变化,分裂,组合,再生使世界充满生机。从个体而言无论你喜欢与否,世界的丰富性和包容性常使预感变为现实。自身由于矛盾而产生的平衡如此难以打破,以至于创新成为永远的主题,思想的结构有时就像石头一样难以改变。有时又像鸡蛋一样容易破损。→ →我喜欢在作品中表达双重的信息。一个平衡表面的内部,是由两个相反对抗的力组成的,这就是动和静的关系。中国古人把世界万物比喻为阴阳所生,动中有静,静中有动。你中有我,我中有你。→ →艺术就是人的世界观。→ →时间和空间让我们能看到变化和矛盾。自然中因为矛盾而看上去十分合谐。人的内心因为矛盾而扭曲疲惫。不习惯的感觉在变化和矛盾中会产生一种方向感。→ →绘画是沉思,自身凝视而产生的力量。
Art is the Premonition of Thoughts /Li Tianyuan/ → →World is invigorated by changes, disintegration, inte-gration and revival. From the perspective of individual subject, no matter you like it or not, the variety and capacity of the world often turns predictions into reality. → →In order not to make oneself numb, we always hope to find a new language in the art world to satisfy our expectations for expression and appreciation. Since it is very difficult to break balance resulted from contradictions , creation becomes a permanent topic. Sometimes it is very difficult to change the structure of thoughts just as changing hard stones.But sometimes it is too fragile like an egg. → →I Iike to express double messages in my works. One inner side of a balanced surface is composed of two opposite forces, which is the relationship between mobility and stillness.Chinese people in the ancient times have compared creatures in the world as Yin and Yang mutually exerting effect, Silence and mobility are mutually supportive. Existence and death have been kept on and on till eternity. This is a very plain and romantic interpretation.The talent and beauty of creatures have been hidden inside rebirth and recycling. → →Disintegration is creation . The birth of life is the duration for cells to disintegrate. Disintegration can release energy, like women giving birth to children ,atomic explosion.Man and woman choose to marry for being attractive to each other. Being pregnant results in new birth . People go from life to death. The three episodes of human life can release a lot of energy and create beauty, This is the change of transformation between Yin and Yang ,which is termed as Red and White Fortunes. → →Sometimes there is a sense of destruction and danger in the works . It is very difficult to melt oil with water. However ,Tibetans make it by merging oil with red tea .Such cuisine is hard for many people to enjoy. → →Art is one person′s perspective to the world. → →Time and space make us to see changes and contradictions. Nature often loods very harmonious with contradictions. The heart of humankind gets tired due to being distorted by contradictions. The hard-to-orient feeling creates a sense of orientation in the course of changes and contradictions. I stand in the droves of people and unpeopled world silently. → →Painting is one meditation which produces power because of introspection.