
OCAT x KADIST 2020年青年媒体艺术家项目

2020-01-15 11:25

OCAT 上海馆






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OCAT上海馆荣幸宣布与卡蒂斯特(KADIST)联合推出2020年“OCAT x KADIST青年媒体艺术家项目”,该项目将由“青年媒体艺术家群展”与“获选艺术家驻留计划”两个板块组成。作为“OCAT青年媒体艺术家年度项目”的延续,本次项目是OCAT上海馆和KADIST在支持青年艺术家方向上的首次合作,双方共同期望此次合作可以为从事媒体艺术创作的年轻艺术家带来更多的机会与可能。“OCAT x KADIST青年媒体艺术家项目”将持续秉持项目的发起初衷,深化媒体艺术研究与发展,推动青年艺术的创作力,扩大媒体艺术的影响力,并以多样多向的方式给予青年媒体艺术家更加长远的支持——展示其现阶段创作,提供其跨文化语境交流与探索的契机,整合其研究与创作的有效资源,关注其未来在媒体艺术领域中的持续发展。


作为“OCAT x KADIST青年媒体艺术家项目”的一部分,“青年媒体艺术家群展”将由OCAT上海馆策划举办,并于2020年春季对公众开放展览延续了往届青年艺术家项目的提名制度,邀请到44位专业提名人,他们是国际重要艺术机构的创始人、馆长、策展人及独立艺术家、策展人、研究者、批评人等。根据提名规则,每位提名人将推荐不超过6位符合提名条件的青年艺术家,经提名有效性的核实,我们将邀请获提名率最高的6-8位艺术家参加本次展览。入围艺术家名单与展讯将于近期对外发布。


卡蒂斯特(KADIST)将于2020年为入围展览的一位获选艺术家提供在旧金山的全额驻地研究项目。参加此次驻地项目的艺术家将有机会在旧金山湾区进行为期三周的艺术实践和研究,从而与美国当地的国际艺术机构及专业人士建立起良好合作关系。该驻地艺术家将从“OCAT x KADIST年度青年媒体艺术家群展”的参展艺术家中选出,受邀的评审委员会将根据参展艺术家在展览中的作品表现、以往创作经历及驻地申请书进行斟酌评选。KADIST团队将在驻地期间为驻地艺术家提供专业指导与研究所需资源,并安排其与国际学者进行定期研讨。

卡蒂斯特的驻地项目一直以来旨在将国际化观念与本土化语境并置在同一对话中,先前驻地艺术家包括周滔,林一林,Ad Minoliti,Em’kal Eyongkapa,傅丹,Daniela Ortiz,Gabriel Sierra,Hikaru Fujii,Joachim Koester,Marcelo Cidade,Mario Garcia Torres,Meiro Koizumi,赵仁辉,陈滢如和张英海重工业等。   



“OCAT x KADIST年度青年媒体艺术家项目”提名人:

鲍栋、比利安娜·思瑞克(Biljana Ciric)、曹丹、 陈晓云、陈滢如、董冰峰、方立华、凯伦·史密斯(Karen Smith)、赖非、李峰、刘佳、刘建华、刘林、刘畑、刘韡、陆垒、鲁明军、胡介鸣、楠楠、彭晓阳、瞿畅、孙冬冬、孙啟栋、孙文杰、田霏宇、王功新、王景、吴蔚、翁笑雨、谢丰嵘、徐可、颜晓东、杨福东、杨振中、杨紫、杨北辰、张尕、张离、张宇凌、周力、朱筱蕤,以及3位匿名提名人。



◆ 年龄: 原则上不超过40周岁(1979年12月31日前出生)

◆ 国籍: 中国

◆ 教育程度: 不限,非院校在读。

◆ 创作方式: 以媒体或媒体技术为其艺术创作的主要方向和手段,包括: 录像与电影(单视频或多视频影像、短片、影像装置、手绘或电脑动画,不包括纪录片)、声音及声音装置、摄影及摄影装置(传统与数字摄影)、网络艺术、光电艺术、机械及互动装置等媒介。

◆ 创作活跃度: 需保持三年及以上连续创作时间,平均每年作品量在3件及以上,或保持两年及以上连续创作时间,平均每年作品量在5件及以上。










Instagram: @kadistkadist

Facebook: KADIST

Twitter: @kadistkadist




Emerging Media Artist Program 2020

OCAT Shanghai and KADIST are pleased to announce the Emerging Media Artist Program  2020. The program aims to support emerging artists working in media art by providing a platform for the presentation of their work at multiple stages of their career, opportunities for cross-cultural research and exchange, and resources to contribute to the sustainability of their media art practices. The selected artists will be included in the Emerging Media Artist Exhibition held at OCAT Shanghai and one of them will be awarded a short research residency at KADIST San Francisco. This is the continuous edition of OCAT Shanghai’s annual Emerging Media Artists Program, and the first edition of an ongoing collaboration with KADIST in order to provide emerging media artists a platform for growth and visibility.

