2020年7月30日,七家798画廊联手开启夜游画廊活动「仲夏夜之梦」,艺·凯旋将于晚间6时-9时呈现《逐光:李关关个展》。From 6-9 pm on July 30, 2020,seven galleries will jointly hold the Gallery Night event. Triumph Gallery will open late to present "Chasing the Light:Li Guanguan Solo Exhibition". We are waiting for you!
This is the artist’s third solo exhibition in this gallery, displaying her 30 plus new works in the past two years. Using silk as the major media, the artist explores her creation from different angles, selecting animals, plants, portraits, and lifeless objects as her themes. She also collaborated with Bu Yunjun to make the Untitled-Flowers series, which transcends the two-dimensional language of ink and water and displays the visual effect of the unity of light, ink and shade.
根据新型冠状病毒防控工作需要,为避免人员聚集造成的交叉传染,本次展览只接受预约观展,进入展厅时请配合工作人员登记参观者信息及测量体温,感谢您的理解与配合!According to the needs of the new coronavirus prevention and control work, in order to avoid cross-contamination caused by the gathering of people, please make appointment with us before your visit. When entering the exhibition hall, please cooperate with the staff to register visitor information and measure body temperature. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!预约方式一 Appointment Option One :请您扫描下方艺·凯旋画廊公众号二维码并关注,进入后台回复关键字“预约”,我们的工作人员将在官方微信号后台与您取得联系。Please scan the QR code of Triumph Gallery below and follow it. Enter the background to reply to the keyword "Appointment", and our staff will contact you at the official WeChat background.预约方式二 Appointment Option Two :若扫码预约不成功,可通过邮件或拨打画廊座机(+86)10-57623012直接联系我们。
If the scan code reservation is unsuccessful, you can contact us directly by email or by calling the gallery landline (+86) 10-57623012.联系人| Contact Person:张先生 Mr. Zhang邮 箱|E-mail:zenocheung@triumphart.com.cn联系人| Contact Person:顾女士 Ms. Gu邮 箱/E-mail:judy@triumphart.com.cn联系人| Contact Person:冯女士 Ms. Feng(媒体预约|Media Visit)邮 箱/E-mail:fengyang@triumphart.com.cn