


  Mr. Cao Fuluan is my teacher and also my friend. As I start to write these words, all those rememberable past appears before my eyes again. Although most of them have happened even more than thirty years ago, they are still coming back to me vividly and warmly, and crowding together enjoyably at my pen point.


  He is an outstanding master and educator of art in China at the contemporary era. During his fifty years of art creation and education, he has reached a very high level in charcoal drawing, oil painting, gouache painting, and watercolours painting, which, I believe, as it is obvious to all, need not to be repeated hereby. On the design art, he is one of the first pioneers who have contributed to Chinese environment design system and its education system. He has edited a variety of relevant treatises that still keep an unshakable status up to now. He has devoted his whole life to discovering persons of abilities, and guiding and supporting the newly emerging talents. After ten years of teaching, he has students all over the world, just like peaches and plums grow everywhere. Many of them have contributed greatly for the development of Chinese drawing and artistic design. Teacher’s instructions and personal deeds have influenced the whole of our generation.


  me can be traced back to thirty years ago: when I was still a youngling innocent of life and world, I cherished wonderful dreams without any idea of which direction I should choose. I was burning with an artistic dream in my heart while know nothing about the essence of art, no mention of deploring the meaning of life thought it. That year was the turning point in my life. Cherishing my zestful dreams, I took part in the tutorship class for the national university entrance examination in Nanjing Art Institute. In the spring after a tough winter, I, for the first time, met my Teacher, Mr. Cao. The commonest process at that moment has printed an unforgettable memory in my future artistic life.


  At that time, Teacher Cao was high-spirited and vigorous, as a famous artist, he talked cheerfully and humorously outpouring unconsciously his special artistic pizzazz and generosity. Teacher instructed me in chromatics, in profundity of the classical art, and in secretiveness of the modern art. The colourful world slowly expanded in teacher’s lectures, the haze of life silently disappeared. And I made up my mind that art would be the pursuit and the dream in my whole life.


  Teacher is very strict in his teaching, as a well known artist, he demonstrates at each class and initiates all his understanding of the art and the colour to us without any selfish reservation, which on one hand direct us step forward in the correct direction, at the other hand, enforce our confidence of devotion into the art career. Teacher always say: “Art can not afford for any giving up halfway, and the most valuable thing is insistence.” Thirty years later, I recollect his words again and realize that it is just the sincere portrait of himself, of his talent, of his persistence, of his enthusiasm-filled brush-pencil, which has inscribed teacher’s rich and colourful life in half a century.

  90 年代的扬州,一座烟花三月的城市。我进入江苏省纺织系统设计人员提高班,再一次遇见先生,有幸得到先生指导我素描与色彩的创作。记得那是一间不大的画室,经典的古希腊雕像在温暖的阳光中绽放着永恒的微笑,仿佛拥有了生命。我在先生的指导下进行了大量花卉素描与色彩的摹画与创作,这是一次与在南京艺术学院完全不同的经历,当时的我已经有了一定艺术创作的经历,对于艺术的理解也具备了一定的深度,这时的先生以对待艺术家而不是对待学生的态度指导我的创作,时常以近乎朋友般的语调进行他的教学。而实际上对于先生的艺术高度,不仅是当时的我们,即便在今天依旧是高山仰止的,先生的谦逊与大气,对于后辈的提携即使在今天依旧令我的心中感到温暖。在我此后从事艺术教育10多年以来,每每面对我的学生们时便能更深一层的唤醒先生当时的形象,理解到这其实是一种多么优雅的人格与风范,大气凛然亦不过如此。在扬州的那段时间,与先生朝夕相处,共同绘画、相互探讨、令我对于生活,对于创作比之以往都有了长足的进步,同时也深刻理解到先生说的:“在艺术道路上每个人都永远是学生”的道理。正是先生的教诲使我萌生了投考南京艺术学院美术系的想法,要像先生那样终身从事艺术。先生这时告诫我,艺术很多时候是很孤独的事业,要不断超越自身的局限,其实并不是如表面那般风光的。先生的告诫10多年一直在我的脑中萦绕,我时常用这句话告诫自己,也这样告诫我的学生。