Emerging Media Artist Exhibition

As part of the Emerging Media Artist Program 2020, the exhibition will take place at OCAT Shanghai’s new location that opened in spring 2020. Based on a nomination process, the Emerging Media Artist Program draws from a diverse pool of esteemed nominators including curators, artists, scholars, and critics from the region. Each nominator is invited to nominate up to six artists. Based on a rigorous selection process six to eight artists will be shortlisted for the exhibition and announced recently. OCAT Shanghai invites shortlisted artists to open conversation between their works and museum space, re-locate and re-interpret their previous works, as well as be inspired to create new works.

Emerging Media Artist Residency 

KADIST and OCAT will offer one shortlisted artist the opportunity of a fully-funded research residency at KADIST San Francisco in 2020. The residency provides a unique opportunity to conduct artist research in the San Francisco Bay Area for up to three weeks and to develop an international professional network with institutions and professionals in the United States. The artist will be selected from the shortlist for the Emerging Media Artist Program 2020 by an international jury on their exhibited works, prior practice, and a residency proposal. The selected artist will work closely with the KADIST San Francisco team who will provide curatorial guidance and facilitate research and meetings with international art professionals.

KADIST’s residency program brings international perspectives into conversation with local contexts. Previous artists-in-residence at KADIST San Francisco and Paris include Zhou Tao, Lin Yillin, Ad Minoliti, Em’kal Eyongkapa, Danh Vo, Daniela Ortiz, Gabriel Sierra, Hikaru Fujii, Joachim Koester, Marcelo Cidade, Mario Garcia Torres, Meiro Koizumi, Robert Zhao Renhui, Yin-Ju Chen, and Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries.

Performance by Lin Yilin during his residency at Kadist SF, 2011. Image courtesy of Kadist

Nominators for the OCAT & KADIST Emerging Media Artist Program 2020 

Bao Dong, Biljana Ciric, Cao Dan, Chen Xiaoyun,  Yin-Ju Chen, Dong Bingfeng, Fang Lihua, Karen Smith, Lai Fei, Li Feng, Liu Jia, Liu Jianhua, Liu Lin, Liu Tian, Liu Wei, Lu Lei, Lu Mingjun, Hu Jieming, Nan Nan, Peng Xiaoyang, Qu Chang, Sun Dongdong, Sun Qidong, Sun Wenjie, Philip Tinari, Wang Gongxin, Wang Jing, Wu Wei, Weng Xiaoyu, Hsieh Feng-Rong, Xu Ke, Yan Xiaodong, Yang Fudong, Yang Zhenzhong, Yang Zi, Yang Beichen, Zhang Ga, Zhang Li,  Zhang Yuling, Zhou Li, Zhu Xiaorui and three anonymous nominators.


Special thanks to the 44 nominators listed above.

Artist Criteria

◆ Age: under age 40 (born after 31 Dec, 1979)

◆ Nationality: Chinese

◆ Education: Hold a degree

◆The artists’ practice should primarily use the mediums of media or media technology, including but not limited to video art (not including documentary film), animation, sound (installation), photography (installation, both traditional and digital), Internet art, photoelectric art, mechanical and interactive installation.

◆The nominated artists should have an active practice of a minimum of 3 years, producing at least 3 works a year or 5 works over a 2 year period.

OCT Contemporary Art Terminal (OCAT) Shanghai is the first non-profit art institution focusing on media art and architectural design in China, located in the Suzhou Creek area of Jing’an district, Shanghai. OCAT Shanghai aims to become an influential, socially aware and interactive art institution with exhibitions, research, communication, public education, and publishing. Artist Zhang Peili is the current executive director of OCAT Shanghai.


As the first branch of OCT Contemporary Art Terminals, OCAT Shanghai was inaugurated on 29 September 2012, since then it has already organized a series of influential exhibitions. OCAT Shanghai has moved to the new location (-1F Sunken Garden, Qufu Road, Jing’an District) and opened to the public from 20 October 2019.

Exterior view of OCAT Shanghai

Image courtesy of OCAT Shanghai

KADIST believes contemporary artists make an important contribution to a progressive society, their work often addressing key issues of our time. KADIST, a non-profit organization dedicated to exhibiting the work of artists represented in its collection, encourages this engagement and affirms contemporary art’s relevance within social discourse. Its programs develop collaborations with artists, curators and many art organizations around the world, facilitating new connections across cultures. Local programs in KADIST’s hubs of Paris and San Francisco include exhibitions, public events, residencies and educational initiatives. Complemented by an active online network, they aim at creating vibrant conversations about contemporary art and ideas.

Contact Us:



Instagram: @kadistkadist

Facebook: KADIST

Twitter: @kadistkadist


Installation view of exhibition Here We Live (2019), curated by KADIST and Ni Kun, Chief Curator of Galaxy Museum of Contemporary Art, Chongqing, China. 

Image courtesy of Kadist


参观时间 | Admission Hour

10:00-18:00 周二至周日(周一闭馆)


10:00-18:00 from Tuesday to Sunday (Closed on Mondays)

Last Entry 17:30

联系我们 | Contact us

Tel: 021-66085119

Email: ocatshanghai@ocat.org.cn

Weibo: @OCAT上海馆

Instagram: @ocat__shanghai

地址 | Address:


-1F Sunken Garden, Lane 9, Qufu Road, Shanghai (MTR Line 8 & 12 Qufu Road Station)




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