Chengdu, ChinaTel: + 86 - (0) 28 8512 6358E-mail: info@1000plateaus.orgA Thousand Plateaus Art Space has the honour to announce that Feng Bingyi’s solo exhibition “She Walks in Beauty” will open on 19th Sep, 2020, this is the third solo exhibition of Feng Bingyi in A Thousand Plateaus Art Space. As one of the most anticipated young video artists in the contemporary art scene in China, Feng Bingyi has been renowned for her quiet and magnificent forms and her unique narrative combinations of videos and installations.▲冯冰伊,展开部-那个跳进火山口的哲学家,三通道影像装置,循环,2019Feng Bingyi, Development-The Philosopher Who Jumps into the Volcano, Three-Channel Video Installation, Loop, 2019This solo exhibition can be seen as a “musical” reconnection of visions, philosophical thoughts and poems, the structure of which is similar to Symphonic Poem. And every individual work is in a different media, such as digital paintings, video installations and so on, presenting different categories of scenes.Feng Bingyi takes the name of George G. Byron’s poem “She Walks in Beauty” as the title of her exhibition. While the poem is about a woman in black, Feng’s exhibition starts from the inner connection between the Universe and human beings, and returns to shared natures of people in different backgrounds, before reminding the audience of their inner connections with each other. In front of the nihilism of individuals and hostilities between different social groups, especially in the year of 2020, Feng Beingyi tries to let people see the same starry sky again with pure curiosity and awe.▲冯冰伊,展开部-混合演绎,单通道影像,5分钟,2019Feng Bingyi, Development-Compounded Performance, Single channel video, 5’00’’, 2019The exhibition has been divided into five parts. The “Introduction” part presents digital drawings of celestial bodies according to computer simulations of unknown parts of the Universe, where the “present” on the Earth will never be shared, and the “reality” can only be calculated instead of being experienced. Secondly, the “Exposition” part turns the edge of the world as a theatric stage, where classic elements from the films of Georges Méliès find their new settings. And the “Development” part presents the world (or worlds) in the eyes of Empedocles – the philosopher who jumps into the volcano. ▲冯冰伊,再现部-延绵不断的奇迹,影像装置,尺寸可变,2019-2020Feng Bingyi, Recapitulation reprise-Miracles Going On, Video Installation, Variable size, 2019-2020The “Recapitulation reprise” part presents another fictive stage located in Times Square, along with a tangible stage in the exhibition hall where audience can stand on and find out “everyone is on the stage of another people and a miracle” (Feng Bingyi). And in last part “Epilogue”, the audience can find a room called “The Room of a god”.▲冯冰伊,尾声-神的房间,空间影像装置,尺寸可变,2020(9月19日揭幕,敬请期待)Feng Bingyi, Epilogue-The Room of a god, Mix-Media, Variable size, 2020(The installation will be unveiled on 19th and it’s coming soon)With the melody of different works, Feng Bingyi connects daily experiences with infinite imaginations, representing the most innocent loneliness and desires for love and hope when a human being is facing the edge of the world. Feng said: “The desire of seeing something and the desire of self-destruction is probably the same thing: people need a more reliable connection with the world.”
千高原艺术空间 A THOUSAND PLATEAUS ART SPACE开放时间:周二至周日(周一闭馆),10:30-18:30地址:中国. 四川省成都市高新区盛邦街,铁像寺水街南广场