





家是一座花园2 布面油画 190x220cm 2012

这个世界很真实2011 布面丙烯 80x100cm 2013


Painting as a Way of Life--About Zhang Liguo's Works

  Mr. Zhang Liguo has been trying to look for his own painting language for decades. And he has been wading along the track of formalism. When he was in college, he started trying to tame and appease the prevailing political appeal of the time with form, although the political appeal of painting could not be cleared fundamentally. Then, he tried not to interfere the picture with history in his paintings. It seems that his pictures got rid of history, and suppressed the social scene, so that the exploration of form and language became profound and endless. So, the traces of history could be hardly found here. On the contrary, what Zhang Liguo created was a complicated world of painting, which tried to highlight the painting itself, and the complicated feelings of painting. Paintings are not meant to draw history but the languages of painting. The decades long formalism exploration in painting of Zhang Liguo is a radical but also a silent form revolution; it seems that in historicized stream of paintings, the revolutionary exploration of the form is unpopular, but, what is contemporary? Maybe we can say that"contemporary"itself is unpopular.

  What is Zhang Liguo's world of painting is like? It is a world of shadow, color, and composition. The colors, compositions, strokes, and shadows are a pure world of formalism. And the great pleasure of painting lies in the combination of the elements of painting, in the strokes of painting and the imaginary world. Besides, the paintings of Zhang Liguo have no subjects, there are only forms; he painted all kinds of scenes, but the scene is always abstract, and it is the abstract color lumps, lines, strokes and the marvelous and rich combination of them. Zhang Liguo painted people in the form of shadow, and body in the form of lines, water, and rivers in the form of color lumps and buildings in the form of outlines; so it is a world of lines, colors and shadows and the world of formalism, rather than the world of subjects. So, Zhang Liguo's scene is not the natural scene or the scene of the outside world, it is the scene of the painting itself and the scene about the internality of the painting. In his paintings, the world is not painted with colors or lines, instead, colors and lines are painted with world. That is to say, his true intention is not to take the scenes as targets, the scenes are taken as the subjects, as the subjects of painting, and the scenes are to show the strokes, lines, and materials. So, the painting paints itself, it paints the lines, colors, and the strokes, that is to say, the possibility of paintings is not painted by painting, and the scenes are treated as subjects to show the possibility of painting.

  In fact, Zhang Liguo paints in a reversed way, which is opposite to the realism way of painting. For realism, the form, materials, strokes, and paints should be covered, and they are completely subject to the expression of the targets. They should paint the targets vividly; on the contrary, the ideal painted targets should suppress the process of painting, and the form and materials of painting. The ideal of realism painting is that, in terms of the targets of painting, painting, the process of painting, the materialism techniques and the strokes of painting are forgotten. But it is the opposite here, what Zhang Liguo wants to stress is the process of painting the materials and techniques and the form of painting. He does not suppress the materials of painting with the targets, on the contrary, he dissembles the targets into the techniques and the elements of painting. So, what we see in Zhang Liguo's works are various kinds of color lumps, lines, the compositions of picture and the various kinds of combinations of them. In terms of lines, they are thin or thick, heavy or light, black or white, long or short, bent or straight, smooth or broken, messy or neat, crotched or parallel, crossed or overlapping. It is the hot performance of the lines of painting. And so are the color lumps, they are also rich, of various kinds and multi-layers, the color are messy or single; they invade into each other at a time and they are distinct from each other sometimes; there is a vague shape sometimes and it is the arbitrary splash of colors; there is some certain rule of composition sometimes and there is no rule at a time. The original color lumps and lines, the rich combination of them, and the collision, extension, conversation and contradiction between them make the paintings of Zhang Liguo dynamic, full of rhythm. It seems that the pictures are jumping and in motion, and talking to themselves—even if the pictures are the static images, even if the"targets" in the pictures are motionless. Zhang Loguo likes to paint water, maybe it is because water can show the sense of motion; the people he draws are folded in a state of motion, making them talk with their reflections in the water.

  But the brisk and dynamic paintings do not show themselves in the form of violent turmoil or the hard choice of stance, or the torment swing; on the contrary, the motion, folding, flowing and waves are the free and happy singing and the graceful dancing of life. It is not the horrible thrilling out of desperation; it is the happy experimentation of formalism. Zhang Liguo's paintings block the dark side of life outside, and it is an optimistic testimony of an optimistic person. It can be seen from his decades'experiences of painting that, his language of painting is more and more abstract, simpler and simpler, and more and more poetic—and there is even a sense of fairy tale and fantasy. In the history of painting, it seems that what we can see is that, his paintings are more lively when life becomes cruller; his paintings are more abstract when life is more concrete and practical; his paintings become purer when life is more complicated; his paintings become more silent when life is more noisy; and his paintings are more colorful when life becomes darker. Painting is an effective sluice to prevent mediocre and trivial world of life, and Zhang Liguo's world is the world of painting. He is immersed in the world, the dynamic, rejoicing and the happy world he creates, and he is experiencing rejoice and happiness. So, painting is not the expression of life, it is the whole life itself.



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