
女人,女性艺术, 艺术女人一一写艺术家徐洁







  我关注女人, 我又写女人,从北京写到深圳,刚完《何香凝》一文,又写深圳的徐洁












  徐洁由书法转为书象,完成了由书法家到艺术家的全过程,由武术转为写字,由写字转为书法,徐洁一路走来, 亦文亦武,在深圳这座移民城市中,又能找出几个来,再度延伸现在的中国又能找出几个来?







  Woman, Female Art, Artistic Woman

  A comment on artist Xu jie

  Zhen Ping

  I published an article Art Lets Women “Go Away” on the Artron.net website several years ago, for this quite a number of female painters threw eggs at me.

  On the topic of female art, researchers mostly are female, women’s research on women is a matter of viewpoint or angle, and the world is thus magnified; when it comes to the elegance and charm of ink wash painting, the other half of the world belongs to woman.

  A Good Woman, Is An Artwork, Gentle, Virtuous, Dignified Women, For the Elegance and Charm of Ink Wash Painting, the Other Half of the World Belongs to Women, Woman, Is a Book from Heaven Impossible to Understand, It’s Not Easy for Women to Be beside Painters, and Further Talk about Gentle, Virtuous, Dignified Women, woman is a permanent topic for men. As far as female art is concerned, the times have changed, and the world has also; the number of female painters has got bigger, and most of those coming into sight engage merely in the traditional Chinese realistic painting, this is undeniably only at the initial stage of art. I couldn’t help laugh in my mind whenever I see Mr. He Jiaying leading a group of disciples, while I just couldn’t laugh whenever I see Mr. Wei Ligang leading a group of disciples, respecting emotion and painting photos are two different states. I have visited the exhibition of works by Pan Yuliang at Anhui Provincial Museum over 20 times, and sometimes I would stay in the exhibition throughout the better part of a day. Speaking of Zhou Sicong, I will feel somewhat breathless spasms at my heart whenever I see her lotus paintings. On the last Tomb Sweeping Day, I visited her at her grave to pay my respect specially. I have still kept a watchful eye on female artists in recent years. Having interestedly followed female art for a long time, I have discovered an non-negligible issue, as regards life choices, women had better not engage in the domain of art, as the business of art as a livelihood is very hard to do with, and as regards the question whether to do with it or not, which should be put into the next century for a better research, we needn’t make a deep examination. Art relates to too many innate factors; as compared with man, woman personally has far greater artistic potential than man. Woman will become sublimed only if they are slightly immersed in art, and will become more graceful if they are deeply immersed in art. Meanwhile I also think that as a woman, one had better act as a common woman, or lift up her skirt and step out her small feet on the beach of the sea of art and take several graceful steps, leaving several small shallow footprints, but had better not walk toward the deep-water zone, and for what follows, I would put down ellipses.

  Woman, female art, artistic woman; once a woman becomes artistic and gets herself distanced from common women, she will hence make herself up, and the temperament of woman can only be changed by art. Woman, female art, and artistic woman; art is mixed with emotion together, if the component of emotion is much bigger, the concrete approach or means will become unimportant. Art, or the spell of art, is a journey of life with no return if one goes on deep, this is somewhat alarming, and many examples can prove that what is paid out will be the price of entire life. As regards art, its biggest shortcoming is the companionship with loneliness, besides, another serious problem will occur: disregarding the environment, living in one’s own world, the ego is becoming paramount, and in most cases resulting in a dissociative identity disorder, like the sun shining in the east and rain falling in the west, and unpredictable changes.

  Several female painters could not have an in-depth understanding of the article Art, Let Women Go Away written by me two years ago, and scolded me quite a lot. Woman, Chinese woman is different from foreign woman or Western woman in quality (or the “essential being”) or in the essential being, and this difference is huge also; there is a division between the white and black races, the quality (or the “essential being”) of humanity has a yin and yang difference, plus the difference of the overall environment of growth, there are numerous differences, the yellow race lives in the Eastern Hemisphere, this is arranged by God. As regards Oriental women, Chinese women, a further research will be the affairs of heaven and earth, and going on further you will discover that man can not have what woman has in her person; woman, Oriental woman has the potential and rich sixth sense, and its sensitivity can never be possessed by man. Woman, once a woman becomes artistic, the world will change. Woman will simply transform man beyond all recognition, a once drinker no longer drinks, and the main function of woman is to transform man. However, an artistic woman will not transform man, but will only transform the world, and this is the characteristic of artistic woman.

  Woman, female art, artistic woman --- I keep a watchful eye on woman, I also write on woman, from Beijing to Shenzhen, I have just completed the essay He Xiangning, and again write about Xu Jie.

  I paid a visit to Xu Jie’s studio in the Art Zone of Liuxiandong the other day, and casually posted several photos of her studio the next day, with a sentence written: “Xu Jie, this name is very pleasant to hear.” I didn’t write what was subsequent, and if I wrote further, it would be the white clouds in the sky.

  About woman, about female art, about artistic woman, and then it is about Xu Jie.

