Ng Chung is a frequent visitor of Lan Kwai Fong – for over ten years he has been haunting about this place where he regards as a get away spot. It’s hard to imagine how many bottles of wine he has consumed here during these years.
However, immersion in a decade’s nightlife has inspired the artist to create a series of oil paintings on the subject of wine bottles – the containers from where he extracts the liquor that sets his mind free.
The wine bottles painted by Ng Chung’s brush impress me with their liveliness: so vividly and intricately do they capture the unique character and captivating charm of Lan Kwai Fong; and so powerfully do they reveal a strong and intense passion of the painter – both for work and for life. On seeing his paintings, I am deeply moved.
I never reckoned that this little enclave of Hong Kong could be the source of inspiration for an enthusiastic artist. His astounding pieces of art merit wider acclaim. I believe that his talent will find true appreciations, and it won’t be too long to see him recognized as one of the foremost artists in Hong Kong.
Allan Zeman
Chairman, Lan Kwai Fong Holdings Ltd.
“LAN KWAI FONG iN ME” The Commercial Press