
夏花之绚烂 秋叶之静美








Beautiful like a summer flower, simple like an autumn leaf…:Kim Sun’s Realm of Painting

Author: Li Xiangming

  According to the common wisdom, Kim Sun art can be classified as abstract, but not purely so since it also leans towards Expressionism. It would therefore be more appropriate to call it abstract Expressionism. In her works previous to 2004, there are some symbolical expressions, a kind of a diary of her affective states, exemplified in works such as "Entanglement", "Labor Pains", "Desire", "Broken Dreams", but also her "Brilliant Season", "Summer carnival", "Trauma" and "Forgive". In her work titled "Ambition", features a ferocious whale, which must have some deeper symbolical meaning. In the series "Entanglement ", the figure is entangled in red and black substance, which graphically illustrates a certain strife in her thought which almost unconsciously moves from the figurative toward the abstract.

  In Kim Sun’s paintings, as in those of many female artists, the emotional exceeds the rational, subjective reality eclipses objective reality. One’s own body takes precedence over the external visual impressions. Emotionally colored perceptions of things are often subjectively conceived, indulging in imagination and expressive language. This confirms again that women are born artists, whose wisdom, according to Kant, is not reasoning ability but ability to feel (Kant, "On the beautiful and sublime sense of feeling"). Kim Sun’s visual imagination embodies this particular kind of female artistic sensibility and is the prime mover in her art.

  Her recent works have as their main subject a desert poplar (Populus euphratica) whose unique natural properties and form full of vitality and vigor have captured the attention of photographers and painters who have popularized in the media this golden leaved indomitable tree of the desert. In Kim Sun's painting, though, this prototype is transformed into abstract arcs and curves the relationship between which has a symbolical significance. In a way, the morphology of this tree is converted into that of a human body. We no longer see Populus itself, but the gorgeous colors, bold strokes, a variety of materials extracted and condensed out of the visual impulses, as well as ever changing structures beating with assertive happiness and passion. Colors, free movement, vigorous curves suggest all natural processes and rhythms of life which could only be expressed by an artist with a strong sensibility.

  As this is the case with many contemporary Chinese abstract painters, Kim Sun’s painting, moving either from realistic to abstract or from figurative to abstract, always have a narrativewith a poetical flavor. Rich in bright colors, they do not only express the ever changing nature of things that came into being and perish, but they also reflect the artist's own rich and colorful emotions and ideals of a pure heart. Curving and mutually entangling, Kim Sun’s painting strokes, confident and sensitive at the same time, testify a spiritual freedom – a harvest of a life long artistic experience..

  Kim Sun’s paintings remind one of Rabindranath Tagore's saying that people like to drift in a reverie in their own emotional space. Facing this is a cruel thing but still can make yourself so sad, this inability to liberate oneself from fetters of thought, inability to get out of emotional entanglement. Kim Sun’s paintings make us visualize Tagore’s beautiful verses "Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves" and again “The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wide circles move among stars” (Tagore: “Stray Birds”). In Kim Sun’s paintings we could hear the echo of nature "from the valleys and the heart” which "captures the ethereal aesthetic” ("Stray Birds"). Painting is both a natural life-supporter, and an interpretation of the fate of life. Fresh and breathing life, flying between the strokes with emotional verve, stroke imbued with emotional rhythm and a touch of melancholy.

  Power by YOZOSOFT

  (Cathrine kang translation )



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