  Art closely relates to the atmosphere of the artist’s family background, which, artistically profound or shallow, strong or faint, constitutes the gorgeous beauty of entire life.

  As known from God, an artist is born to be an artist, and what is inborn is what can’t be changed, Xu Jie of course belongs to those born to be an artist.

  I got acquainted with Xu Jie’s father at first, and later with her.

  I got acquainted with Xu Jie on an anniversary of our big brother Wei Baorong, and have known her for 16 straight years all the way along because of our big brother Wei Baorong.

  On the 5th anniversary of Wei Baorong’s pass-away, Xu Jie sobbed so sadly, still sobbing on the way back.

  Xu Jie, a calligrapher, a calligraphy teacher, and an artist.

  Xu Jie, with wushu skills, can be considered to be an insider in martial arts circles as well, and if not told, people would not know that Xu Jie used to be a member of Zhejiang Jinhua Women’s Wushu Team in her young years.

  A female, to practice wushu, of course has to do with swords, and like a swordswoman occurs with a poet at the same time and they become one person through an integrated conversion, who is versed in both polite letters and martial arts, what is the concept of “being versed in both”? A woman playing with art are incomparably superior to common women.

  Xu Jie has completed the whole process from a calligrapher to an artist by shifting from calligraphy to calligraphic imagery. From wushu to writing of characters, further from writing of characters to calligraphy, she has progressed all along, with skills in both art and wushu, how few are such talents in Shenzhen – this city of immigrants – and more widely in China at present?

  In Shenzhen, I introduced her to Chen Chuanxi, saying that she is a talented woman of Shenzhen. Talented woman, is so pedantic as to be somewhat unpleasant to hear, it is already the 21st century, and women are beginning to play with art; starting from since the last century and going on into this century, Xu Jie has successfully completed leaps in her artistic life, from calligraphy to calligraphic imagery, from form to picture, from picture to image, and has solidly become an artist, to sum up by contemporary art, this is a process of playing the Chinese calligraphic art into the calligraphic imagery art; points, lines, planes, black and white, as captured in instants are all deployed by emotion, which shows the spiritual luster of metaphysics.

  It’s really outrageous to pretentiously write academic articles and to pretend learnedness, this is just like Western medicine arrogantly wanted to control Chinese medicine and a Chinese talked about foreigners’ affairs with the Chinese and was forgetful of racial differences. Here in Shenzhen, to the existing 56 ethnic groups are again added innumerable nationalities, though the nationalities are different, the facial expressions of joy and sorrow on their faces are rather alike. Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhengqing, Liu Gongquan, Huai Su, Wang Duo, and Fu Shan, down straight to Wu Changshuo, Kang Youwei, Yu Youren, and Lin Sanzhi, then further down, the times have changed, and emotion is put in the first place due to the compression of the times. It is no longer those dots and left-falling or right-falling strokes. It is already the computer, the Internet, WeChat, data, and from calligraphy to imagery. The great role of Xu Jie is that she has overturned the calligraphic world of Shenzhen, and this has made many people unable to make out the situation for a time. The famous calligrapher Xie Yun wrote an inscription for her: “The Phoenix Singing Resonantly in Valley”. In the year before last, a Calligraphic Imagery Exhibition held quite solemnly by her in her hometown - Jinhua City of Zhejiang - when she returned there, produced a subversive effect on the calligraphic world of Zhejiang, making quite a number of people anger and fall ill: “How could calligraphy be performed in such a manner?” There is a solid shield for protection there, which no sword and spear can pierce, it is: the calligraphic imagery.

  Xu Jie will be holding an exhibition of her calligraphic imagery works at the Art Gallery of Shenzhen University in September, I am thinking that her exhibition will be unprecedented in Shenzhen, and a lot of people will go there, with all their family members, because she has a huge amount of charisma, a large team, and a large number of people will form a great force, from the temperature to the heat, and further to the aura or popularity. Writing about this, I can’t help thinking of the great scholar Confucius, Xu Jie has promoted Chinese calligraphy in Shenzhen, and like Confucius, she has numerous disciples, and most of them are female.

  “I devote myself entirely to Amitabha”, Buddhism, Confucianism, teaching calligraphy, Chinese people at present, do not all receive universal salvation, Xu Jie has merits beyond measure, a woman, once becoming artistic, will have a superior temperament; throughout the year - spring, summer, autumn, and winter - she, innocently and naturally, converge the hearts of hundreds of young and beautiful females here, starting from Chinese characters, and from calligraphy, entering into the calligraphic imagery, pouring emotion grossly into the writing brush in the hand and the paper on the desk; with emotion, one will never exceed bounds no matter how one writes, and all writing whatsoever is right. The greatness of Xu Jie has endowed with the meaning of life and the self-esteem of personality, with a bit more of temperament, a bit more of nobility, a bit more of self-confidence, and still a bit more of beauty.

  The absolute uprightness with impartiality and the calligraphy with imagery, let’s see The Phoenix Singing in Valley -- Exhibition of Xu Jie Calligraphic Imagery Works at the Art Museum of Shenzhen University on September 12.



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