  Yangzhou city in 90’s was a city of spring and flower. I entered the advanced designer class of Jiangsu textile color system and met my teacher again; fortunately, he guided my charcoal drawing and chromatics. I still remember it is not a big studio, where the classical ancient Greece statuary smiles a forever smile in the warm sunshine just like it has gained a life. Under teacher’s guidance I have created a great amount of flower charcoal drawings and chromatic describes. And this is a completely different experience with that in Nanjing Art Institute. I had some art creating experiences at that time and had gained certain understanding of art, so this time Mr. Cao showed a totally different attitude to me, treating me as an artist not as a student, and he often gave his lectures as an old friend. In fact, Teacher’s artistic level, not only at that time but also at present, is above us all and should be respected with the worship of all. And Teacher’s humbleness and generosity and guidance of the new persons warm my heart till now. From then on, during my ten years’ career of art education, whenever I face with students, the image of my teacher will visualize in my minds. And that makes me understand again and again it is a kind of elegant personality and character, even greatness is nothing but a parallel of it. In that time, I stayed with him day and night, painting together and discussing with each other, which make me have a great progress in life and in creation, and simultaneously come to understand the deeply meaning of Teacher’s words: “ On the road of art, everyone is a student forever ”. It is Teacher’s instruction that makes me decide to sign up in the entrance examination for the Painting Department of Nanjing Art Institute, and decide to devote my whole lift to art. Teacher reminded me that art was a kind of lonely career, most of time we had to continuously surpass our own limit, and it was not as splendid as it looked. Teacher’s word has escorted me for more than ten years, which still appears in my minds now. And I usually use it to remind my students and myself.


  The time passed in Nanjing Art Institute is short and enjoyable. Artistic enthusiasm surged in Nanjing Art Institute in 90’s, where I could continuously perceive my progresses towards my dream, and all these progresses were due to my teacher. After graduated from Nanjing Art Institute, I entered Nanjing Forestry University and started my teaching career, and from then on I actually began my art career. At that moment, China was at an overall open stage, all kinds of artistic trends of thought burst into this long-time closed country. With the process of construction, environment design became a new task of study. And Teacher’s exploring step has developed from the pure art itself to a wider scope of design art. This is not only a representation of teacher’s rich artistic life but also an exhibition of his artistic acuity. He has stand at the forefront of time, edited some related books and literatures of specialized modern environment design, gained a fairly high position in the environment design field. Under Teacher’s influence, an idea of establishing a department of environment design in Nanjing Forestry University hit in my mind, which was highly approved by him, and his approving in return is a great encouragement for me, and it is extremely important for a beginner.


  The year of 1995, both for Nanjing Forestry University and for me, has a special meaning. It is in this summer that the department of environment design of Nanjing Forestry University was established in due form. And as one of the essential founders, he has been run around for the establishment of the environment design major. He has been pursued his studies with preciseness. Now, he set down detailed developable teaching content and layout in accordance with a professional viewpoint, and taught the student personally, instructing them the advanced design concept. What Teacher has done has surpassed his identity as an artist; it is the style of an artistic educator. What he had done still moves us deeply at nowadays. The year 2005 is the ten years anniversary of the department of environment design. During these ten years, the department of environment design has processed from none to have, from established namelessly to its well known today with its students spreading all over the world. Taking Teacher’s strict spirit as the standard in its study pursuit, through a unremitting effort, the department of environment design has realized a span style development,and achieved a considerable resplendence in the domestic environment design field and the international cooperation field. Teacher has predicted as the department of environment design was firstly established that we must choose the international cooperation path in the future for a greater developing space, otherwise, our road would become narrower and narrower. During the following ten years, the environment design department of Nanjing Forestry University has adopted the educational globalization concept and measurement, taken its own road of education internationalizing, and started international intercommunication and cooperation with many universities all over the world. The ten years splendor of the environment design department of Nanjing Forestry University is also the success of Teacher’s effort of these ten years.


  Thirty years passes so quickly just like a white horse dashes through the narrow light column slid from the doorway. It is my great fortunate and good luck to meet and get known Teacher. The Chinese characters in this article just record some periods skimming over the surface of time, which is weak and lack of strength while compared with the endless time. What is deeply stored in my heart is the strong emotion. Teacher’s achievements locates not only in a colourful art world, but also in a spirit world surpassing the shape, and light and shadow, and even in a spirit height deposited in untrammeled passion and calm ponder.



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